BTW News Briefs

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Booksellers Win Battle Against Grand Rapids Ordinance

Michigan’s reported on Tuesday that used-book sellers, antique dealers, and consignment shops in Grand Rapids will not have to comply with a new ordinance aimed at tracking stolen items via the Internet. City commissioners approved the ordinance “after watering down the original version, which required shop owners to post their inventory with an Internet-based company that collects information for use by local police departments,” said

Schuler Books was among area booksellers who were against the bill because of the threat to reader privacy as well as excessive fees that would create a financial burden with little crime-solving value.

The bill as passed will apply mainly to pawn shops and second-hand stores in the city.

The American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression (ABFFE) is interested in hearing about the introduction of any new pawnbrokers laws that affect bookstores and could raise reader privacy issues. “We have sent letters opposing several proposed ordinances in recent years,” said ABFFE President Chris Finan. Booksellers are encouraged to contact  Finan at [email protected].

’Tis the Time for Year-End Best Books Lists

Available online now are this weekend’s New York Times Book Review list of  “100 Notable Books of 2010” as well as its  December 12 list of top ten 2010 picks.

NPR book critics are posting their picks for Best Books of 2010 throughout the season; categories include cookbooks, best teen reads, and gift books.

USA Today featured Christmas Books for Children in a Holiday Gift Guide, published today.

On Monday, offered its picks for 10 Great Books That Didn’t Make the Times’ Best of 2010 List, including National Book Awards winner Just Kids by Patti Smith.