Breaking Dawn Celebrations in Photos

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Last weekend's release of Breaking Dawn, the final installment in Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series, was celebrated by independent booksellers across the country with midnight parties featuring everything from mock weddings to trivia and look-alike contests and community blood drives.

Here in photos is a look at some of the fun that young (and not so young) customers and staff had at Friday evening events.

Third Place Books in Lake Forest Park, Washington
Partygoers at Third Place Books enjoyed music, trivia games, and refreshments leading up to the midnight release of Breaking Dawn.

Fans in prom finery can't wait to read, and then maybe eat and sleep!

Others claimed the head of the line to be the first to start reading.
Just past midnight, fans including Third Place's Edward look-alike winner (right photo, second from right) posed before rushing home to read.

The King's English Bookstore in Salt Lake City, Utah
Events at The King's English, including a trivia contest and The Scene Station, which featured readings from other books in the series, drew the attention of Salt Lake's Channel 2 News.

Fans in homemade T-shirts.

The Scene Station.

Jenn Northington, King's English events & marketing manager, and fans talk with Channel 2 News.

Winners of the Trivia Bowl Competition show off their prizes (ABA gift cards).

Changing Hands Bookstore in Tempe, Arizona
A three-hour celebration at Changing Hands featured pop quizzes and a scavenger hunt, a fashion show and costume contest, performances by two local rock bands, and an on-site blood drive. Fans also lined up to make theme T-shirts and to get sequined "love bites."
Photo credit: Deanna Dent

Fans decorate T-shirts to show their loyalty for werewolf Jacob or vampire Edward.

Getting a sequined "love bite."

The happy winners of the costume contest.

Princess Ladyfriend performs.

Newtown Bookshop in Newtown, Pennsylvania
Partygoers at Newtown Bookshop were temporarily transformed into vampires until the break of dawn to protect them from the unexpected guests from Italy.

Staff as Italian vampires on left, Alice in white sweater, Esme and Carlisle on right, Bella and Edward seated.

Edward and Alice.

Edward protecting Maria
from Aro.

Sticker-happy fans.

Rainy Day Books in Fairway, Kansas
An ecstatic crowd of between 550 - 600 people began gathering in Rainy Day Books' parking lot at 4:00 p.m. on Friday. During the celebration, which lasted until about 1:00 a.m., the bookstore held drawings for prizes, including dinners, hotel reservations, T-shirts, and more.

Rainy Day's Vivien Jennings addresses the crowd of hundreds outside the store.

The Twilight Moms arrived
by stretch limousine.

The Vampire Girls.

Getting the book ...
and screaming for joy!

Books & Books in Coral Gables
At Books & Books, eager customers met with Bella's wedding planner; took part in a Twilight Series Love Connection; dipped into a red chocolate fountain, courtesy of a new neighborhood chocolate and gelato shop; had a wedding picture taken with Edward or Jacob; and more.

At Emmett's Test of Muscle and Might, Twilighters entered and competed against their friends in an arm-wrestling contest to see who was strong enough to win Emmett's heart.

The poster for Books & Books' Twilight celebration created by one of the teens who helped plan the party.
Twilighters could plan Bella's special day -- design and select her dress, choose her invitations, flowers, and the flavor of her wedding cake -- at Weddings a la Alice. (Books & Books partnered with a local merchants to supply samples for the wedding planning activity.)

The Bookstore Plus in Lake Placid, New York
The celebration at The Bookstore Plus was "a ton of fun," said store co-owner Sarah Galvin. About 80 fans played trivia games from 11:30 p.m. to midnight on the street in front of the store, where all correct answers were rewarded with Breaking Dawn stickers.

Staff member Keela Dates conducts the trivia contest.

Staff member Lizzie Gronlund and store owners Marc Galvin and Sarah Galvin.

The doors open and fans filed in.

Bookstore Plus fans in homemade T-shirts.

Red Fox Books in Glen Falls, New York
At Red Fox Books, customers enjoyed a wedding reception, had their fortunes told, and participated in a trivia contest as part of the night's festivities. Red Fox partnered with locally owned Cooper's Cave Ale Company to provide patrons with Dracula's Blood (a strawberry-flavored soda).

   Supporters of Edward and Carlisle.

Two Bellas in their wedding finery.

The tea-leaf reader.


Cooper Cave's special brew, Dracula's Blood.

BookTowne in Manasquan, New Jersey
BookTowne's partygoers designed a wedding gown for Bella, took part in a trivia contest, feasted on treats, and enjoyed waiting along with store staff.

BookTowne decorated for the night with black balloons.

Enjoying treats while waiting for midnight to arrive.

Designing a wedding gown
for Bella.

Customers and staff enjoying the party.

University of Oregon Bookstore and Duck Stores
in Eugene, Oregon
Fans at the University of Oregon Bookstore and Duck Stores were welcomed by appropriately dressed staff (red and black, of course) and had their photos taken in front of a prom backdrop.

Breaking Dawn dramatically secured in a coffin.

Eagerly awaiting midnight.

A balloon arch provided the backdrop for prom shots.

Bookstore staff after midnight -- "we made it!"

Bestsellers Books & Coffee in Mason, Michigan
Guests at a wedding reception for Edward and Bella enjoyed cake, music, a trivia contest, and lots of coffee.

Bestsellers owner Jamie Robinson (left) and bookseller Annie Lambrecht in their mother-of-the-bride dresses get ready to cut the wedding cake.

Working on Twilight trivia questions while waiting for midnight.
Appropriately fierce-looking booksellers Allison and Taylor get a taste of wedding cake.

Book Stop in Hood River, Oregon
Book Stop's Breaking Dawn Prom and Sleepover featured music from Stephenie Meyer's playlist, trivia contests, three-legged races, arm wrestling, food, and more, all capped by a "Read Until the Break of Dawn" slumber party.

A 23-year-old goes up against a 10-year-old in Emmett's Arm Wrestling.

Racing for two "I partied till the Break of Dawn" totes!

Entertainment By Axident.

Bloody cake and punch!