Bookseller-to-Bookseller: ABFFE Board Urges ABA Members to Join

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The bookseller members of the Board of Directors of the American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression (ABFFE) are encouraging their fellow booksellers to take a minute during the holiday selling season to join ABFFE, the bookseller's voice in the fight against censorship.

In a letter sent to members of the American Booksellers Association today, the ABFFE board members noted that a majority of booksellers renew their ABA dues in December and urged them to use the space provided on the ABA renewal form to join ABFFE. "Booksellers have been calling ABFFE for help for almost 20 years. Your support will ensure that there is always someone there to answer," the letter says. The signers are Becky Anderson of Anderson's Bookshops in Naperville, Illinois; Betsy Burton of The King's English Bookshop in Salt Lake City, Utah; Cecile Fehsenfeld of Schuler Books and Music in Grand Rapids, Michigan; Mitchell Kaplan of Books & Books in Coral Gables, Florida; Matt Miller of Tattered Cover Book Store in Denver, Colorado; Will Peters of Annie Bloom's Books in Portland, Oregon; and Mary Gay Shipley of That Bookstore in Blytheville in Blytheville, Arkansas.

General membership in ABFFE is $50. Premier members, who contribute $75, and VIP members, who give $100, receive premiums. Details are available here. Booksellers can also join ABFFE by calling (212) 587-4025, ext. 15, or sending a check to ABFFE, 275 Seventh Avenue, Room 1504, New York, NY 10001.