Book Sense Says Be My Valentine

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Book Sense sends many thanks to all the independent booksellers who sent in nominations for the upcoming Book Sense 2004 Valentine's Day Top Ten. This follow-up to the successful Halloween Top Ten is being produced in conjunction with the Association of American Publishers (AAP), and it’s the first in a series of seasonal Top Tens that Book Sense and AAP will be creating next year. The Valentine’s Day Top Ten will feature a range of front and backlist titles and should offer a number of great in-store promotional opportunities for booksellers.

In addition, Book Sense has begun work on the next Reading Group Suggestions Book Sense 76. The procedure for compiling the list will be the same used for the first Reading Group list: Just send 10 to 15 of your favorite reading group favorites, especially those that might have been published in the past year. No need to rank them, or to send in a quote -- just e-mail the titles to Cullen at [email protected]. We'll take care of the rest. The deadline is December 15.

All nominations can be sent to Cullen at [email protected] or to the convenient Web nomination form at

Many thanks!