Announcing the Summer 2005 Kids' Book Sense Picks

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The Summer 2005 Children's Book Sense Picks can now be previewed at Stores with Book Sense will begin receiving the Children's Picks fliers, which are mailed directly from the printer, during the week of April 24. Additional copies may be requested by sending an e-mail to [email protected].

This list is the result of the extensive participation of independent booksellers nationwide, and Book Sense extends many thanks to all who sent in nominations.

Booksellers are encouraged to take photos of their displays featuring selections from this Picks list and to share them with Book Sense staff. They are a wonderful addition to the presentations Book Sense makes to publishers about the program. Photos may be in print or digital format. Digital photos, approximately 3" x 5" and 300 dpi, saved as JPEG or TIFF files, can be e-mailed to Christine Babcock at [email protected]. Multiple pictures may be sent as a stuffed file (.sit). PDF or ZIP files should not be sent, but photos saved on a ZIP disk are acceptable.

Looking ahead, the deadline for the Summer Paperback Book Sense List is Friday, April 22. To help make this list as valuable as it can be, Book Sense needs booksellers' passionate recommendations for upcoming titles in paper. (The nominated titles can be Book Sense Picks in hardcover that are now coming out in paper or titles that have not yet been selected.)

Nominations may be sent in an e-mail, including just a few sentences about the title, to Book Sense Picks Editor-in-Chief Dan Cullen at [email protected] or through a convenient Web form at
