ABFFE's Finan Elected Chair of Media Coalition

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Chris Finan, president of the American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression, has been elected to serve as the 2009 chair of Media Coalition, the trade association dedicated to defending the First Amendment rights of publishers, booksellers, librarians, and recording, motion picture, and video game producers, and recording, video, and video game retailers in the U.S.

Finan said in a statement that he was honored to serve as the new chair of Media Coalition, which "plays a critical role in protecting what the American people can see, read, and hear."

The outgoing chair of Media Coalition, Sean Bersell, vice president, public affairs for the Entertainment Merchants Association, said, "I am extremely pleased that Chris Finan, who is incredibly knowledgeable about free speech issues and well respected, is assuming the chair of Media Coalition. The leadership and credibility he brings to our efforts will enhance our ability to counter government censorship of publications and entertainment."

Among its accomplishments during the past year, Media Coalition successfully challenged an Indiana law that would have regulated as an "adult business" any business that offered even a single "sexually explicit" work; successfully organized opposition to a proposed Arizona law that would make retailers liable for the acts of criminals allegedly caused by books or entertainment sold by the retailer; prosecuted lawsuits against state laws that attempt to limit material on the Internet to only what is appropriate for minors; and supported video game publishers and retailers in their lawsuits to overturn state video game restriction laws.