ABFFE to Benefit From Sale of 3D Bookmarks

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The American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression announced this week that emotionGallery, a French company with a new line of innovative bookmarks using lenticular images to create animated and 3D effects, will contribute $1 to ABFFE for every 10 bookmarks distributed by independent bookstores.

"We are very excited to have the support of emotionGallery," said ABFFE President Chris Finan. "We think booksellers will be as delighted with the bookmarks as they are with the glasses sold by our other partner, 2020 Vision USA. These are great products that raise money for an important cause." The sale of glasses has raised $12,000 for ABFFE over the last year.

Books & Books owner Mitchell Kaplan, an ABFFE board member, suggested emotionGallery might be another good partner for the organization. Kaplan has been selling the bookmarks in all four of his stores and, he said, "They are selling very, very well."

emotionGallery's bookmarks feature vivid, full-motion images of waddling penguins, galloping horses, and prowling lions.

Booksellers can try out the emotionGallery bookmarks at no cost. The company will give new customers 144 bookmarks and a compact display featuring a revolving cylinder that reveals the bookmarks in full motion. Booksellers will only pay for future orders. The bookmarks wholesale at $1.75 each and retail for $3.99.

emotionGallery has assembled a U.S. organization to handle customer service. In addition, booksellers will be able to order directly from a soon-to-launch website, www.emotionGallery.com. Inquires can be sent to [email protected].

Representatives of both emotionGallery and 2020 USA Vision will display their products and answer questions in the ABA Booksellers Lounge, Room 1E07/08, in the Jacob Javits Convention Center, at BookExpo America.