ABA's 'Increasing Margin' a Success at NCIBA

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On Wednesday, May 18, the Northern California Independent Booksellers Association (NCIBA) hosted a large group of booksellers for a preview of one of the courses in ABA's new education program developed for BookExpo America (BEA) 2005. The meeting was held at the NCIBA offices in The Presidio in San Francisco.

"Increasing Margin: An Advanced Course in Growing Your Bottom Line" was presented by ABA CEO Avin Mark Domnitz to an enthusiastic audience of over 40 regional booksellers. According to NCIBA Executive Director Hut Landon, this advanced course contained new information and was extremely well received. "It was an SRO crowd," Landon told BTW. "Several bookstores sent multiple personnel, including managers. Both the comments from participants and the written evaluations were very positive; people found the information useful."

Input from booksellers at the NCIBA session and from other presentations at ABA's regional Booksellers Forums have helped the association fine-tune the course, which will be presented by Domnitz at BEA in a special extended session on Thursday, June 2, from 9:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. More information about ABA's Day of Education at BEA can be found at www.bookweb.org/aba/convention/.