ABA Steps Up Membership Marketing

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The American Booksellers Association recently launched a new membership marketing campaign with the goals of reaching as many potential new members as possible and improving the products and services available to current members.

To help in these efforts, the association has hired a new full-time membership marketing associate, Anita Mozayeni, who will be working with Membership Marketing Director Meg Smith, on bookstore outreach to ensure consistent evaluation of products and better delivery of services.

Externally, ABA has begun cross-marketing efforts with other industry organizations -- including the regional booksellers associations, trade wholesalers, and the National Association of College Stores -- in an effort to expand the association's potential members lists.

Other initiatives include an electronic newsletter introducing new members to various facets of ABA programs and a special outreach effort to college stores.

Questions about membership marketing should be addressed to Smith at [email protected] or (800) 637-0037 ext. 1239 or Mozayeni at [email protected] or (800) 637-0037, ext. 1242.