ABA Invites Booksellers to Forum in Oregon

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The American Booksellers Association is inviting bookstore owners and staff in the Pacific Northwest to a Booksellers Forum on Saturday, February 25, at the McMenamins Kennedy School, in Portland, Oregon. The event, which features an education component, is being held in conjunction with the Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association (PNBA). All members of PNBA and ABA are welcome to participate in the free program.

The ABA forum format encourages discussion of regional and national issues affecting independent booksellers. ABA's COO Oren Teicher and ABA Vice President Russ Lawrence of Chapter One Book Store in Hamilton, Montana, will provide an update on the association's many programs and initiatives. Over the years, these forums have provided ABA with very constructive member input and have been indispensable in shaping future programs and initiatives of the association.

This year, ABA is also offering an education session detailing what it takes to create community "Buy Local" campaigns. "Creating a Buy Local Campaign," which was well received by booksellers attending ABA's recent Winter Institute, runs from 10:30 a.m. to noon. Not only do locally owned businesses have far greater beneficial impact on their communities than do national chains, there is growing evidence that by working with other independently owned businesses in a community, bookstores can become more profitable. Booksellers will learn how they can play a role in the creation of independent business alliances and in convincing more and more consumers to shop locally.

From 12:15 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. will be the ABA Bookseller Forum, which includes a complimentary lunch. The forum is the venue to ask questions, express opinions, and share concerns with your bookseller colleagues. Teicher and Lawrence will answer questions and discuss many issues of concern to independent booksellers.

To adequately plan for handouts, lunches, and room assignments, ABA asks booksellers to contact Margaret Petrie at [email protected] or (800) 637-0037, ext. 6614, if they plan to attend. Booksellers are encouraged to contact ABA staff prior to the show with questions, suggestions, or comments. General questions and requests for information about the ABA/PNBA Bookseller Forum should be directed to Petrie.

Questions and requests for information about PNBA may be directed to PNBA Executive Director Thom Chambliss at (541) 683-4363, [email protected], or visit www.pnba.org.