ABA Heads to NCIBA and Heartland Shows First Week of October

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Two regional trade shows and the American Booksellers Association’s second IndieCommerce Institute of the season kick off the month of October. On October 3 – 4, members of the Northern California Independent Booksellers Association will gather at the South San Francisco Conference Center, and from the 3rd to the 6th Great Lakes and Midwest independent booksellers association members will come together for the Heartland Fall Forum, their second consecutive combined show, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel and Conference Center – Chicago O’Hare in Rosemont, Illinois.

At both the NCIBA and Heartland shows, ABA staff and the Small Business Majority will present “Health Care Reform and the Bookstore: How It Affects You Now.” This education session will provide detailed and actionable information about the Affordable Care Act specifically tailored to the states in each region.

Passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2010 resulted in an individual mandate that requires everyone to have health insurance or to pay a penalty. ABA’s presentation at the shows will focus on what the law means for small businesses and their employees; how bookstore owners can evaluate their options; and how to take advantage of provisions of the law already in place.

At the NCIBA show, ABA CEO Oren Teicher and a representative from the Small Business Majority will present “Health Care Reform and the Bookstore” from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 3.

ABA Board members John Evans of DIESEL, A Bookstore, and Ken White of Books Inc., both with multiple locations in California, and ABA staff members, including Content Officer Dan Cullen, Member Technology Director Neil Strandberg, and Member Relationship Manager Nathan Halter, will also be at the show. They’ll be joined by Kobo account reps Dave Morris and Natalie Jefferson.

On Wednesday, October 2, prior to the NCIBA show, ABA will host an IndieCommerce Institute at the Best Western Plus Grosvenor Hotel. The registration deadline for the institute, which is aimed at current IndieCommerce users, is next Tuesday, September 24. Program details and a registration form are available here.

For full trade show details, visit the NCIBA website.

At the Heartland Fall Forum, “Health Care Reform and the Bookstore” will be presented on Friday, October 4, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. by ABA’s Teicher and a representative of the Small Business Majority. Also attending the show will be ABA Board member Matthew Norcross of McLean & Eakin Booksellers in Petoskey, Michigan; ABA Senior Program Officer Joy Dallanegra-Sanger; Member Relationship Manager Catherine Cusick; and Kobo Account Rep Cheryl Griffin.

ABA staff will be on the exhibit floor (Booth 412 at NCIBA; Booth 217 at Heartland Fall Forum) to talk to booksellers about member services and upcoming educational events, including Winter Institute 2014. Booksellers are also encouraged to come with their questions and concerns.  ABA members are encouraged to drop off their business cards at the booth for an extra chance to win a scholarship to either the Winter Institute or next April’s Children’s Institute, and non-member booksellers will have the opportunity to sign up for a free trial membership.

For full trade show details, visit the NCIBA  and Heartland Fall Forum websites.