ABA Board Elections: Still Time to Cast Your Vote

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Electronic and print ballots for the 2009 ABA Board of Directors elections must be winging their way to the association's auditors, Marks Paneth & Shron, by Thursday, April 30.

Ballots were sent to all ABA regular bookstore members -- either via e-mail or U.S. Postal Service -- on Friday, March 27. The sender of the e-mail ballot was [email protected], and the subject line was "Time to Vote for ABA's Board of Directors & Officers." All electronic ballots must be submitted by Thursday, April 30.

Bookstore members that did not opt in for the electronic ballot were sent a traditional paper mailing. Print ballots must be returned in the special postage-paid envelope addressed to ABA's auditors Marks Paneth & Shron with a postmark no later than Thursday, April 30, and must be received by Thursday, May 7.
