76 Picks Just Arriving, More Publisher Ad Kudos, a Kids' Sleeper, and Backlist Alert

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By Carl Lennertz

76 Picks just out:
Due to the heavy September/October pub release schedules, and our desire to be early rather than late, a number of September/October 76 picks just hit stores in the past few weeks:

  • The Measure of All Things, by Ken Alder (Free Press, $27, 074321675X) -- great front-page review in last Sunday's NYTBR; I took a break from my usual fiction fare and devoured this book this past summer; it's terrific.
  • Cloud of Sparrows, by Takashi Matsuoka (Delacorte, $24.95, 0385336403) -- a Top Ten pick
  • And My Shoes Keep Walking Back to You, by Kathi Kamen Goldmark (Chronicle, $22.95, 0811834956)

This book showed up on last week's PNBA kids' list; it was a Children's 76 Rediscovery pick for readers 10 and up this summer. Check it out:

  • After Hamelin, by Bill Richardson (Firefly, $8.95 paper, 1550376284; published in 2000)

Publisher ad kudos:
Many, many, many thanks to all the publishers who advertise with us in our ad format, and to those who mention Book Sense in their own ads. Please give these books an extra look.

Book Sense mentioned in big NYT daily or Sunday ads:

  • The Future Homemakers of America, by Laurie Graham (Warner, $14, 0446679364)
  • The Sunday Wife, by Cassandra King (Hyperion, $23.95, 0786869054)
  • Ella Minnow Pea, by Mark Dunn (Anchor, $12, 0385722435)

Recent Book Sense/New Yorker ads:

  • Across the Nightingale Floor, Lian Hearn (Riverhead Books, 1573222259)
  • The Tea Rose, J. Donnelly (Thomas Dunn/St. Martin's, 0312288352)

Backlist alert:
Don't miss out on Lee Smith's backlist with Ballantine, what with Last Girls doing so well:

034536208X, Fair and Tender Ladies, mass market, $5.99

0345383990, Fair and Tender Ladies, $10

0345382919, Devil's Dream, $12.95

0345403339, Saving Grace, $12.95

0345410602, Family Linen, $12.95

0345410319, Black Mountain Breakdown, $11

0345410289, Oral History, $12.95

0345410394, Fancy Strut, $12.95

0449002268, News of the Spirit, $12

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