2005 ABACUS Study Data-Gathering Begins

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For ABA members whose New Year's resolution is to increase their bookstore's bottom line, ABA has a suggestion -- take part in the 2005 ABACUS Study. "We believe that the type of information provided in the ABACUS study is what will help booksellers thrive in the current competitive environment and achieve greater profitability," said ABA CEO Avin Mark Domnitz.

And this year, as an added incentive, booksellers who submit completed surveys by June 30 will receive a $50 coupon good towards their next ABA dues renewal.

With 181 ABA member bookstores submitting data to the survey last year, the ABACUS study is establishing a standard against which each store's financial results can be measured, providing participants, as well as the bookselling community as a whole, with invaluable information. "Allowing booksellers to see the trends in the larger data set and to compare their company to others offers more clarity regarding the success of efforts to make their store more profitable," Domnitz noted.

As the study moves into its third year, an ABACUS Workshop will be one of the highlights of ABA's Winter/Spring Booksellers Forums and 2005 Education Program. Booksellers who bring their fiscal 2004 financial statements to the forums will receive help completing the 2005 ABACUS survey form.

Completing the survey takes approximately an hour and in return ABA member booksellers receive:

  • A detailed, customized report tailored to their business;
  • Analyses of how their bookstore measures up to similar independent bookstores;
  • An executive summary of the bookstore's financial health;
  • Key insights into the drivers of independent bookstore profitability;
  • Year-to-year trends data; and
  • Opportunities to participate in ancillary studies.

"For any storeowner who has wondered if their compensation percentage is too high, if they are paying too much rent as a percentage of sales, or how their sales-per-square-foot compares to stores similar to theirs, the 2005 ABACUS Study will provide answers to these questions and much more," Domnitz said.

All information provided to the ABACUS study is kept strictly confidential. To access the easy-to-use ABACUS Web form, click here.

Questions about the ABACUS study should be directed to Domnitz at [email protected].