The 2004 Summer Paperback Book Sense Picks

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The Summer Paperback Book Sense Picks, with booksellers' comments, is now available on To view the entire list, go to The printed list will be sent to stores with Book Sense in the July Red Box mailing.

Throughout the summer, as you complete your in-store displays of Book Sense Picks titles, it would be great if you would send us photos. We can add them to the materials about Book Sense that we share with publishers when we visit them.

Photos may be in print or digital format. Digital photos, approximately 3" x 5" and 300 dpi, saved as JPEG or TIFF files, can be e-mailed to Christine Babcock at [email protected]. Multiple pictures may be sent as a stuffed file (.sit). PDF or ZIP files should not be sent, but photos saved on a ZIP disk are acceptable. Mail should be sent to Christine Babcock, ABA, 828 South Broadway, Tarrytown, New York 10591. All photos should be labeled with store name, city, and state. Photos will not be returned.

Remember to send nominations for upcoming Picks lists via e-mail to Dan Cullen at [email protected], or use the Web form at

