Industry News

15 Jul

Ipsos Finds Consumer Spending on Children's Books Increased in a Stagnant Market

Consumers spent more on children's books in 2003 than for each of the previous seven years, according to Ipsos BookTrends(SM), which announced results of 2003's key findings about the children's book industry in June. The report, based on continuous reporting from a panel of 16,000 households, found that consumer spending on books purchased for children under 14 years old increased nearly 11 percent in 2003 over 2002.

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15 Jul

May Bookstore Sales Disappointing

Sluggish bookstore sales in May, coming in the wake of flat sales in April, were disappointing -- especially when contrasted with the healthy performance of overall retail for the same period. May 2004 bookstore sales of $1,095 million lagged 4.2 percent behind the $1,143 million of May 2003.

By comparison, overall retail sales of $346 billion for May 2004 was 6.8 percent better than the $324 billion for May of 2003.

2003-2004 RETAIL SALES for BOOKSTORES (unadjusted)

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14 Jul Warns of New Fraudulent Order Wrinkle

A number of booksellers with Web sites have recently reported a new twist to the problem of fraudulent orders. In addition to orders for large numbers of Bibles and medical texts, booksellers are now seeing fraudulent orders for popular trade titles, sometimes with expedited shipping, and with domestic billing and shipping addresses.

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14 Jul

Template Letters Regarding Historic Vote on Sanders' Amendment Now Available

To help booksellers respond to last week's historic tie vote in the U.S. House of Representatives on the Freedom to Read Amendment to the Commerce, Justice, State (CJS) Appropriations Bill, ABA has prepared template letters that can be adapted by booksellers to send to their representative based on his or her vote on the measure. The sample letters are posted online and can be accessed by clicking here.

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13 Jul

Rep. Sanders Vows to Continue Fight to Amend Patriot Act

On Monday, July 12, Rep. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) held a press conference at the Fletcher Free Library in Burlington, Vermont, to announce that he would continue his efforts to get Congress to pass an amendment of Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act to protect the privacy of bookstore and library patrons' records. Congressmen Sanders, addressing a crowd of approximately 50 reporters, librarians, and booksellers, said, "I have no doubt that we are going to win this fight, and when we do it, we're going to strike a tremendous blow for the U.S.

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08 Jul

Freedom to Read Amendment Fails on Tie Vote

On Thursday, July 8, the Freedom to Read Amendment to the Commerce, Justice, State (CJS) Appropriations Bill, died in a tie vote -- 210 - 210 -- in the U.S. House of Representatives. The amendment had been introduced by Rep. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and would have barred the Justice Department from using any of the money appropriated under the CJS bill to search bookstore and library records under Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act.

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08 Jul

First National Celebration of Independents Week: 'A Great Start'

From Thursday, July 1, through Wednesday, July 7, independent businesses all over the country celebrated Independents Week, a national promotion to educate the public on the importance of shopping at their local, independent businesses. The event was organized by the American Independent Business Alliance (AMIBA) -- a national outreach networking hub and resource center for independent business alliances (IBAs) and independent businesses.

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08 Jul

Independent Booksellers' Kids' Picks Featured on NPR

On Wednesday, July 7, NPR's Michele Norris interviewed three independent booksellers on the All Things Considered segment "Summer Reading Picks for Kids: Booksellers Make Suggestions for Warm Weather Tales." Norris spoke with Sheilah Egan of A Likely Story Children's Bookstore in Alexandria, Virginia; Johann Hauser-Ulrich of Wild Rumpus Bookstore in Minneapolis; and Judy Burlow of Tattered Cover Book Store in Denver.

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08 Jul

BTW News Briefs

NEA Finds Literary Reading in Dramatic Decline

On Thursday, July 8, the National Endowment for the Arts released the results of a survey that found literary reading among Americans declined 10 percentage points from 1982 to 2002, representing a loss of 20 million potential readers. Fewer than half of American adults are now reading literature, according to the study findings, which were announced by NEA Chairman Dana Gioia during a news conference at the New York Public Library.

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07 Jul

Cross Country Road Trip Encourages Writers

The Great American Writing Road Trip Adventure (RTA), sponsored by Writer's Digest Books, an imprint of F+W Publications, is making its way around the country in the Road Trip Touring Van, with bookstore events in over 30 cities. The Road Trip van is also making unscheduled stops at libraries and college campuses along the tour route, dropping off materials of interest to writers or prospective writers.

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07 Jul

Houghton Mifflin & Book Sense Celebrate 50th Anniversary of a Classic

October 21, 2004, marks the 50th anniversary of the first U.S. publication of The Fellowship of the Ring, the first part of J.R.R. Tolkien's epic The Lord of the Rings, and to celebrate, Houghton Mifflin is developing special-event kits and in-store display materials for Book Sense bookstores.

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07 Jul

Diary of a Presidential Book Signing

Chappaqua, New York, is the home of former President Bill Clinton and Joan Ripley's Second Story Bookshop. It's also approximately 12 miles from ABA's headquarters in Tarrytown. So on a beautiful Saturday in July, when Second Story was putting on the biggest event it had ever hosted, several ABA staffers -- including Len Vlahos, director of; Kristen Gilligan, ABA's manager of communications and events; and Patti Neske, associate project manager -- were among those who volunteered to help out.

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01 Jul

ABA Announces Completion of Sale of Tarrytown Property

ABA President Mitchell Kaplan

A letter from newly elected ABA President Mitchell Kaplan to bookstore members announces the completion of the sale of the association's headquarters property in Tarrytown, New York, to Diamond Properties of Va

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About ABA

American Booksellers Association is a national trade association that supports and advocates for the success of independent bookstores. We provide members with education, networking opportunities, advocacy, resources, and technology. In turn our members support local schools through book fairs, donations and author visits; promote literacy; provide inclusive community centers; connect readers and books; add character to neighborhoods; champion and center diverse and new voices; and contribute to the local economy. We feel honored to support them in their work.


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