Industry News

28 Jul

Freedom to Read Protection Act Co-Sponsors Now at 151

Although Vermont Rep. Bernie Sanders' (I) Freedom to Read Amendment to the Commerce, Justice, State (CJS) Appropriations Bill was recently voted down, support for the Freedom to Read Protection Act (H.R. 1157) continues to grow, with six new sponsors signing on in the wake of the amendment's defeat. Democrats Robert Brady (PA), Chaka Fattah (PA), Gene Green (TX), Frank Pallone, Jr. (NJ), Robert C. Scott (VA), and Gene Taylor (MS) are the newest sponsors of H.R. 1157, which now has a total of 151 co-sponsors, including 15 Republicans.

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27 Jul

Bookstore Survival

Competition against chains is tough and independents need niches to stay afloat.

By TJ Buck

It ain't easy keeping an independent bookstore open.

With the state of the economy and the corporation big boys hovering on the landscape, just surviving is an accomplishment.

Finding a niche, a specialty, is the key for independent bookstores, according to several store owners in Tucson.

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22 Jul

Cook Inlet & Kraft Cook Up a Recipe for Kids

Anchorage, Alaska's Cook Inlet Book Company recently partnered with Kraft Foods to donate $50,000 worth of books to public and private school libraries throughout Anchorage. Schools that participated in the "Shop for Literacy" program by gathering Kraft proof-of-purchase labels won a percentage of the $50,000 book credit redeemable at Cook Inlet.

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22 Jul

Music to Read By

Artemis Records, a New York-based independent record label and home to artists such as Steve Earle and the late Warren Zevon, is expanding its selection of spoken word CDs to include authors Allen Ginsberg and Al Franken, among others. The literary CDs are, of course, a natural fit for independent booksellers, but so is music from Artemis, a Book Sense Publisher Partner.

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22 Jul

BTW News Briefs

Finalists for Great Lakes Book Awards Announced

On July 20, the Great Lakes Booksellers Association (GLBA) announced the finalists for the 2004 Great Lakes Book Awards. The awards will be presented Friday, October 8, at a luncheon during the GLBA Fall Trade Show in Dearborn, Michigan. The winners will be announced in late August.

The finalists in the Fiction category are:

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22 Jul

Mitchell Books Opens in Fort Wayne

Peter Bobeck, retail real estate developer and owner of Mitchell Books, which opened on July 19 at the Covington Plaza mall in Fort Wayne, Indiana, is serious about making his 22,300-square-foot store an experience like no other.

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21 Jul

Chorus of Editorials Chastise Congress for Sanders Amendment Vote

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21 Jul

ABACUS Individual Store Reports on the Way

Booksellers who participated in this year's 2004 ABACUS study are now receiving their full ABACUS report and personalized store comparison. Repeating the study's first year's success, ABACUS 2004 achieved a participation rate of 11 percent, with 181 bookstores submitting financial data to the study. The result is a detailed analysis that provides key insights into the drivers of store profitability.

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21 Jul

Danner's to Be Slimmed Down to Make Way for Subway

After several months of failed negotiations with her landlord to lower her store's rent -- and a near eviction -- Susan Danner, owner of Danner's Books in Muncie, Indiana, announced that the store would be reduced in size from 6,000 to around 4,000 square feet to make way for a Subway restaurant franchise, which is expected to move into the space in the next few months.

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21 Jul

Szczeblowski et al. to Open Store in North Cambridge

After last year's shakeup at the Concord Bookshop in Concord, Massachusetts, which resulted in the store's three longtime managers being relieved of their managerial duties, they and many of the remaining staff resigned in frustration.

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19 Jul

Penguin to Use 'Party Plan' Method to Sell Direct to Consumers

In late June, Penguin Group (USA) announced the launch of a new direct sales division to be aimed primarily at the children's market, with a particular emphasis on preschool and young readers, called "Family Books at Home." Family Books will sell books via a network of "independent consultants," who will utilize a "party plan" method of selling books at gatherings in private homes. Penguin hired former president and general manager Len Edwards as the new division's president of direct selling.

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15 Jul

A Report on the Summer ABA Board of Directors Meeting

The American Booksellers Association's Board of Directors and senior staff met from Thursday, July 8, through Sunday, July 11. The first day of meetings was held in New York City and was preceded by an orientation for the new members of the Board, Linda Ramsdell of Galaxy Bookshop in Hardwick, Vermont, and Cathy Langer of Tattered Cover Book Store in Denver, on Wednesday, July 7, also in New York City. The remaining meetings were held at ABA's headquarters in Tarrytown, New York.

During the July meeting, the Board:

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15 Jul

NEA's Reading at Risk Elicits Strong, Varied Responses

The results of a major survey on the state of reading in America were released last Thursday by the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), and the organization termed its findings a "bleak assessment" and the news "dire." In his preface to Reading at Risk: A Survey of Literary Reading in America, NEA chairman Dana Gioia explained that the report's key findings could be summarized in one sentence: "Literary reading in America is not only declining rapidly among all groups, but the rate of decline has accelerated, especially among the young.&

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15 Jul

BTW News Briefs

Books Inc. Announces Plans for a New Store

Michael Tucker, president and co-owner of Books Inc., has announced plans to open a new store on Park Street in Alameda, California. The new Books Inc., the store's 10th location, will be part of the revitalization of the Park Street business district, which includes over 70 historically significant structures, including the Alameda Theater.

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15 Jul


John Evans and Alison Reid, co-owners of DIESEL, A Bookstore, in Oakland, California, recently opened a second DIESEL, in Malibu, which had been without a bookstore for years. Evans and Reid reported that the Malibu community was thrilled to have the store, which has been "doing gangbusters" since its Memorial Day weekend opening.

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About ABA

American Booksellers Association is a national trade association that supports and advocates for the success of independent bookstores. We provide members with education, networking opportunities, advocacy, resources, and technology. In turn our members support local schools through book fairs, donations and author visits; promote literacy; provide inclusive community centers; connect readers and books; add character to neighborhoods; champion and center diverse and new voices; and contribute to the local economy. We feel honored to support them in their work.


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