Book Sense

06 Mar

2003 Book Sense Book of the Year Award Finalists -- Adult Fiction

This year's finalists for the Book Sense Book of the Year Award in the adult fiction category include two debut novels and stories that take place in settings as diverse as the turbulent Pacific Ocean and a placid, custom-made heaven. Plots weave through backdrops of the Civil Rights Act, acts of world war, and acts of depravity. In addition to their excellence, these five novels share youthful protagonists, all under the age of 20. The enormous range of their experiences make each book uniquely compelling.

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06 Mar

Do You Want to Be in Pictures?

Still Time to Send Photos for May 5 Book Sense Insert in The New Yorker

The May 5 issue of The New Yorker, on sale April 28, will include a special insert highlighting titles selected by independent booksellers for the May/June Book Sense 76. Books that make great gifts for Mother's Day, Father's Day, and graduation will be featured. To complement the story, the magazine is seeking photographs of bookstores with Book Sense. All Book Sense stores are encouraged to send photographs of their stores, especially good exterior shots.

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06 Mar

Watch for These Book Sense Ads in Print!

Two top ten March/April Book Sense 76 picks are recommended to consumers by booksellers with Book Sense in upcoming ads in national magazines.

In the March 31 issue of The New Yorker, on sale March 24, Jeff Azbill of Davis-Kidd Booksellers in Jackson, Tennessee, recommends The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown (Doubleday).

The Final Confession of Mabel Stark by Robert Hough (Atlantic Monthly) is the recommendation of Alissa Haslam of Broadway Books in Portland, Oregon, in an ad in the May issue of The Atlantic Monthly.

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06 Mar

Tulsa Landmark Still Thriving After All These Years

Someday soon, Steve Stephenson will hand over the keys to his 55-year-old store, Steve's Books & Magazines, to his daughter-in-law, Joanie Stephenson. When he does, it will mark an end of sorts, and a new beginning, for a store that has become a Tulsa, Oklahoma, landmark -- a store that opened soon after World War II and is still thriving today.

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27 Feb

2003 Book Sense Book of the Year Finalists Announced

The American Booksellers Association has announced the finalists for the 2003 Book Sense Book of the Year Awards. The finalists in six categories -- Adult Fiction, Adult Nonfiction, Children's Literature, Children's Illustrated, Rediscovery, and Paperback -- are all Book Sense 76 titles nominated by ABA bookseller members as their handselling favorites. The awards will be announced at the Celebration of Bookselling, on Friday, May 30, during this year's BookExpo America, at the Los Angeles Convention Center in California.

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27 Feb

Announcing the Spring 2003 Book Sense 76 Poetry Top Ten

1. WHAT DO WE KNOW, by Mary Oliver (Da Capo, $15 paper, 0306812061; March '03) "Oliver again turns her luminous eye to the natural world, invoking its mysteries, its darkness and beauty. These are poems of wonder and praise for the sea, the seasons, the mockingbird, the clam -- and for the human spirit that watches and listens." -- Diana Sabot, The Galaxy Bookshop, Hardwick, VT

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27 Feb
27 Feb On the Move...

In an effort to keep members up-to-date on the latest news and changes as evolves, BTW is introducing a new monthly feature from Director Len Vlahos, " On the Move…"

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26 Feb

Seller Beware: Lawyer Threatens to Sue Bookseller Over Incorrectly Marked $10 Gift Certificate

In Irvine, California, the purchase of an incorrectly marked $10 gift certificate might end up costing a bookseller a lot of money -- that is, if attorney Michael Geller has his way. He recently informed Irvine Sci-Tech Books in Irvine, California, of his intent to file suit because a $10 gift certificate that he purchased for his wife had an expiration date, which is illegal in California.

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20 Feb

The History Channel Presents Spring 2003 Book Sense 76 Top Ten History Picks

1. THE DEVIL IN THE WHITE CITY: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair That Changed America, by Erik Larson (Crown, $25.95, 0609608444; Feb. '03) "Larsen tells the parallel stories of two men racing to meet their destinies: one creating the 1893 Chicago World's Fair against incredible odds, and one becoming America's first real serial killer. The otherworldly beauty and utopian vision of the fair make a stark contrast to the harsh realities of life just a few blocks away where on dark, dirty streets young women were disappearing by the dozens.

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20 Feb

Call for Bookstore Photos for the Spring 2003 New Yorker Book Sense Insert

Once again, Book Sense is working with The New Yorker to put together a special spring insert featuring titles selected by independent booksellers. The latest New Yorker Book Sense appearance is set for the May 5 issue, and the emphasis will be on books that make great gifts for Mother's Day, Father's Day, and graduation. To complement the story, the magazine is seeking photographs of bookstores with Book Sense. All Book Sense stores are encouraged to send photographs of their stores, especially good exterior shots.

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13 Feb

Full March/April Book Sense 76 Now Online

The March/April Book Sense 76 -- with booksellers' recommendations -- has been posted at The printed flier will be shipped to stores beginning the first week of March.

These titles were selected from thousands of nominations from independent booksellers across the country. To access an online nomination form and deadlines for future 76s, go to

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13 Feb

A Few More Books to Watch and 76 Mentions in Ads

By Carl Lennertz

Three books to watch, thanks to the almost 400 stores who reported last week! Are YOU one of the stores contributing to this wealth of knowledge?

As it turns out, all of these are also on at least one Regional Bestseller List:

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13 Feb

The Book Sense Category Bestseller List: Christianity

Based on the last four weeks of sales from over 350 independent bookstores across America.

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13 Feb

Book Sense Book of the Year Nomination Deadline Today!

Today is the last day to submit nominations for the 2003 Book Sense Book of the Year Awards (BSBY) via fax or online form. Ballots returned via mail had to be postmarked no later than Friday, February 7.

Every current ABA-member bookstore is entitled to nominate five books in each category: Adult Fiction, Adult Nonfiction, Children's Literature, Illustrated Children's, Rediscovery, and Paperback Book of the Year.

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About ABA

The American Booksellers Association, a national not-for-profit trade organization, works with booksellers and industry partners to ensure the success and profitability of independently owned book retailers, and to assist in expanding the community of the book.

Independent bookstores act as community anchors; they serve a unique role in promoting the open exchange of ideas, enriching the cultural life of communities, and creating economically vibrant neighborhoods.


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