About ABA

31 Jul

Mosher to Book Sense: Thanks for All Your Help

In late April, it was announced that Howard Frank Mosher's The True Account: A Novel of the Lewis & Clark & Kinneson Expeditions (Houghton, $24, 0618197214, June) was a Top Ten selection of the May/June Book Sense 76. Jean Matthews, of Chapter One Book Store, Hamilton, Montana, wrote about the novel, "Full of flamboyant characters and outrageous deeds, The True Account honors Cervantes and Twain in spirit and style, minting a fresh folk hero from the vein that produced Paul Bunyan and Pecos Bill."

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17 Jul

Report of the Summer ABA Board Meeting

The ABA Board held its summer meeting at the association's headquarters in Tarrytown, New York, from July 10 - 13.

At its meeting, the ABA Board:

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17 Jul

ABA Offers Resources to Help CBS' Early Readers Club

On Thursday, July 17, ABA wrote the producers of The Early Show regarding its Early Readers Club and offered possible ways that the association and independent booksellers might work together with CBS, which broadcasts the show. The Early Readers Club debuted on June 25 with the goal of promoting children's literacy. Guests on the show have included First Lady Laura Bush and American Library Association President Carla Hayden, executive director of the Enoch Pratt Free Library of Baltimore.

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03 Jul

Book Sense Electronic Gift Card Program Development Continues

ABA is finalizing details of its national electronic gift card program for stores with Book Sense and will begin rolling out details regarding program costs, equipment requirements, and sign-up in the July 10 edition of Bookselling This Week. The association will also soon finalize a selection of generic gift card designs with a generic backer or presenter. Booksellers will be able to add their store logo and information to the front of the card and to the backer for an additional fee.

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01 Jul

ABA Book Buyer's Handbook Print Deadline Approaches

ABA is currently polling bookstore members to find out how many stores are interested in purchasing a new print edition of the ABA Book Buyer's Handbook. In April 2002, the ABA Book Buyer's Handbook online launched at handbook.bookweb.org/, and since that time more than 750 publishers, distributors, and wholesalers have changed or added information to their company data.

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01 Jul

ABA CEO Sends Booksellers Congratulations and a Call to Be Counted

ABA CEO Avin Mark Domnitz

On Monday, June 30, ABA CEO Avin Mark Domnitz sent a congratulatory e-mail to stores with Book Sense for the "extraordinary achievement" of having a record-breaking number -- 441

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30 Jun

ABA Asks First Lady to Promote Diversity in Book Buying

Booksellers had mixed reactions to First Lady Laura Bush's appearance on the CBS Early Show on June 25 to inaugurate an Early Readers Club to promote children's literacy. The endorsement by the First Lady of a regular feature about quality children's books on national television is considered a tremendous boost for children's literature. However, booksellers and others in the field were disappointed to hear that as part of the segment viewers were encouraged to purchase books for the literary organization First Book via Amazon.com only.

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25 Jun

Map Illustrates Scope of ABA 2003 Booksellers Forums Tour

ABA's 2003 Booksellers Forums came to a close with the 12th forum, held in conjunction with the New England Booksellers Association, on May 1 in Storrs, Connecticut. Since the launch of the forum program in January 1998, ABA has hosted over 70 meetings with member booksellers across the country.

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25 Jun

Terms of 14 Members of ABA's Booksellers Advisory Council End

The terms of 14 members of the ABA Booksellers Advisory Council (BAC) recently ended at this year's BookExpo America, May 28 - June 1, and the terms of new volunteer booksellers began. The BAC is designed to provide the ABA Board of Directors with a broad cross-section of views from within the community of independent booksellers. The council is composed of 25 members, each of whom serve an average two-year term.

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19 Jun

ABA Seeks Member Input to Improve Next Year's BEA

On Wednesday, June 18, the American Booksellers Association sent an e-mail to all members who had pre-registered for this year's BookExpo America, members of the ABA Board of Directors and Booksellers Advisory Council, and attendees at ABA's all-day education program on Thursday, May 29, at BEA, to seek their input in an effort to improve ABA programming at future shows.

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17 Jun

New and Not-So-New (But Handy!) Features on BookWeb.org and BTW

Here's a look at a new feature on the Bookselling This Week homepage, as well as a reminder about some BTW and BookWeb.org features that you may not know about.

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12 Jun

BTW's Post-BookExpo America Coverage Continues

This week, Bookselling This Week's post-BookExpo America coverage continues with articles about the Children's Booksellers and Publishers Committee's afternoon of programming for children's booksellers; ABA's presentation of the 2003 ABACUS study results; reports on sessions exploring the economic impact of locally owned businesses and the growing graphic novel market; meetings of the BookSense.com Users Group and the BookSense.com Users Council; and the win

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12 Jun

ABA Unveils 2003 ABACUS Study Results

Talking before a large crowd of independent booksellers on Friday, May 30, at BookExpo America, ABA CEO Avin Mark Domnitz presented the financial findings of the ABACUS 2003 study. Introducing the session, Domnitz told attendees, "It's a big day for me, to go publicly with what we've been working on for a year…. In our heart of hearts, we hoped to put together 150 bookstore submissions [of financial data] -- we thought that would be a good sample. We ended up with 197 submissions."

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09 Jun

BTW Offers New Marketplace

Booksellers looking to print out a copy of Bookselling This Week will find a new sub-heading called "Marketplace," which features both classified ads and the advertising found in BTW's weekly e-mail. When you choose to print the whole issue, Marketplace will automatically be printed with the issue; if you choose to create your own issue of BTW, you have the option of including Marketplace -- simply click the box that says, "Include BTW Marketplace?"

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05 Jun

ABA Members Get an Update and Share Views at BEA

Once again, ABA's Town Hall and Annual Membership meetings provided ABA members an opportunity to offer comments and share feedback as well as get an update on the association's activities during the past year.

ABA Town Hall Meeting

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About ABA

The American Booksellers Association, a national not-for-profit trade organization, works with booksellers and industry partners to ensure the success and profitability of independently owned book retailers, and to assist in expanding the community of the book.

Independent bookstores act as community anchors; they serve a unique role in promoting the open exchange of ideas, enriching the cultural life of communities, and creating economically vibrant neighborhoods.


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