About ABA

29 Sep

'Identifying the Competition' Slide Show Now Online

A slide presentation from the session "Identify Competition & Self-Evaluation: A Method to Conduct the Analysis," presented by ABA CEO Avin Mark Domnitz at September's Mountains and Plains Booksellers Association trade show, is now available to ABA bookstore members online in the Professional Development section of BookWeb.org or by clicking here.

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23 Sep

ABA Board of Directors Meets in Denver

The American Booksellers Association's Board of Directors and senior staff met from Sunday, September 19, through Tuesday, September 21, in Denver.

During the meeting the ABA Board:

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16 Sep

At MPBA & Beyond, ABA Offers Much This Trade Show Season

The Mountains and Plains Booksellers Association (MPBA) Fall Trade Show is being held from Thursday, September 16, through Sunday, September 19, at the Marriott Denver Tech Center in Denver, and ABA hopes booksellers will stop by the ABA booth on the trade show floor to learn about the Book Sense Gift Card Program and to share their thoughts on the direction of future ABA educational programming. In addition to its presence on the trade show floor, ABA is offering three educational sessions at the show on Friday, September 17:

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31 Aug

ABA's Web Presence a Work in Progress

This past weekend, ABA completed software programming to integrate its new association membership database with the BookWeb.org and Book Buyer's Handbook Web sites. These changes have created the need for members to re-enter their user names and passwords to gain access to members-only sections of the sites.

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31 Aug

Letter to the Editor

Russ Lawrence

During my time on ABA's Booksellers Advisory Council (BAC), one of the priorities that arose was providing opportunities for booksellers to get together and share ideas.

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26 Aug

Booksellers Seek an Exchange of Ideas

Traffic on ABA's four online booksellers' forums on BookWeb.org has always had its ups and downs, but as we slip into the final weeks of summer, it has dropped off significantly, and this is distressing to some ABA member booksellers who view the forums as a vital tool for the exchange of ideas.

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25 Aug

Reader Privacy Petition Drive to Culminate September 29

With the final phase of the Campaign for Reader Privacy (www.readerprivacy.com) nearing, ABA is encouraging all booksellers to intensify their efforts to collect signatures for the grassroots petition drive to amend Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act.

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19 Aug

Gearing Up for the MPBA Fall Show

The Mountains and Plains Booksellers Association (MPBA) Fall Trade Show will be held from Thursday, September 16, through Sunday, September 19, at the Marriott Denver Tech Center in Denver. This year's show will once again feature educational panels and the Saturday Night Author Reception. And, in response to the popularity of last year's reception, a Friday Night Author Reception has been added.

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19 Aug

ABA Survey Asks Booksellers to 'Tell Us What You Think!'

The number-one goal of ABA's strategic plan is to "provide independent professional booksellers with access to the education, information, and business services they need to succeed in a changing world." With this in mind, the ABA Board of Directors and staff are embarking on a program to grow ABA's educational offerings and are seeking bookseller input through the "ABA Education 2005 Survey." This week, a link to the survey was sent to ABA members via e-mail.

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15 Jul

A Report on the Summer ABA Board of Directors Meeting

The American Booksellers Association's Board of Directors and senior staff met from Thursday, July 8, through Sunday, July 11. The first day of meetings was held in New York City and was preceded by an orientation for the new members of the Board, Linda Ramsdell of Galaxy Bookshop in Hardwick, Vermont, and Cathy Langer of Tattered Cover Book Store in Denver, on Wednesday, July 7, also in New York City. The remaining meetings were held at ABA's headquarters in Tarrytown, New York.

During the July meeting, the Board:

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08 Jul

Freedom to Read Amendment Fails on Tie Vote

On Thursday, July 8, the Freedom to Read Amendment to the Commerce, Justice, State (CJS) Appropriations Bill, died in a tie vote -- 210 - 210 -- in the U.S. House of Representatives. The amendment had been introduced by Rep. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and would have barred the Justice Department from using any of the money appropriated under the CJS bill to search bookstore and library records under Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act.

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01 Jul

ABA Announces Completion of Sale of Tarrytown Property

ABA President Mitchell Kaplan

A letter from newly elected ABA President Mitchell Kaplan to bookstore members announces the completion of the sale of the association's headquarters property in Tarrytown, New York, to Diamond Properties of Va

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17 Jun

A Report on ABA's Recent Board and Advisory Council Meetings

On Tuesday, June 1, and Wednesday, June 2, the American Booksellers Association Board of Directors and senior staff met at the Hotel ABA - Chicago (Allerton Crowne Plaza), prior to the start of BookExpo America.

During a busy two days, the Board and staff:

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10 Jun

A Look at Some Key Moments and Reactions to BEA 2004

From former President Bill Clinton's Keynote Address, to a lively trade show floor, to the celebration of the fifth birthday of Book Sense, to author events, and even to the city of Chicago itself, this year's BookExpo America (BEA) proved a crowd pleaser. Booksellers and publishers described this year's trade show at Chicago's McCormick Place Convention Center as an upbeat, busy event, allowing both to reconnect and to establish new relationships.

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About ABA

The American Booksellers Association, a national not-for-profit trade organization, works with booksellers and industry partners to ensure the success and profitability of independently owned book retailers, and to assist in expanding the community of the book.

Independent bookstores act as community anchors; they serve a unique role in promoting the open exchange of ideas, enriching the cultural life of communities, and creating economically vibrant neighborhoods.


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