BTW Articles

13 Mar

Events Planner Organizes Bookstore Opening

For Kaye Peloquin, a former events planner, opening a bookstore in Lititz, Pennsylvania, has involved a long journey composed of hundreds of small steps. The 2,500-square-foot store, Buckhill Bookshop, will open around June 1. "Either right before or right after BEA, probably in the middle of the Harry Potter madness," joked Peloquin.

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13 Mar

Oliver Gilliland, Norton Sales Rep, Dies at 54

Oliver Holmes Gilliland, the national field sales manager for W.W. Norton & Company, died of liver cancer on March 1. He was 54.

"There was no one more devoted to this firm, its people, its independence, and most of all its books, than Oliver Gilliland," said W. Drake McFeely, Norton president and chairman. "His was the face of Norton at bookstores all across this country."

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13 Mar

When a Week of Meetings Can Be Something Special …

By ABA President Ann Christophersen

The weather outside was lovely (Santa Monica at 70 degrees and sunny trumps Chicago at five degrees and dropping), but what was going on inside was lovelier still. Since what was going on inside was meeting after meeting after meeting, I need you to suspend disbelief just for a moment and give me a chance to explain.

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13 Mar

2003 Book Sense Book of the Year Finalists -- Nonfiction

The will of individuals to prevail over monstrous obstacles links all of these Book Sense Book of the Year nonfiction finalists. Not only Captain Cook faced uncharted waters. Some spent their childhood trapped in brutal civil war or with brutalizing parents. Fighting adversaries, real or imagined, was necessary for the survival of all the authors.

The Book Sense Book of the Year Awards will be announced at the Celebration of Bookselling, on Friday, May 30, during this year's BookExpo America, at the Los Angeles Convention Center in California.

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13 Mar

Third U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Declares COPA Unconstitutional … Again

On March 6, the Third U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia ruled for the second time that the Child Online Protection Act (COPA) is unconstitutional. The court found that COPA violates adults' right to free speech, is overly broad, and fails "the strict scrutiny test." It is expected that the Justice Department will appeal the decision to the U.S. Supreme Court.

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13 Mar

Bookseller-Air Force Reservist Called for Active Duty

In preparation for war in the Middle East, orders from the Pentagon are placing thousands of military reservists on active duty. These reservists -- who previously were required to serve one weekend per month plus a 15-day tour per year -- include many pillars of their communities. Large numbers of police officers, firefighters, and corrections officers serve as reservists; quite a few high school wrestling coaches have been called up (according to AP reports), and, at least one bookseller.

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13 Mar

UMBA Spring Meeting Focuses on ABACUS, LMI, and Gift Cards

On Saturday, March 8, approximately 25 people braved a snowstorm and bitter cold temperatures to attend an ABA Booksellers Forum, held in conjunction with the Upper Midwest Booksellers Association (UMBA) Spring Meeting, in Minneapolis. The UMBA Spring Meeting ran from March 8 - March 9 and was held at UMBA's offices.

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13 Mar

Letter to Scholastic from ABA

March 12, 2003

Michael Jacobs
Senior Vice-President, Trade
Scholastic, Inc.
555 Broadway
New York, NY 10012
Tel: 212-389-3776
Email: [email protected]

Dear Michael:

I’m writing on behalf of the numerous bookstore members of ABA who have communicated their distress and anger over Scholastic’s decision to pre-sell Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix through the upcoming Scholastic book fairs. This action can only be described as an assault on your retail customers.

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12 Mar

26 in Congress Join Sanders in Co-sponsoring the Freedom to Read Protection Act

Twenty-six fellow members of Congress have joined Rep. Bernie Sanders in introducing federal legislation that would remove a threat to the privacy of bookstore and library records, created by the USA Patriot Act. Under the provisions of H.R. 1157, The Freedom to Read Protection Act, the FBI would be barred from seeking "personally identifiable information concerning a patron of a bookseller or library." The government may still attempt to subpoena this information if it can make sufficient legal showing.

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12 Mar

Rep. Sanders Comments on the Freedom to Read Protection Act of 2003

On March 6, 2003, Congressman Bernie Sanders (I-VT) introduced the Freedom to Read Protection Act of 2003, federal legislation that would remove a threat to the privacy of bookstore and library records that was created by the USA Patriot Act. At present, the proposed amendment has 26 co-sponsors, including Ron Paul (R-TX) and John Conyers (D-MI), the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee.

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About ABA

The American Booksellers Association, a national not-for-profit trade organization, works with booksellers and industry partners to ensure the success and profitability of independently owned book retailers, and to assist in expanding the community of the book.

Independent bookstores act as community anchors; they serve a unique role in promoting the open exchange of ideas, enriching the cultural life of communities, and creating economically vibrant neighborhoods.


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