
12 Sep

Book Sense National Advertising Update -- New Ad Venues About to Launch

By Carl Lennertz and Mark Nichols

In addition to our ongoing and successful advertising in The New Yorker and Atlantic Monthly, spearheaded by ABA Marketing Officer Michael Hoynes, we are expanding the Book Sense presence in some notable book-only magazines and reviews.

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12 Sep

ABA Launches New, Streamlined ABACUS Survey

ABA has begun work to reintroduce the ABACUS industry study with the launch of a new, streamlined Web interface for reporting financial data. A popular ABA product in past years, ABACUS has proven to be a vital research tool for booksellers of every size, offering extensive industry-specific financial breakdowns and analyses that enable independent booksellers to compare their own store's performance and financial health to detailed industry composites.

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12 Sep

Book Sense National Marketing Programs Have Launched

The Book Sense/History Channel fundraiser -- "The Fire on the Mountain, Campaign for Communities: Firefighter Fundraiser" promotion -- officially kicked off on September 9. Nationally, hundreds of booksellers have set up special displays using materials that tie in with the October 28 History Channel documentary based on Fire on the Mountain: The True Story of the South Canyon Fire by John N. Maclean (Washington Square Press).

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12 Sep

Latest New Yorker Book Sense Special Showcases Kids' 76 Picks

The September 30 issue of The New Yorker -- on newsstands September 23 -- will feature the latest Book Sense section, "Just Kidding -- Books for Children and Young Adults." The 10-page special feature will present the handselling favorites of 13 independent booksellers, and the titles are drawn from the fall 2002 Children's Book Sense 76. (The full 76 can be reviewed here.)

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About ABA

American Booksellers Association is a national trade association that supports and advocates for the success of independent bookstores. We provide members with education, networking opportunities, advocacy, resources, and technology. In turn our members support local schools through book fairs, donations and author visits; promote literacy; provide inclusive community centers; connect readers and books; add character to neighborhoods; champion and center diverse and new voices; and contribute to the local economy. We feel honored to support them in their work.


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