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Books & Books Westhampton set for grand opening; Emily Powell takes over at Powell's; Book House celebrates anniversary with imprint; Muse Book Shop marks 30 years; Profiles of Third Mind and Beehive Books

Books & Books Westhampton Set for Grand Opening

New York's Books & Books Westhampton Beach is set to host its grand opening, today, July 1.

The store, owned by Jack McKeown (left) and Denise Berthiaume, is affiliated with Miami-based Books & Books, owned by Mitchell Kaplan.

The Westhampton Beach bookstore is modeled on the Books & Books locations on Lincoln Road in Miami Beach and in the Bal Harbour Shops mall.

A New Powell Takes the Reins

Emily Powell will take over as president of Powell's Books in mid-July, according to the Portland Business Journal. She will replace her father, Michael, in the position, and become the third Powell to run the store her grandfather founded.

"It's an industry with an enormous amount of flexibility, and I hope with a little help from me, Emily is going to have to make some changes to help Powell's compete and survive," Michael Powell said, as reported by theJournal.

"What we're really good at is the experience of discovery and ideas," said Emily Powell.

The change in Powell's leadership in July will be the culmination of a process that began more than four years ago.

Book House Launches Staff Picks Press

In what she calls "an anniversary present" to staff and customers, Susan Novotny is adding a publishing arm to the 35-year-old Book House of Stuyvesant Plaza. Staff Picks Press will publish books that Novotny believes her staff can successfully handsell.

The press will use the equipment at Troy Book Makers, which Novotny co-owns with Book Loft owner Eric Wilska. According to the Albany Times-Union, the first title, Comeback Love by local author Peter Golden, will be published this fall.

Thirty Years for Muse Book Shop

Muse Book Shop owner Janet Bollum discussed the value of maintaining a "real downtown" in DeLand, Florida, something she's been committed to for the 30 years Muse Book Shop has been in existence. She spoke to a reporter from the Daytona News-Journal for an article marking the store's anniversary.

Bollum, who has been a leader of Main Street DeLand for much of her career, spoke about the importance of the Shop Local movement. "'People are becoming more aware of the benefits of buying locally,' she said. 'Not only do you save gas; you support your schools, your fire department, and your police.' By contrast, 'Internet sales just don't contribute to your community.'"

Bookstore Celebrates the Beats

In what he calls "the world's only hybrid real estate office and rare-book store," Third Mind Books owner Arthur Nusbaum shares his passion for the Beat Generation. The Ann Arbor Chronicle paid a visit to the six-month-old store's physical location, which is open by appointment.

Nusbaum does most of his business through, where customers can explore the books, magazines, and other memorabilia from the Beats that Nusbaum, a longtime collector, has brought together. "I'm hoping that somewhere in this world of 6.5 billion people there are maybe 50 to 100 like me who could carry a business like this, who are really passionate about it," he said.

Dispatch Profiles Beehive Books

The Columbus Dispatch recently featured an article on three-year-old Beehive Books, a Delaware, Ohio, independent. The bookstore is known for featuring books of interest to the community, on topics such as farming, biking, and the Delaware area, the Dispatch noted.

Beehive Books also brings its customers together for interactive events. "Last year, during a period of 44 days – including the day President Barack Obama was inaugurated – volunteers read aloud snippets from the inaugural speeches of all 44 U.S. presidents. (There were two from twice-inaugurated Grover Cleveland.)," wrote journalist Steve Stephens.