Booksellers Order Free 3D Bookmarks to Help ABFFE

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Booksellers are responding enthusiastically to an introductory offer of free 3D bookmarks from emotionGallery, which will make a contribution to the American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression (ABFFE) for every bookmark that it sells to independent bookstores, reported ABFFE President Chris Finan.

To give booksellers a chance to become familiar with its products, the French company is giving new customers 144 bookmarks and a compact display, which includes a battery-powered cylinder that revolves to reveal the bookmarks in full motion. Booksellers will only pay for future orders.  The bookmarks wholesale at $1.75 each and retail for $3.99. emotionGallery will be contributing $1 for every 10 bookmarks it sells.

More than 100 booksellers requested the free bookmarks during BookExpo America. “We were very pleasantly surprised by the reaction of all the booksellers we met at BEA,” Sebastien Guttmann, emotionGallery’s managing director, said. “It gives us even more confidence that our products will perform well in the American market.”

Finan said that the response to emotionGallery’s offer bodes well for ABFFE’s affiliate program, which launched at last year’s BookExpo with 2020 Vision USA of Sarasota, Florida. Over the last 12 months, 2020 Vision has contributed $1 for every pair of reading and sunglasses sold to independent bookstores, and the result has been a donation of more than $12,000 to ABFFE.

To take advantage of emotionGallery’s introductory offer, booksellers can e-mail the company at [email protected], or call (305) 576-9013. emotionGallery has established a sales office in Miami to provide customer service. It is also constructing a website at

More information about ABFFE’s partnership with 2020 Vision USA is available here. To contact the company, call or e-mail Denise Foster at (214) 769-2227 or [email protected].