Zathura Now in Theatres and in Book Sense Promo

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Stores with Book Sense should be promoting the Zathura sweepstakes, which ties into Columbia Pictures' film version of Zathura in theaters now. The sweepstakes, sponsored by Houghton Mifflin, the publisher of Chris Van Allsburg's bestselling book, offers consumers a chance to win $2,000. Sweepstakes materials were sent to stores in the October Red Box; however, requests for additional materials may be addressed to ABA's Linda Ford at [email protected] or (800) 637-0037, ext. 6644.

Sweepstakes entries will be accepted by mail or online at from October 23 to November 30. The sweepstake's official rules are also available online.

Houghton Mifflin has published a number of Zathura movie tie-ins, which provide opportunities to display and cross-promote the title to different age levels in conjunction with the sweepstakes.