2005 Book Sense Picks Highlights List Showcases Great Year of Reading

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From The Historian to Snow Flower and the Secret Fan in fiction, and The Tender Bar: A Memoir and Marley & Me: Life and Love With the World's Worst Dog in nonfiction, 2005 was marked by a wide range of outstanding writing and notable Book Sense Picks selections. Whether it was such wonderful debut efforts as The Illuminator and Freshwater Road or such popular selections as The River of Doubt: Theodore Roosevelt's Darkest Journey and Julie & Julia: 365 Days, 524 Recipes, 1 Tiny Apartment Kitchen, a great year for readers was showcased each month in the Book Sense Picks fliers.

But don't take our word for it. Once again, as a special year-end marketing tool, Book Sense has compiled a Book Sense Picks Highlights list (online at news.bookweb.org/read/3973), which will be arriving at independent stores in the Book Sense program around Thanksgiving. The list of 75 titles presents a wide range of Book Sense Picks in fiction, nonfiction, and poetry from 2005, and offers booksellers a great opportunity to build effective holiday displays.

As always, the Book Sense team would love to see photos of store displays, which can become part of the presentations we make to publishers about the program. Photos may be in print or digital format. Digital photos, approximately 3" x 5" and 300 dpi, saved as JPEG or TIFF files, can be e-mailed to Christine Babcock at [email protected]. Multiple pictures may be sent as a stuffed file (.sit). PDF or ZIP files should not be sent, but photos saved on a ZIP disk and mailed to ABA, Attn.: Chris Babcock, 200 White Plains Road, Tarrytown, NY 10591, are acceptable.

Looking ahead, the deadline for the February Book Sense Picks list is December 2. And the nomination deadline for the Valentine's Day 2006 Top Ten is December 9. "Show the love!" says Book Sense Picks Editor-in-Chief Dan Cullen, by e-mailing nominations to [email protected] or by using the Web nomination form at www.bookweb.org/read/6305.
