ABACUS Reports Arriving Soon

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Booksellers who participated in the 2005 ABACUS survey will soon be receiving their individual store reports. The reports are being sent via e-mail to the address that was supplied when the store submitted financial data through the ABACUS survey form.

"We anticipate that the majority of the reports will have been sent by the end of this week," said ABA Special Projects Director David Walker. "Booksellers who have not received their store report by the middle of next week should contact me" at [email protected] or (800) 637-0037, ext. 6612.

Each ABACUS report is fully customized for the participating store and compares the financial performance of that store with the performance of other stores based on more than 20 different criteria (for example, size of store, sales volume, type of location, etc.).

The report contains an executive summary describing the methodology used to produce the financial comparisons and some of the key findings from this year's survey.

In addition, as part of the report, participants in this year's survey will receive a coupon for $50 off their next ABA dues renewal.

NEWS - ABACUS, About ABA, News - Bookselling