Buyers of Children's Books Want to Hear From You

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Book Sense Picks Editor-in-Chief Dan Cullen reminds booksellers that the deadline for the Winter Children's Book Sense Picks List is Friday, October 14, and he asks as many booksellers as possible to participate in helping build the list by e-mailing him nominations sometime today or tomorrow.

"We completely understand how busy things are getting for booksellers at this time of year, but without your help the list won't reflect the diversity or richness of the season," he said. "Just take a minute to write a few sentences about why you're excited about a particular title, and you'll be helping to ensure the quality of this list."

Nominations may be sent by e-mail to Cullen at [email protected] or via an online nomination form at

The full schedule of Picks deadlines can be found at

For more information about the Book Sense Picks program, go to
