33 Days Left to Vote!

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ABA is asking all owners and staff of member bookstores to cast their votes for the 2005 Book Sense Book of the Year Awards. All ABA member stores are eligible to participate, and every employee has a vote, but all ballots must be received by midnight on February 28.

Ballots may be cast through an online form or via a downloadable PDF, which may be mailed or faxed to ABA.

The 2005 Book Sense Book of the Year ballot includes titles most often nominated by booksellers for the Book Sense Picks lists in 2004 in the categories of Adult Fiction, Adult Nonfiction, Children's Literature, and Children's Illustrated. There is also space for write-ins in each category. Only books published in 2004 are eligible.

The title receiving the most votes in each category will be designated a Book Sense Book of the Year. The next four titles with the highest number of votes in each category will be designated Book Sense Honor Books.

Only one ballot per person will be accepted. Mailed ballots must be postmarked by February 21, 2005, and received at ABA by February 28, 2005. Faxes and electronic ballots must be received by midnight on February 28, 2005.

Book Sense Book of the Year winners and honor books will be announced in late March 2005, and their authors will be invited to attend the Book Sense luncheon and the Celebration of Bookselling at this June's BookExpo America.