Book Sense Gift Cards 24/7

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The hot topic of media coverage of the 2005 holiday shopping season continues to be gift cards. They have been described as the "hottest gift of the season," "riskless," the "shopper's saving grace," "the easiest present to get through airport security," and "more glamorous than cash."

Booksellers around the country offering Book Sense Gift Cards are reporting record sales now, and are confident that increased sales will result when the cards are redeemed after the holidays.

For participating booksellers who need additional help during the holidays, 24-hour customer service is available from Givex. From Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. EST, call (800) 962-4935. After hours and on weekends, call (800) 265-8212.

Non-urgent matters should be addressed to [email protected].