Marketing Materials Say 'We Also Recommend…'

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In addition to the 20 tiles selected as Book Sense Picks for May, 20 additional titles are featured in special marketing materials.

Many bookstores should have already received the April White Box, which contains, among other items, May Book Sense Picks fliers. This is the first month for the redesigned flier, and each store has been shipped 200 copies.

In addition to the 20 Book Sense Picks that are featured in the May flier, each month the Book Sense Picks program selects 20 additional titles that are featured in a downloadable PDF file under the heading "We Also Recommend…" (To download the May PDF, click here.) This downloadable material is designed to work in conjunction with the printed fliers and includes full book info, with a jacket image and booksellers' quotations.

These additional 20 titles will also be featured in an electronic file of shelf-talkers for in-store use, which will be available on the week of April 26.

Also during the week of April 26, booksellers will be able to access at listings of bibliographic information for more titles that have been nominated as Book Sense Picks for this time period, but that have not been chosen for either of the lists.
