Next Hardcover History Promo Ties Into History Channel's Hit the Road Week

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Booksellers exhibiting The History Channel/Hardcover History in-store display should be on the lookout for the next set of bookmarks featuring Fodor's titles that complement The History Channel's Hit the Road Week, to air July 14 - 18. The bookmarks, included in the June white box mailing, feature Fodor's The Thirteen Colonies and Fodor's Old West.

New bookmarks -- featuring new titles and TV events -- will be sent each month to refill the pocket of the display easel. Titles to be featured in the coming months include Gene Kranz's Failure Is Not an Option (Berkley) about the early days of the space program, in August; and, in September, Michael Byers' Long for This World (Houghton Mifflin) in conjunction with a History Channel program on medical marvels.

Booksellers with questions, and stores with Book Sense that are not currently participating in the promotion, but would like to receive an easel, should send an e-mail to [email protected].

To read more about the Hardcover History in-store promotion, click here.