June White Box Is on the Way

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Bookstores with Book Sense should be on the lookout for June's white box, which is bursting with goodies from Book Sense Publishing Partners. Included in this month's mailing will be easelbacks, posters, fliers, special offers, postcards, buying guides, shelf talkers, brochures, excerpt booklets, coasters, catalogs, housewarming invitations, and more.

Stores participating in the Book Sense - History Channel Hardcover History in-store promotional campaign should be on the lookout for the next set of bookmarks -- featuring Fodor's titles tying into the History Channel's Hit the Road month feature. Booksellers are reminded to save their easels, as there will be new bookmarks each month to refill the pocket.

For bookstores not present at BookExpo America, the white box will contain a copy of Bookselling for Dummies, provided by Publisher Partner John Wiley & Sons. There will also be ordering information on the latest print edition of the ABA Book Buyer's Handbook.

Audio CD samplers from HarperAudio and High Bridge Audio; the latest issue of BookPage, with a special offer; the May/June issue of Pages magazine; and 10 copies of Simon & Schuster's Pulse Teen magazine to share with your customers are also included.

Last, but not least, there will loads of ARCs, galleys, and finished books:

  • From Counterpoint, Elizabeth Hays' newest novel entitled Garbo Speaks.
  • Morrow offers Mirror, Mirror, from the author of Wicked and Lost, Gregory Maguire; and the latest from Sena Jeter Naslund, Four Spirits.
  • Toby Press brings you Dakhmeh by Naveed Noori.
  • From Grove Atlantic, three ARCs that couldn't be more different in subject, but share a level of excellence in execution: Uniform Justice by Donna Leon; Deafening by Frances Itani; and The Mammoth Cheese by Sheri Holman.
  • Penguin USA also offers multiple titles this month, each an enticing and intriguing read: So Many Books, So Little Time by Sara Nelson; Idlewild by Nick Sagan (the Penguin Reps Pick of the List for Fiction); and When the Elephants Dance, now in paperback, by Tess Uriza Holthe.
  • From Houghton Mifflin, James Carroll's latest, entitled Secret Father.
  • Canongate brings you something new and different from beloved author Alexander McCall Smith, a collection of stories entitled Heavenly Date.
  • Daniel Coyle's Waking Samuel is offered by Bloomsbury.
  • St. Martin's offers up two ARCs: Push Not the River by James Conroyd Martin and The Last Nazi by Stan Pottinger.
  • For the somewhat younger set (but certainly open to crossover), Scholastic offers two new works: From Book Sense Book of the Year Award Winner Cornelia Funke (The Thief Lord), comes Inkheart; and Jenny Nimmo's latest, Charlie Bone and the Time Twister.
  • Regan Books brings you My Cold War by Tom Piazza.
  • Rayo -- HarperCollins' sister imprint -- offers The Lady, The Chef, and the Courtesan by Marisol.