
Staff Reviews

Staff reviews can be added to the product pages of individual titles by either submitting a form, or using the provided check box on a book list. This field can also be used to enter information such as a book video, sale information, etc. Preorder Badges can be displayed on titles that are 'Coming Soon'.


Blocks are the boxes of content (such as "Find a Wishlist" or "IndieBound Next List") that can be displayed in regions (such as header or sidebar) and be set to display on all or specific pages. Blocks can be composed of text, images, links, and other standard HTML. They can also be used to embed codes for widgets from outside sources like YouTube or Facebook.



This documentation was modified on 05/08/2019, with Recurring Events

Store Features and Preferences

This documentation has been updated as of 9/30/2021 to reflect the layout changes we have made to the Store Preferences page and to include new settings that we have added. 


Navigate to: Store > Configuration > Account Information & Preferences > Store Features

Shipping Methods

ABA does not recommend specific rates for shipping, and any value indicated below is simply for the purposes of illustration.


Navigate to: Store > Configuration > Shipping Quotes

Store Roles

This documentation was modified on 4/19/2019 to include the updated features to help stores better manage staff and customer roles.
NEW: Store Admins are now able to edit customer accounts, Store Editor accounts, and Order Admin accounts.


Have the user create an account on your website, make sure they take note of the email address used to sign up.

Constant Contact

This documentation was modified on 12/15/2017, to comply with the latest changes by Constant Contact.

Embed your Constant Contact signup form into your website to allow customers to easily sign up for newsletters, coupons, event notifications, etc.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Once you have pasted the ‘Embed Code’ and saved, editing the block will strip the code.Therefore we recommend you save the code to a plain text (Notepad) file, in case you need it again.

Embedding Code

Embedding code into your website is usually fairly simple. However, we highly recommend you save a copy of the code locally as a TXT file (Notepad) so that you have it saved for future use.
Once you have obtained the embed code from its source (YouTube, Google Maps, Twitter, EventBrite etc.), you will follow the steps below to add it to your page or block.


Fraudulent Orders

This documentation was modified on 11/12/2020.

Unfortunately, the Internet is not always a safe place, and fraudulent orders are becoming increasingly common.  Here are some red flags to watch out for, as well as simple steps you can take to verify suspicious orders.


Creating pages is one of the first steps in setting up your website and something you will do frequently; the steps below give you all the options available. The only required options are those noted with a red asterisk *.


Navigate to: Content > Add Content > Page

There are several available fields for you to utilize to create the content of your page:

  1. Title*: This text will be used in 3 places:

Social Media

By adding social networking to your site, you are providing your customers with a means to share what they love about your business to their friends, who will hopefully become your future customers.

Their are several ways in which you may incorporate social media into your website.


Browse this glossary of terminology for a list of Drupal and IndieCommerce terms and definitions.


Every page and event page has a ‘Books’ feature where you can create a unique list of products for users to review and add items to their cart by entering the Product ISBN, SKU or Model.

NOTE: We recommend keeping booklists to 10-15 items.


Navigate to: Content > Add Content > Page (or content type of choice)


You can add a file (txt doc docx xls xlsx pdf ppt pptx pps ppsx odt ods odp) to your website as long as the content type you have chosen has a ‘File’ option. If the content type does not have a ‘File’ option, it can most likely be added by visiting the ‘Manage Fields’ tab for that content type and adding it.


Knowing where your file is located on your computer will make adding it to the website quick and easy. Once you know where your file is locally, navigate to the page you want to add it to.



Identify the link you want to use:

  1. If the link you want to add is to a page on your website you will want to know the internal path
  2. If the link you want to add is to something outside of your website you will want the complete URL


About ABA

The American Booksellers Association, a national not-for-profit trade organization, works with booksellers and industry partners to ensure the success and profitability of independently owned book retailers, and to assist in expanding the community of the book.

Independent bookstores act as community anchors; they serve a unique role in promoting the open exchange of ideas, enriching the cultural life of communities, and creating economically vibrant neighborhoods.


PRESS INQUIRIES: [email protected]

INDIECOMMERCE: [email protected]

ALL OTHER INQUIRIES: [email protected]



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