1038 results. Results may be paginated. Select one or more topics and filter by tag, format, or conference to focus results. Some resources are visible only to logged-in, ABA bookseller members.

Advanced Bookselling & Special Topics: Small Footprint, Big Impact

Recorded June 27, 2019 for Children's Institute 2019
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You don’t need an infinite amount of space to remain competitive in independent bookselling. Bookstores under 1,000 square feet share what they do to maximize their selling space and host events without having to knock down walls. Attendees will learn from panelists who call a small store home:

  • The logistics of hosting an in-store event
  • Crowd management in a small space
  • Inventory management in a small stockroom
  • Keeping it fresh with inventive displays
  • Bookselling Essentials
  • 101
Recorded June 27, 2019 for Children's Institute 2019

You don’t need an infinite amount of space to remain competitive in independent bookselling. Bookstores under 1,000 square feet share what they do to maximize their selling space and host events without having to knock down walls. Attendees will learn from panelists who call a small store home:

  • The logistics of hosting an in-store event
  • Crowd management in a small space
  • Inventory management in a small stockroom
  • Keeping it fresh with inventive displays
PDF icon Small Footprint Big Impact Presentation (PDF)2.43 MB
  • Bookselling Essentials
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • 101

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: Talking Productively About Content Issues in Children's Literature

Recorded June 27, 2019 for Children's Institute 2019
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Recently, children's literature has been the subject of debate as readers respond to content related to race, class, culture, individuality, and identity. Authors are self-selecting to delay publication of their books, publishers are canceling titles, and review outlets are retracting starred statuses. There is immense pressure from all sides of the industry to do the right thing, but what is the right thing? This session is designed to be a discussion led by bookselling peers that will begin with a contextual overview of the issues surfacing in kids' books. Attendees will discuss the implications of these issues and how booksellers can productively talk about race, class, culture, individuality, and identity without alienating customers, authors, and each other.

  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Children's Bookselling
Recorded June 27, 2019 for Children's Institute 2019

Recently, children's literature has been the subject of debate as readers respond to content related to race, class, culture, individuality, and identity. Authors are self-selecting to delay publication of their books, publishers are canceling titles, and review outlets are retracting starred statuses. There is immense pressure from all sides of the industry to do the right thing, but what is the right thing? This session is designed to be a discussion led by bookselling peers that will begin with a contextual overview of the issues surfacing in kids' books. Attendees will discuss the implications of these issues and how booksellers can productively talk about race, class, culture, individuality, and identity without alienating customers, authors, and each other.

PDF icon Expectations for Having Difficult Conversations (PDF)110.6 KB
  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Children's Bookselling

Operations & Finances: Small Acts for Financial Gain

Recorded June 27, 2019 for Children's Institute 2019
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When your wallet is slim and margins are small, every penny counts. But there are little things that can be done every single day to boost a bookstore’s bottom line. Bookstore panelists who have effectively pinched a penny here and saved a penny there will teach attendees:

  • How to identify small costs that add up
  • Where to look for savings
  • Small actions booksellers can take to impact overall savings and sales
  • Financial Management
  • Owners and Managers
Recorded June 27, 2019 for Children's Institute 2019

When your wallet is slim and margins are small, every penny counts. But there are little things that can be done every single day to boost a bookstore’s bottom line. Bookstore panelists who have effectively pinched a penny here and saved a penny there will teach attendees:

  • How to identify small costs that add up
  • Where to look for savings
  • Small actions booksellers can take to impact overall savings and sales
PDF icon Small Acts for Financial Gain Presentation (PDF)1.32 MB
  • Financial Management
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers

Programming & Partnerships: Working with Title 1 Schools

Recorded June 27, 2019 for Children's Institute 2019
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Title 1 schools work with a small number of resources and even smaller budgets to bring authors to student audiences, host book fairs, and keep accounts with independent bookstores. Luckily, many bookstores do manage successful and profitable partnerships with Title 1 schools. Panelists with ongoing success in partnering with Title 1 schools will share with attendees:

  • How to approach Title 1 schools
  • How these partnerships are effective and profitable
  • How to assist a school in maximizing monies received from a granting organization
  • How to build community goodwill through partnership with a Title 1 school
  • Bookselling Essentials
  • Children's Bookselling
Recorded June 27, 2019 for Children's Institute 2019

Title 1 schools work with a small number of resources and even smaller budgets to bring authors to student audiences, host book fairs, and keep accounts with independent bookstores. Luckily, many bookstores do manage successful and profitable partnerships with Title 1 schools. Panelists with ongoing success in partnering with Title 1 schools will share with attendees:

  • How to approach Title 1 schools
  • How these partnerships are effective and profitable
  • How to assist a school in maximizing monies received from a granting organization
  • How to build community goodwill through partnership with a Title 1 school
PDF icon Title 1 School Tips (PDF)133.04 KB
PDF icon Working with Title 1 Schools Presentation (PDF)1.74 MB
  • Bookselling Essentials
  • Children's Bookselling
  • Events

Opening Keynote: Ann Patchett

Recorded June 27, 2019 for Children's Institute 2019
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Ann Patchett, the author of eight novels and three works of nonfiction, is the winner of the PEN/Faulkner Award, England’s Orange Prize, and the Book Sense Book of the Year, and was named one of Time magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in the World. Her work has been translated into more than 30 languages. She is the co-owner of Parnassus Books in Nashville, where she lives with her husband, Karl, and their dog, Sparky.

  • Bookselling Essentials
  • Children's Bookselling
Recorded June 27, 2019 for Children's Institute 2019

Ann Patchett, the author of eight novels and three works of nonfiction, is the winner of the PEN/Faulkner Award, England’s Orange Prize, and the Book Sense Book of the Year, and was named one of Time magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in the World. Her work has been translated into more than 30 languages. She is the co-owner of Parnassus Books in Nashville, where she lives with her husband, Karl, and their dog, Sparky.

  • Bookselling Essentials
  • Children's Bookselling

Events University (AM): In Store and Off Site Author Events

Recorded June 26, 2019 for Children's Institute 2019

Pre-registation required; $45 fee per person; space is limited and lunch is provided. Hosting events in-store and offsite is a great way to strengthen a customer base, build goodwill within your community, and make money. But tackling the ins and outs of events, no matter how large or small, is daunting, time-consuming, and, let’s face it, overwhelming. This full-day, two-part workshop led by aces in bookstore event management will teach attendees:

  • Best practices for in-store author events
  • Tips for navigating events in a small space
  • Best practices for off-site author events, including partnering with schools and libraries, hosting large-scale events, and using alternate venues
  • Best practices for ticketing events and anticipating turnout
  • How to launch a book festival in your community

Events University is open to all booksellers, including those who are not registered for Children’s Institute.

PDF icon Events University In Store and Off Site Events - slide presentation (PDF)14.97 MB
  • Bookselling Essentials
  • Events & Marketing
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Children's Bookselling
  • Events

Glossary of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Terms

Recorded June 19, 2019 for
PDF icon Glossary of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Terms (by Diversity Task Force) (PDF)167.98 KB
  • Diversity & Inclusion

ABACUS and Pre-Orders

Recorded March 19, 2019 for Regional Conferences

At each of the 2019 spring forums, ABA presented “ABACUS and Pre-Orders: Two Programs You Can’t Do Without,” an update on two initiatives critical to the success of any independent bookstore: an active pre-orders campaign and participation in the annual ABACUS financial survey. This educational session will focused on best practices for increasing pre-orders — including the latest on accurately reporting and tracking — based on in-store experiences and feedback from the Pre-Order Booksellers Task Force. 

ABACUS and Pre-Orders was presented by ABA at the 2019 Regional Spring Forums.

PDF icon ABACUS and Pre-Orders: Two Programs You Can’t Do Without 2019 Spring Forum PDF6.15 MB
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Operations & Personnel Management

Dazzling In-Store Displays

Recorded January 25, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019
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You only have a few seconds to attract—and hold—a customer’s attention, so it’s critical that you get it right if you want to turn a browser into a buyer. From the whimsical to the thought-provoking, store displays done right tell a story that taps into a customer’s needs—needs for entertainment, introspection, fantasy, connection, and more. Booksellers who are skilled at telling stories through engaging displays will present tips and visuals on how to make an eye-catching in-store displays that turn browsers into buyers.

  • Events & Marketing
  • 101
Recorded January 25, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019

You only have a few seconds to attract—and hold—a customer’s attention, so it’s critical that you get it right if you want to turn a browser into a buyer. From the whimsical to the thought-provoking, store displays done right tell a story that taps into a customer’s needs—needs for entertainment, introspection, fantasy, connection, and more. Booksellers who are skilled at telling stories through engaging displays will present tips and visuals on how to make an eye-catching in-store displays that turn browsers into buyers.

PDF icon Dazzling In-Store Displays Presentation (PDF)7.62 MB
  • Events & Marketing
  • 101

Expect the Unexpected: Planning for Store Longevity

Recorded January 25, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019
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The ability to stay in business for decades—and longer—means weathering change by staying adaptable and flexible. Customer relationships and sales are just part of the equation that can ensure the longevity of a business and even turn it into a celebrated, longstanding institution. Careful planning and understanding of your store’s resources, a flexible business plan, continuously improving operations, and a culture that willingly embraces change in order to adapt and improve are all factors that influence where your business will be around in 5, 10, or 20 years—or more. A a panel of longtime booksellers will lead this not-to-be-missed conversation.

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers
Recorded January 25, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019

The ability to stay in business for decades—and longer—means weathering change by staying adaptable and flexible. Customer relationships and sales are just part of the equation that can ensure the longevity of a business and even turn it into a celebrated, longstanding institution. Careful planning and understanding of your store’s resources, a flexible business plan, continuously improving operations, and a culture that willingly embraces change in order to adapt and improve are all factors that influence where your business will be around in 5, 10, or 20 years—or more. A a panel of longtime booksellers will lead this not-to-be-missed conversation.

PDF icon Planning for Store Longevity pdf48.31 KB
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers

IndieCommerce Can Probably Do That For Your Website!

Recorded January 25, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019
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IndieCommerce™ is the ABA’s e-commerce platform for independent bookstores. The system provides the tools for indie bookstores to create unique, content-rich, and easy-to-operate, fully transactional, e-commerce enabled websites. Over the past few years, the IndieCommerce team has been working closely with booksellers to to help them achieve their online marketing and sales goals. This session will highlight some of the most impactful changes that individual stores have made to their websites over the past year, including before and after examples.

  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Technology
Recorded January 25, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019

IndieCommerce™ is the ABA’s e-commerce platform for independent bookstores. The system provides the tools for indie bookstores to create unique, content-rich, and easy-to-operate, fully transactional, e-commerce enabled websites. Over the past few years, the IndieCommerce team has been working closely with booksellers to to help them achieve their online marketing and sales goals. This session will highlight some of the most impactful changes that individual stores have made to their websites over the past year, including before and after examples.

PDF icon Fundraising with IndieCommerce pdf257.18 KB
PDF icon Book Lists and Wish Lists with IndieCommerce pdf246.13 KB
PDF icon IndieCommerce Can Probably Do That for Your Website Presentation (PDF)4.48 MB
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Web & eCommerce
  • Technology

Thriving as a New Bookstore Owner

Recorded January 25, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019
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If you have been in business for five years or fewer, this is the session for you. Hear from booksellers who will look back over those first critical years and share tips for making it through the next five.

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • 101
Recorded January 25, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019

If you have been in business for five years or fewer, this is the session for you. Hear from booksellers who will look back over those first critical years and share tips for making it through the next five.

PDF icon Thriving as a New Bookstore Owner Presentation (PDF)3.45 MB
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • 101

ABC Presents: Experiential Reading — Graphic Novels Shape the Way Young People Read

Recorded January 25, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019
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Graphic novels can be a useful springboard into reading for reluctant readers, but they can also serve as a vehicle to launch readers into the symbiotic relationship between text and visuals. In this session, attendees will learn from booksellers and experts:

  • How the role of graphic novels has evolved in the bookstore and literacy
  • How to have a productive conversation with staff and customers about graphic novels
  • Types of programming that highlight and elevate the genre
  • The importance and impact of the representation of diverse characters in graphic novels
  • What the current educational terrain looks like and how bookstores can work with school libraries to incorporate graphic novels into the curriculum
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Children's Bookselling
Recorded January 25, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019

Graphic novels can be a useful springboard into reading for reluctant readers, but they can also serve as a vehicle to launch readers into the symbiotic relationship between text and visuals. In this session, attendees will learn from booksellers and experts:

  • How the role of graphic novels has evolved in the bookstore and literacy
  • How to have a productive conversation with staff and customers about graphic novels
  • Types of programming that highlight and elevate the genre
  • The importance and impact of the representation of diverse characters in graphic novels
  • What the current educational terrain looks like and how bookstores can work with school libraries to incorporate graphic novels into the curriculum
PDF icon Graphic Novel Additional Recommendations pdf493.48 KB
PDF icon Graphic Novel Additional Resources pdf86.22 KB
PDF icon Graphic Novels Guide for the Classroom pdf1.53 MB
PDF icon Experiential Reading - Graphic Novels Presentation (PDF)1.44 MB
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Children's Bookselling

Edelweiss Presents: The New Shelf Report

Recorded January 25, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019
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Edelweiss+Analytics is excited to present the new Shelf Report, created to help bookstores succeed against competitive pressures by providing unique decision intelligence. This new tool provides benchmarks for your store’s inventory, using the aggregate performance of hundreds of other independent bookstores on four key measures of sales and inventory health – across genres. Join us to learn more about how this tool can help you view your store from the outside-in and point to where you can focus your attention to make sure your inventory is working its hardest for you.

  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Technology
Recorded January 25, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019

Edelweiss+Analytics is excited to present the new Shelf Report, created to help bookstores succeed against competitive pressures by providing unique decision intelligence. This new tool provides benchmarks for your store’s inventory, using the aggregate performance of hundreds of other independent bookstores on four key measures of sales and inventory health – across genres. Join us to learn more about how this tool can help you view your store from the outside-in and point to where you can focus your attention to make sure your inventory is working its hardest for you.

  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Technology

Independent Bookstore Day

Recorded January 25, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019
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On April 28, indie booksellers will celebrate the fifth annual Independent Bookstore Day (IBD). In this panel, new concepts and a new ordering system will be revealed. Attendees will hear from booksellers who have figured out how to make the most of IBD and increase their sales dramatically. It takes a little effort and imagination, but having a highly successful Independent Bookstore Day doesn’t have to tax your staff or break the bank. Booksellers will learn:

  • How to order and make the most of the IBD exclusive merchandise
  • How to throw a party that will get people into your store
  • How to publicize your store’s party
  • How to take advantage of social media


  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Events
Recorded January 25, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019

On April 28, indie booksellers will celebrate the fifth annual Independent Bookstore Day (IBD). In this panel, new concepts and a new ordering system will be revealed. Attendees will hear from booksellers who have figured out how to make the most of IBD and increase their sales dramatically. It takes a little effort and imagination, but having a highly successful Independent Bookstore Day doesn’t have to tax your staff or break the bank. Booksellers will learn:

  • How to order and make the most of the IBD exclusive merchandise
  • How to throw a party that will get people into your store
  • How to publicize your store’s party
  • How to take advantage of social media


PDF icon How to Make Bookstore Day a Smashing Success (PDF)300.39 KB
PDF icon Independent Bookstore Day Presentation (PDF)4.79 MB
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Events

Mixing Bookstores and Bars

Recorded January 25, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019
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Independent bookstores are champions of innovation when it comes to business models. For the last few years, many bookstores have added bars to their business model by blending books with booze. This session will feature booksellers from both small and large stores who have experienced the successes and challenges of this business model.

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers
Recorded January 25, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019

Independent bookstores are champions of innovation when it comes to business models. For the last few years, many bookstores have added bars to their business model by blending books with booze. This session will feature booksellers from both small and large stores who have experienced the successes and challenges of this business model.

PDF icon Riffraff Menu pdf348.75 KB
PDF icon Story and Song Bookstore Bistro Menu pdf148.08 KB
PDF icon Books & Books Menu 1 pdf1.08 MB
PDF icon Books & Books Menu 2 pdf224.58 KB
PDF icon Books & Books Menu 3 pdf186.66 KB
PDF icon Mixing Bookstores and Bars Presentation (PDF)2.05 MB
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers

Managing a Multi-Location Business

Recorded January 25, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019
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If you are thinking about opening a second location -- or if you have recently done so -- this session is for you. A panel of experts who have been through the process will share tips and provide insight on how to know if opening a second store is the correct decision for your business, and if so, how to navigate the process. The topics discussed will include:

  • Review: Make sure your business is currently financially stable
  • Resources: monetary, staffing, and current owner responsibilities
  • Financing: Accessing traditional financing and other options

Market research: Ensuring your choice for the second location is sound

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers
Recorded January 25, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019

If you are thinking about opening a second location -- or if you have recently done so -- this session is for you. A panel of experts who have been through the process will share tips and provide insight on how to know if opening a second store is the correct decision for your business, and if so, how to navigate the process. The topics discussed will include:

  • Review: Make sure your business is currently financially stable
  • Resources: monetary, staffing, and current owner responsibilities
  • Financing: Accessing traditional financing and other options

Market research: Ensuring your choice for the second location is sound

PDF icon Tips for Managing a Multi-Location Business 1 pdf78.4 KB
PDF icon Tips for Managing a Multi-Location Business 2 pdf71.01 KB
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers

Do We Need to Talk? ​Surviving the Political ​& Cultural ​Divide With Your Co-Workers

Recorded January 25, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019

Divisive political commentary and ongoing reports of cultural and social misconduct continue to be highlighted in both national and local media. Because bookstores are both unique meeting places and businesses, many booksellers are struggling with how to navigate the resulting personal and professional pressures. What are the questions that owner/managers and staff should be asking that can lead to fruitful discussions and solutions? If you have found yourself thinking about this and discussing it with colleagues, please join the conversation. Facilitated by a professional moderator, this is an opportunity for booksellers to participate in this important discussion.

  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • 101
  • Owners and Managers

ABC Presents: Crash Course in Kids' Bookselling

Recorded January 24, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019
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Scenario: your store's children's bookseller is out sick and not one general bookseller has even an inkling about kids’ books. Never fear! Geared towards general booksellers with ZERO experience in the kid’s department, children’s frontlist booksellers on this panel will provide a crash course to prepare any bookseller to head into the children's department. In the session, general booksellers will learn:

  • Key phrases to use when selling a kids book
  • Important questions to ask a child and a parent when selecting a book
  • Signs to look for when selecting a book (shelf talkers, inferences from the cover)
  • Basic important information to always have in their back pocket
  • Where to look for recommendations
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Children's Bookselling
Recorded January 24, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019

Scenario: your store's children's bookseller is out sick and not one general bookseller has even an inkling about kids’ books. Never fear! Geared towards general booksellers with ZERO experience in the kid’s department, children’s frontlist booksellers on this panel will provide a crash course to prepare any bookseller to head into the children's department. In the session, general booksellers will learn:

  • Key phrases to use when selling a kids book
  • Important questions to ask a child and a parent when selecting a book
  • Signs to look for when selecting a book (shelf talkers, inferences from the cover)
  • Basic important information to always have in their back pocket
  • Where to look for recommendations
PDF icon Kids' Books Recommendations pdf445.72 KB
PDF icon Reference Books for Children's Booksellers pdf165.83 KB
PDF icon Children's Literature Awards pdf245.42 KB
PDF icon Crash Course in Kids' Bookselling Presentation (PDF)2.26 MB
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Children's Bookselling

Bookstores Launch the Open Discussion Project

Recorded January 24, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019
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As part of the pilot program of the Open Discussion project, five independent bookstores will be launching reading groups in the fall of 2018 with the goal of bringing liberals and conservatives together to discuss the issues that divide them. The Open Discussion Project is sponsored by the National Coalition Against Censorship (NCAC) in partnership with ABA. NCAC and ABA are inviting booksellers to join the Open Discussion Project when it goes national next year. A panel of booksellers who are participating in the pilot will discuss their experience.

  • Advocacy & Civic Engagement
  • 101
Recorded January 24, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019

As part of the pilot program of the Open Discussion project, five independent bookstores will be launching reading groups in the fall of 2018 with the goal of bringing liberals and conservatives together to discuss the issues that divide them. The Open Discussion Project is sponsored by the National Coalition Against Censorship (NCAC) in partnership with ABA. NCAC and ABA are inviting booksellers to join the Open Discussion Project when it goes national next year. A panel of booksellers who are participating in the pilot will discuss their experience.

PDF icon Open Discussion Project Information pdf89.77 KB
PDF icon Open Discussion Project Book Suggestions pdf198.2 KB
  • Advocacy & Civic Engagement
  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • 101
  • Events
  • Owners and Managers

Dealing With Difficult People

Recorded January 24, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019
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The goal of this session is to help bookstore owners and employees learn how to empower themselves to end uncomfortable situations, including harassment, with professionalism and respect. Among other things, the panel will discuss tips for identifying and navigating out of these distressing situations and suggestions for talking points booksellers can rely on while under duress. Booksellers will hear discussions on:

  • Prioritizing personal safety
  • Tips for changing the power dynamic
  • Tips for extricating yourself from a situation in a professional way
  • Learning how to ask for help when needed
  • Bookselling Essentials
  • 101
Recorded January 24, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019

The goal of this session is to help bookstore owners and employees learn how to empower themselves to end uncomfortable situations, including harassment, with professionalism and respect. Among other things, the panel will discuss tips for identifying and navigating out of these distressing situations and suggestions for talking points booksellers can rely on while under duress. Booksellers will hear discussions on:

  • Prioritizing personal safety
  • Tips for changing the power dynamic
  • Tips for extricating yourself from a situation in a professional way
  • Learning how to ask for help when needed
PDF icon Seminary Co-op Training Document pdf112.62 KB
  • Bookselling Essentials
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • 101

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone: Building Successful Relationship With Publishers

Recorded January 24, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019
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Creating and nurturing relationships with publishers is key to building a thriving business. Panelists in this session will provide an overview of how publishers work with independent bookstores and discuss steps booksellers can take to capitalize on and grow these relationships. Booksellers will learn:

  • Best practices for networking with publishers at industry events
  • What publishers look for in event proposal and how to land the A-List author
  • Best practices for pitching events in person
  • How to keep your relationships moving forward
  • Bookselling Essentials
  • 101
Recorded January 24, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019

Creating and nurturing relationships with publishers is key to building a thriving business. Panelists in this session will provide an overview of how publishers work with independent bookstores and discuss steps booksellers can take to capitalize on and grow these relationships. Booksellers will learn:

  • Best practices for networking with publishers at industry events
  • What publishers look for in event proposal and how to land the A-List author
  • Best practices for pitching events in person
  • How to keep your relationships moving forward
PDF icon Building Relationships with Publishers 1pdf64.28 KB
PDF icon Building Relationships with Publishers 2 pdf61.03 KB
PDF icon Building Relationships with Publishers 3 pdf91.6 KB
  • Bookselling Essentials
  • 101

Advanced Education: Developing Leaders in Your Store With Alden Mills

Recorded January 24, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019
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Pre-registration required; for owners and managers only. Register here As a bookstore owner or manager, having multiple responsibilities means your to-do list is never done. And as your business grows, your days only get longer. In order to keep your sanity, you need staff who can take on more responsibilities and grow with the business, providing leadership in your store and possessing the confidence to represent your store in the community. For this to happen, you need employees who can think strategically, take initiative, and feel empowered to solve problems. Alden Mills—Inc. 500 CEO, Navy SEAL, and author of Unstoppable Teams: The Four Essential Actions of High-Performance Leadership (HarperBusiness)—will teach important strategies you can apply immediately to develop leaders in your stores. You’ll walk away with Alden’s C.A.R.E.-based model that focuses on building relationships in four ways—with customers, co-workers, and community. This Advanced Education Session is designed for in-depth exploration among peers about management and operational concerns. Space is limited and registration is first-come, first-served. Each ABA member company is limited to two AES participants. ABA will attempt to accommodate all interested stores with at least one AES placement; assignments will be e-mailed prior to the start of Winter Institute. Presented twice on Thursday, 1/24: 9:20 to 10:20 am and 3:40 to 4:40 pm.

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers

Using ABACUS as a Budgeting Tool

Recorded January 24, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019
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ABACUS is a yearly benchmarking survey that gathers essential information and insights on bookstore financials. This unique and actionable data is key to a store’s long-term viability, as it can be used to create budgets and analyze important business questions. Bookseller panelists who regularly submit to ABACUS will explain how they have been able to implement changes based on their ABACUS report. In this session, booksellers will learn:

  • How to read key lines in an ABACUS report
  • How to recognize and make changes in bookstore financials
  • Important points to consider when making short- and long-term budgets based on ABACUS data

Information on how and when to submit your data to participate in the ABACUS report

PDF icon ABACUS Highlights pdf188.33 KB
PDF icon Using ABACUS as a Budgeting Tool Presentation (PDF)2.14 MB
  • Financial Management

Author in Focus: Why James Baldwin Always Matters, Presented by Casey Gerald and Robin Coste Lewis With the National Book Foundation

Recorded January 24, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019
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What if everyone read James Baldwin? He’s one of our most acclaimed 20th century thinkers, his writing exploring countless facets of American society and diving into subjects like sexuality, politics, marriage, police brutality, the Church, race, and love. He observed and critiqued humanity in a way that still resonates with so many of us in 2018 because his words and voice are timeless. Baldwin's groundbreaking work has inspired generations of fervent readers and fans, but what if we could widen that audience? Spread Baldwin's texts even further? Sell his work better, recommend him more frequently alongside other literary giants? We believe we can. Join the National Book Foundation for its new Author in Focus program featuring the work of James Baldwin, a four-time National Book Award nominee. The Foundation will be joined by two dynamic authors at Winter Institute as they help to answer the question of why James Baldwin's work has, does, and will always matter. This event was made possible by the Ford Foundation and Velvet Film.

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers
Recorded January 24, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019

What if everyone read James Baldwin? He’s one of our most acclaimed 20th century thinkers, his writing exploring countless facets of American society and diving into subjects like sexuality, politics, marriage, police brutality, the Church, race, and love. He observed and critiqued humanity in a way that still resonates with so many of us in 2018 because his words and voice are timeless. Baldwin's groundbreaking work has inspired generations of fervent readers and fans, but what if we could widen that audience? Spread Baldwin's texts even further? Sell his work better, recommend him more frequently alongside other literary giants? We believe we can. Join the National Book Foundation for its new Author in Focus program featuring the work of James Baldwin, a four-time National Book Award nominee. The Foundation will be joined by two dynamic authors at Winter Institute as they help to answer the question of why James Baldwin's work has, does, and will always matter. This event was made possible by the Ford Foundation and Velvet Film.

  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • 101

How to be a Highly Effective Bookseller, Manager or Buyer

Recorded January 24, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019
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One minute of planning can save you ten minutes in execution. Planning skills can make you a more effective bookseller and help prevent burnout because planning creates efficiency and leads to improved productivity. Cindy Dach, co-owner of Changing Hands Bookstores (Tempe, AZ), will teach booksellers techniques for time management, planning and organizing daily tasks, all with an eye toward completing the big-picture projects. This session is part of Changing Hands' professional development program.

  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Events
Recorded January 24, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019

One minute of planning can save you ten minutes in execution. Planning skills can make you a more effective bookseller and help prevent burnout because planning creates efficiency and leads to improved productivity. Cindy Dach, co-owner of Changing Hands Bookstores (Tempe, AZ), will teach booksellers techniques for time management, planning and organizing daily tasks, all with an eye toward completing the big-picture projects. This session is part of Changing Hands' professional development program.

Office spreadsheet icon Day of Event Logistics xls72.5 KB
Office spreadsheet icon Event Planning Timelines xls86.5 KB
PDF icon How to Be a Highly Effective Bookseller Presentation (PDF)1.88 MB
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Events

Top Tips for Instagram Success With Two Cats Communications

Recorded January 24, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019
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Gain a better understanding of the valuable role Instagram can play in your bookstore’s marketing program with Two Cats Communication as they share a holistic overview of best business practices utilizing the social media platform. This session will set bookstores up for Instagram success by teaching attendees:

  • Optimization tips
  • The benefits of an Instagram Business Account
  • How to develop a consistent brand
  • Platform features that can increase your reach and bring value to your bookstore
  • Bookselling Essentials
  • Technology
Recorded January 24, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019

Gain a better understanding of the valuable role Instagram can play in your bookstore’s marketing program with Two Cats Communication as they share a holistic overview of best business practices utilizing the social media platform. This session will set bookstores up for Instagram success by teaching attendees:

  • Optimization tips
  • The benefits of an Instagram Business Account
  • How to develop a consistent brand
  • Platform features that can increase your reach and bring value to your bookstore
PDF icon Top Tips for Instagram Success Presentation (PDF)5.78 MB
  • Bookselling Essentials
  • Events & Marketing
  • Technology

Introduction to Publisher Event Grids

Recorded January 24, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019
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There are many factors that go into publisher decisions for author visits and tours, and bookseller event grids help them make those choices. In this session, booksellers will see sample event grids from publisher panelists and learn more about how publishers approach author tours and what they are looking for from bookstores. Booksellers will learn:

  • The number-one thing publishers are looking for in potential events
  • How to make your event proposal stand out
  • How to use Edelweiss to make your grids more specific
  • Important ways to follow up after you submit the grid
  • Bookselling Essentials
  • Events
Recorded January 24, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019

There are many factors that go into publisher decisions for author visits and tours, and bookseller event grids help them make those choices. In this session, booksellers will see sample event grids from publisher panelists and learn more about how publishers approach author tours and what they are looking for from bookstores. Booksellers will learn:

  • The number-one thing publishers are looking for in potential events
  • How to make your event proposal stand out
  • How to use Edelweiss to make your grids more specific
  • Important ways to follow up after you submit the grid
PDF icon Grid Examples - Sample Requests pdf76.37 KB
PDF icon Introduction to Publisher Event Grids Presentation (PDF)1.46 MB
  • Bookselling Essentials
  • Events

ABC Group Presents: Selling Direct to Schools

Recorded January 23, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019
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Bookstores that sell direct to schools are an invaluable resource to the local community and a successful strategy for increasing cash flow and profits. Bookseller panelists who have worked closely with their school districts will share with Institute attendees how they too can foster a relationship with school districts and add to their stores’ bottom line. In this session booksellers will learn:

  • How to find appropriate school contacts
  • How to create teacher wishlists
  • How to become a school’s one-stop book fair distributor
  • How to manage in-school author visit orders
  • Best practices for orders
  • How to establish and manage subscription services
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Children's Bookselling
Recorded January 23, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019

Bookstores that sell direct to schools are an invaluable resource to the local community and a successful strategy for increasing cash flow and profits. Bookseller panelists who have worked closely with their school districts will share with Institute attendees how they too can foster a relationship with school districts and add to their stores’ bottom line. In this session booksellers will learn:

  • How to find appropriate school contacts
  • How to create teacher wishlists
  • How to become a school’s one-stop book fair distributor
  • How to manage in-school author visit orders
  • Best practices for orders
  • How to establish and manage subscription services
PDF icon Ahead of the Curve Subscription Service (PDF)116.35 KB
PDF icon Cynthia Lord Appearance Pre-Order Form Price List pdf94.12 KB
File Book Fair Template docx14.72 KB
File Candace Fleming author order form (docx)146.08 KB
Microsoft Office document icon Eric Dinerstein author order form (doc)53 KB
PDF icon ABC Group Selling Direct to Schools Presentation (PDF)1.48 MB
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Children's Bookselling

Maximizing and Marketing Pre-Order Sales

Recorded January 23, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019
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Pre-orders are becoming an increasingly important way in which books are sold and marketed in 2018, and indie bookstores can and should take part in this growing business. Heavily influenced by television and social media, the months before a title’s publication are critical, and pre-orders are a growing component of a book’s ultimate sales. By working with publishers to take full advantage of pre-order opportunities, indie bookstores can avoid lost sales, lost PR, and lost market share. In this session, panelists will discuss ways that stores can successfully promote and sell pre-orders to become an integral partner to publishers and authors. Learn about new methods developed and tested by a task force of indie stores--including processes and protocols for stores using various POS systems--that all stores can use to maximize pre-orders through marketing, tracking, and reporting. The session will include bookseller participation from the pre-order task force.



  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • 101
Recorded January 23, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019

Pre-orders are becoming an increasingly important way in which books are sold and marketed in 2018, and indie bookstores can and should take part in this growing business. Heavily influenced by television and social media, the months before a title’s publication are critical, and pre-orders are a growing component of a book’s ultimate sales. By working with publishers to take full advantage of pre-order opportunities, indie bookstores can avoid lost sales, lost PR, and lost market share. In this session, panelists will discuss ways that stores can successfully promote and sell pre-orders to become an integral partner to publishers and authors. Learn about new methods developed and tested by a task force of indie stores--including processes and protocols for stores using various POS systems--that all stores can use to maximize pre-orders through marketing, tracking, and reporting. The session will include bookseller participation from the pre-order task force.



PDF icon Reporting Pre-Orders POS Cheat Sheet pdf162.53 KB
PDF icon Maximizing and Marketing Pre-Order Sales Presentation (PDF)6.49 MB
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • 101

Stars of Albuquerque Indie Retail

Recorded January 23, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019
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Being an independent bookstore in today’s retail environment means working tirelessly to stay connected with your community while also promoting yourself online as an alternative to other online retailers. All independent retailers, not just booksellers, are meeting this challenge in various ways. Come to this session to hear from Albuquerque’s independent retailer stars, ask questions, and discover ideas to apply to your bookstore.

  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • 101
Recorded January 23, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019

Being an independent bookstore in today’s retail environment means working tirelessly to stay connected with your community while also promoting yourself online as an alternative to other online retailers. All independent retailers, not just booksellers, are meeting this challenge in various ways. Come to this session to hear from Albuquerque’s independent retailer stars, ask questions, and discover ideas to apply to your bookstore.

PDF icon Stars of Albuquerque Indie Retail Presentation (PDF)2.52 MB
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • 101

Yes She Can: Programs and Partnerships to Empower Women

Recorded January 23, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019
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Join your colleagues for a discussion on creating events and opportunities to highlight women's voices in the store and larger retail community. Hear from booksellers who are fostering women entrepreneurs, cross-promoting with women-owned businesses, creating dynamic in-store programming, and more. ABA members know that a diverse business district promotes a thriving local economy, and they are finding ways to ensure their stores, their communities, and their business districts are as dynamic and profitable as possible.

  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Events
Recorded January 23, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019

Join your colleagues for a discussion on creating events and opportunities to highlight women's voices in the store and larger retail community. Hear from booksellers who are fostering women entrepreneurs, cross-promoting with women-owned businesses, creating dynamic in-store programming, and more. ABA members know that a diverse business district promotes a thriving local economy, and they are finding ways to ensure their stores, their communities, and their business districts are as dynamic and profitable as possible.

PDF icon Bookshop Santa Cruz Women's Voices pdf1017.14 KB
PDF icon Yes She Can: Programs and Partnerships to Empower Women Presentation (PDF)3.69 MB
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Events

ABC Group Presents: Hosting A+ Educator Nights

Recorded January 23, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019
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Community educators are important bookstore allies. They work closely with children, and children need books! Making sure bookstores are carrying what teachers are recommending is essential to strengthening the relationship between the two. In this session, event planners and buyers will share how they have implemented and had success hosting Educator Nights. Booksellers will learn:

  • Why Educator Nights are important
  • How to build a bookstore’s list of educator contacts
  • The type of information educators are seeking out when they come to an in-store Educator Night

Important topics to discuss at these events

  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Children's Bookselling
Recorded January 23, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019

Community educators are important bookstore allies. They work closely with children, and children need books! Making sure bookstores are carrying what teachers are recommending is essential to strengthening the relationship between the two. In this session, event planners and buyers will share how they have implemented and had success hosting Educator Nights. Booksellers will learn:

  • Why Educator Nights are important
  • How to build a bookstore’s list of educator contacts
  • The type of information educators are seeking out when they come to an in-store Educator Night

Important topics to discuss at these events

PDF icon Educator Night Passport pdf54.7 KB
PDF icon Hosting A+ Educator Nights Presentation (PDF)2.65 MB
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Children's Bookselling

Bringing Play and Revenue into the Store: Board Games are Back!

Recorded January 23, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019
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If the thought of playing board games brings up childhood memories of Monopoly and Risk and not much else, you have some catching up to do. Board games are a hot trend and a growing business. And they’ve grown a lot more sophisticated than what you might remember. The popular digital games that have made the leap to board games, the games inspired by viral internet challenges, and the traditional games of your childhood all have something in common: face-to-face social interaction, which is a key component of successful independent bookstores. Come hear from booksellers who have integrated board games and play nights into their sales and events. An independent board game seller joins the panel to discuss the aspects of his business and how booksellers can bring games -- and customers -- into the bookstore.

  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Genre
Recorded January 23, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019

If the thought of playing board games brings up childhood memories of Monopoly and Risk and not much else, you have some catching up to do. Board games are a hot trend and a growing business. And they’ve grown a lot more sophisticated than what you might remember. The popular digital games that have made the leap to board games, the games inspired by viral internet challenges, and the traditional games of your childhood all have something in common: face-to-face social interaction, which is a key component of successful independent bookstores. Come hear from booksellers who have integrated board games and play nights into their sales and events. An independent board game seller joins the panel to discuss the aspects of his business and how booksellers can bring games -- and customers -- into the bookstore.

PDF icon Game Day Flyer pdf241.32 KB
PDF icon Bringing Play and Revenue into the Store: Board Games are Back Presentation (PDF)3.15 MB
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Genre

Industry Trends and Analytics

Recorded January 23, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019
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Industry experts present a review of the most recent data on the U.S. book market with a deep-dive into the latest trends. There will be plenty of new insights to help attendees improve their business in the coming year.

  • Bookselling Essentials
  • Owners and Managers
Recorded January 23, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019

Industry experts present a review of the most recent data on the U.S. book market with a deep-dive into the latest trends. There will be plenty of new insights to help attendees improve their business in the coming year.

PDF icon Industry Trends and Analytics Presentation (PDF)2.42 MB
  • Bookselling Essentials
  • Owners and Managers

Lower Your Cost of Goods

Recorded January 23, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019
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Increasing margin through better buying and careful budgeting can improve your cost of goods. This session will use data from ABA’s ABACUS report to outline a path to improvements in a store’s cost of goods, leading to improved financial decisions and substantial savings. The booksellers on this panel are excited to share straightforward financial practices that will make a big difference to the financial health of your business. In this session, booksellers will learn:

  • How to read the ABACUS report, including how to compare your data with national averages
  • How to make small changes to cost of goods that will result in a positive financial impact
  • How long it takes to see the results of small changes to cost of goods
  • How to evaluate which financial changes are the ones that will most benefit your business with the least worry and work
  • Bookselling Essentials
  • Financial Management
  • 101
Recorded January 23, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019

Increasing margin through better buying and careful budgeting can improve your cost of goods. This session will use data from ABA’s ABACUS report to outline a path to improvements in a store’s cost of goods, leading to improved financial decisions and substantial savings. The booksellers on this panel are excited to share straightforward financial practices that will make a big difference to the financial health of your business. In this session, booksellers will learn:

  • How to read the ABACUS report, including how to compare your data with national averages
  • How to make small changes to cost of goods that will result in a positive financial impact
  • How long it takes to see the results of small changes to cost of goods
  • How to evaluate which financial changes are the ones that will most benefit your business with the least worry and work
PDF icon Lower Your Cost of Goods Presentation (PDF)1.92 MB
  • Financial Management
  • 101

Selling International and Diverse Books: Panel with Bookselling Without Borders Alumni & Organizers

Recorded January 23, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019
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Never has there been a greater need for diverse and international voices in the American market. In this session, panelists will discuss practices they have brought back to their stores from their experiences with Bookselling Without Borders, a fellowship program that sends U.S. booksellers to foreign book fairs as part of a book industry professional exchange program. Among other things, the Bookselling Without Borders program seeks to help booksellers develop concrete ideas for increasing sales of diverse and international literature in the indie market.

  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Handselling
Recorded January 23, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019

Never has there been a greater need for diverse and international voices in the American market. In this session, panelists will discuss practices they have brought back to their stores from their experiences with Bookselling Without Borders, a fellowship program that sends U.S. booksellers to foreign book fairs as part of a book industry professional exchange program. Among other things, the Bookselling Without Borders program seeks to help booksellers develop concrete ideas for increasing sales of diverse and international literature in the indie market.

PDF icon Selling International and Diverse Books Presentation (PDF)6.6 MB
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Handselling

Your Landlord, Your Business Partner

Recorded January 23, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019

Your landlord can be one of the most important influencers on the success of your business, but this critical relationship is often only considered when the rent is due or when it’s time to sign the lease. Bookstore owners who have experienced the positive results of cultivating the landlord relationship will share their experiences and explore effective strategies for landlord relations. Panelists will discuss:

  • Best practices for improving landlord relationships
  • Tips for turning your landlord into an advocate for your business as well as indie businesses in your community
  • Tips for lease negotiations
PDF icon Shelf Awareness Feature: Booksellers Navigate Rising Rents pdf94.33 KB
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers

Refugee Book Drive

Recorded January 22, 2019 for Winter Institute 2019

A Refugee Book Drive will be held during Wi14, beginning on Tuesday at the Welcome Desk, then moving to the Galley Room for the remainder of the Institute. Spanish-language books are being collected to benefit parents and children from Central America and Mexico. Organized by Denise Chávez (Casa Camino Real Bookstore, Las Cruces, NM) and administered by Border Servants Corps. Genres and subject suggestions are posted here on BookWeb.org. Refugees are people who have been forced to leave their homes or their country, either because of war, economic or societal problems, their political or religious beliefs, or natural disaster.

Office spreadsheet icon Top 100 Spanish-Language Books with Terms (Members Only) (Ingram list compiled by River Dog Book Co)72 KB
PDF icon Suggested Spanish-Language Books (Word Up Community Bookshop/Librería Comunitaria) pdf68.34 KB
Office spreadsheet icon Top 100 Spanish-Language Books (Ingram list compiled by River Dog Book Co)53 KB
  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Handselling

Webinar: Web Accessibility And Your IndieCommerce Site

Recorded October 25, 2018 for
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While digital accessibility should be at the forefront of every IndieCommerce site, ADA guidelines can be difficult to understand, decipher, and put into practice in a real and meaningful way. In the webinar booksellers will discover how to implement the guiding principles of digital accessibility by learning how to decode the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (the federal standard for digital accessibility) as well as how they can put some of those guidelines into practice on their IndieCommerce and IndieLite websites.

ABA’s webinar on ensuring ADA website compliance was run by Art Frick, who has been designing and developing websites and multimedia collateral for a variety of companies, organizations, and institutions since 2004.

  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Web & eCommerce
  • Technology

Maximizing Pre-Orders Fall Shows 2018

Recorded October 21, 2018 for Regional Conferences

Maximizing Pre-Orders focuses on how indie bookstores can take full advantage of pre-order opportunities and boost their sales, PR, and market share. In this presentation, booksellers will also discover ways to successfully promote and sell pre-orders including new methods developed and tested by ABA’s Pre-Orders Task Force of indie stores.

Maximizing Pre-Orders was presented at the 2018 Fall Regional Shows.

PDF icon Maximizing Pre-Orders 2018 PPT pdf5.06 MB
PDF icon Reporting Pre-Orders POS Cheat Sheet pdf162.53 KB
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Owners and Managers

Principals of Bookstore Finance Seminar

Recorded October 3, 2018 for Regional Conferences

The 101-level seminar, led by ABA CFO Robyn DesHotel and Cynthia Compton of 4 Kids Books & Toys in Zionsville, Indiana, covers the fundamentals of budgeting, understanding cash flow, business financing, bookkeeping, and financial statements. The seminar concentrates on bookstore finances as opposed to bookstore accounting and deep financial experience is not required.


PDF icon Financial Management Workshop Slides (pdf)1.09 MB
PDF icon Financial Management ABACUS Slides (pdf)645.31 KB
File Store Expansion Study Spreadsheet (xlsx)30.94 KB
  • Financial Management

Bookselling 101: Hacking Your Bookseller Salary, With Jesse Mecham

Recorded January 25, 2018 for Winter Institute 2018
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Jesse Mecham is the author of You Need A Budget: The Proven System for Breaking the Paycheck to Paycheck Cycle, Getting Out of Debt, and Living the Life You Want. YNAB is best-known for teaching “Four Rules” to help people really gain control of their money. Jesse puts his business lessons in action by teaching attendees how they personally can change the way they think about their money. He’ll teach attendees his “Four Rules” walking them through hilarious (because they’re so true!) examples of money mistakes, and what they can do today to start having their money line up with what really matters.

  • Financial Management

Emergency Preparedness and Resiliency for Your Business

Recorded January 25, 2018 for Winter Institute 2018

When your business is hit by a disaster, you need to know you are prepared. Whether you are dealing with floods or fire or other disaster, your business survival will depend on having a solid emergency plan in place and a resilient and adaptable business model. Booksellers who have experienced disaster in their store and community will share best practices, and local and national FEMA and emergency preparedness experts will share tips that will help businesses survive and rebound.

PDF icon Resources for Emergency Prep (PDF)4.03 MB
  • Operations & Personnel Management

Courting the Romance Reader

Recorded January 25, 2018 for Winter Institute 2018

The romance genre has one of the highest shares of fiction sales in the U.S. market at 23 percent (NPD Book 2016). Now is the time to take a closer look at marketing and selling this dynamic genre. In this session, bookseller and publisher panelists will discuss best practices for developing a successful relationship with the romance reader as well as tips for marketing this genre in a general bookstore.

PDF icon Reliable Recommendations (PDF)57.29 KB
PDF icon Romance Reader Stats (pdf)392.91 KB
PDF icon Judgement Free Badge (pdf)559.82 KB
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Genre

Morning Keynote: Amy Webb

Recorded January 25, 2018 for Winter Institute 2018
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Amy Webb is a quantitative futurist. She is a professor of strategic foresight at the NYU Stern School of Business and the Founder of the Future Today Institute, a leading future forecasting and strategy firm that researches technology and answers “What’s the future of X?” for a global client base. She is the author of three books, including The Signals Are Talking: Why Today’s Fringe Is Tomorrow’s Mainstream (PublicAffairs, December 2016) which explains how to predict and manage technological change. It was selected as one of Fast Company’s Best Books of 2016 and was a Washington Post Bestseller. Her bestselling memoir Data, A Love Story (Dutton/ Penguin 2013) is about finding love via algorithms. Her TED talk about Data has been viewed more than 6 million times and has been translated into 32 languages.

  • Events & Marketing

ABC Idea Exchange: Tips and Tricks to Train General Booksellers to Hand-Sell Children's Books

Recorded January 25, 2018 for Winter Institute 2018

Uh-oh! A customer needs help in the children's department, and not one children's specialist is available to assist. Don't panic — this session is for you! In a workshop setting, children's booksellers will offer advice, tips, and tricks to help the general bookseller expand their repertoire of sales skills to include selling children's books with confidence.

PDF icon Tips for Hand-Selling Kids Books (PDF)182.63 KB
  • Bookselling Essentials
  • Children's Bookselling

Hiring for Diversity and Inclusion

Recorded January 25, 2018 for Winter Institute 2018

Making hiring decisions for a diverse sales force often requires a new and different approach to hiring — including looking outside your normal sources for candidates and fostering relationships both in the store and in the larger community. Mecca E. Santana will be joining Marc Villa (Politics and Prose Bookstore) in a discussion on how to make your store more diverse and inclusive. Mecca is the Vice President of Diversity & Community Relations for Westchester Medical Center Health Network in White Plains, NY. Prior to this position, Ms. Santana served as the Chief Diversity Officer for the State of New York, and was responsible for the promotion of workforce diversity and inclusion, while also leading new initiatives to increase Minority & Women Owned Business (MWBE) procurement opportunities.

PDF icon Hiring for Diversity pdf419.88 KB
  • Diversity & Inclusion

Best Practices for Buying, Marketing, and Handselling Diverse Books

Recorded January 24, 2018 for Winter Institute 2018

Booksellers who have successfully expanded sections to include diverse books will share resources and techniques for buying, marketing, and handselling these books. Panelists will represent stores from communities of different sizes and demographics.

PDF icon Best Practices for Buying Marketing Hand Selling Diverse Books (pdf)439.32 KB
  • Diversity & Inclusion

Advanced Education: Succession Planning

Recorded January 24, 2018 for Winter Institute 2018

Pre-registration required; for owners and managers only. Registration is closed. Exiting a much-loved business can be difficult to consider, but whether you are preparing to retire or you expect to own your store for many years to come, it is important to have a plan in place for your business and to consider all succession options. A bookseller who has gone through the process of selling a store as well as a representative from a local financial group that offers business valuations will lead a conversation on how to prepare for this important step in the life of your store.

PDF icon Elements of Succession Planning for Selling a Bookstore (PDF)86.18 KB
  • Financial Management

Capturing the Travel, Religion, and Cookbook Enthusiast

Recorded January 24, 2018 for Winter Institute 2018

The recent resurgence of interest in travel books is one more reason to take a closer look at the marketing of certain genres. Bookseller and publisher panelists will cover creative marketing, merchandising, events, and handselling to help put your store on the map for customers seeking books on travel, religion, and cooking.

PDF icon Ingram Travel and Outdoor Sell Sheet10.74 MB
PDF icon Workman Cookbooks Sell Sheet 4.81 MB
  • Buying & Inventory Management

ABACUS 101: Improving Bookstore Operations Through Benchmarking

Recorded January 24, 2018 for Winter Institute 2018

ABACUS is a yearly benchmarking survey that gathers key information and insights on bookstore financials. Stores that participate in ABACUS know how important this unique and actionable data is to their store’s long-term viability. Industry Insights, the organization that compiles and analyzes the confidential bookstore data, will offer a tutorial on the new ABACUS web portal, review key survey trends and results, and demonstrate how to generate reports to best utilize a store’s data. In addition, booksellers who regularly submit to ABACUS will explain how they have been able to implement changes based on their ABACUS report.

PDF icon ABACUS 101413.3 KB
PDF icon Sample P&L219.28 KB
  • Financial Management

Afternoon Keynote: Daniel Pink

Recorded January 23, 2018 for Winter Institute 2018
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Daniel H. Pink is the author of several books, including the New York Times bestsellers Drive, To Sell is Human, and A Whole New Mind. His books have won multiple awards and have been translated into 35 languages. He lives with his family in Washington, DC.

  • Operations & Personnel Management

First Steps to Financial Peace in Business

Recorded January 23, 2018 for Winter Institute 2018
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Implementing a system to manage store finances is key to the survival of any business. A good financial system allows you to confidently meet financial obligations, from payroll to event budgets and more. This session will highlight a few tactics booksellers can use to create a better system to approach and manage store finances with confidence.

  • Financial Management
  • 101
Recorded January 23, 2018 for Winter Institute 2018

Implementing a system to manage store finances is key to the survival of any business. A good financial system allows you to confidently meet financial obligations, from payroll to event budgets and more. This session will highlight a few tactics booksellers can use to create a better system to approach and manage store finances with confidence.

PDF icon Transaction Spread Sheet (pdf)90.93 KB
PDF icon Monthly Report Checklist (pdf)33.59 KB
PDF icon Day Sheet Master (pdf)13.58 KB
  • Financial Management
  • 101

ABC Presents 101: Author Events for Schools

Recorded January 23, 2018 for Winter Institute 2018

Schools serve as an established audience for children’s authors. In this session, booksellers will learn how to develop relationships with schools and libraries, build pre-order sales, and encourage publicists and authors to put their store at the top of a publisher’s list for sending visiting authors to their community.

PDF icon Author School Visit Schedule (PDF)170.08 KB
  • Bookselling Essentials
  • Children's Bookselling

Working With Self-Published Authors

Recorded January 23, 2018 for Winter Institute 2018

Multiple programs are available to help booksellers work with local self-published authors. Panelists, including representatives from the Independent Book Publisher Association and Ingram Spark as well as booksellers who have created mutually beneficial relationships with self-published authors, will discuss existing programs and tips for successful relationships.

PDF icon Village Books Event Info (pdf)280.73 KB
PDF icon Village Books Event FAQs (pdf)515.21 KB
PDF icon Village Books Event Package Description (pdf)95.58 KB
PDF icon Village Books POD Submission Guidelines (pdf)180.06 KB
PDF icon Village Books POD Pricing Specs (pdf)244.92 KB
PDF icon Village Books Event Questionnaire (pdf)197.01 KB
PDF icon Village Books Consignment Sales Agreement (pdf)99.59 KB
PDF icon Village Books Consignment Agreement Info (pdf)404.63 KB
PDF icon Village Books Author Agreement Form (pdf)251.37 KB
PDF icon Malaprop's Consignment Intake Form (pdf)198.71 KB
PDF icon Village Books Sample Press Release (pdf)372.67 KB
PDF icon IBPA Checklist (pdf)520.33 KB
PDF icon IBPA Industry Standards (pdf)238.24 KB
  • Buying & Inventory Management

Google Analytics 101

Recorded January 23, 2018 for Winter Institute 2018

Is your store website working for you? Who’s visiting, what are they interested in, and where are they coming from? Google Analytics is a free tool that can help answer all of these questions and more. It’s not as hard as you think, and the answers might surprise you! We’ll give you a quick tour of the highlights of Google Analytics and show you how to dig in and learn some interesting things about your website and its audience. This course is intended for beginners to Google Analytics and is not specific to any particular type of website or platform.

PDF icon Google Analytics 101 (pdf)130.91 KB
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Technology

Idea Exchange: Favorite Bookstore Forms, Documents, and Procedures

Recorded January 23, 2018 for Winter Institute 2018

Are you looking for better checklists and forms to help you organize your store operations? Or do you already have procedures for self-published authors, special orders, or other store operations that you can’t live without? Here’s an opportunity to crowdsource solutions for you and your fellow booksellers. Come to this idea exchange with a number of copies of your “best loved” forms and exchange them with “best loved” forms from other stores.

Image icon Gramercy Books Consignment 1 (jpg)472.62 KB
Image icon Gramercy Books Consignment 2 (jpg)803.68 KB
Image icon Can't Find, Customer Request, IBID Corrections (jpg)680.67 KB
PDF icon Bright Side Bookshop Phone Order (pdf)97.91 KB
PDF icon Bright Side Bookshop Orientation and Training (pdf)110.66 KB
PDF icon Bright Side Bookshop Loss Control (pdf)75.72 KB
PDF icon Bright Side Bookshop Event Evaluation (pdf)91.89 KB
PDF icon Bright Side Bookshop Daily Manager Sheets (pdf)320.68 KB
PDF icon Bright Side Bookshop Bookseller Job Description (pdf)118.65 KB
PDF icon Avid Bookshop at Five Points Daily Checklist (pdf)79.08 KB
PDF icon Avid Bookshop Consignment Application (pdf)85.04 KB
PDF icon Avid Bookshop Monthly Tasks (pdf)64.95 KB
PDF icon Avid Bookshop Request to Book an Event (pdf)14.5 KB
PDF icon Avid In-shop Event Checklist (pdf)96.24 KB
PDF icon Wild Rumpus Employee Performance Evaluation (pdf)81.38 KB
  • Operations & Personnel Management

Take Your Social Media to the Next Level: Strategic Best Practices for Retail and E-commerce Businesses

Recorded January 23, 2018 for Winter Institute 2018
Watch video from this event.M

Successful social media marketing requires more than just posting and sharing content. Retailers that understand the power of engagement and customer relationships can generate name recognition, sales, on-site visitors, and more. Learn how to develop a more informed, organized, goal-oriented approach to your social media that will help you achieve your digital marketing goals. Identify how social media marketing can target the right audiences and grow your bottom line. This class will benefit any bookseller that has clearly defined digital marketing goals, currently manages one or more social media accounts, and is actively marketing on social media on a daily or weekly basis.

  • Events & Marketing

Advanced Education: Do Less, Then Obsess - Recognizing Your Store’s Strengths and Making the Most of Them, with Morten Hansen

Recorded January 23, 2018 for Winter Institute 2018

Pre-registration required; for owners and managers only. Morten Hansen, co-author of Great by Choice (Simon & Schuster) with Jim Collins, is a professor of management at the University of California, Berkeley. His forthcoming book, Great at Work, which draws on a longitudinal study of more than 5,000 managers and employees, has already been hailed by organizational psychologist Adam Grant as “the definitive guide to working smarter.” Professor Hansen will lead an interactive workshop on how bookstores and booksellers might find more success not by doing more—not by joining another social media platform, by trying to sell nonbook merchandise, or by trying to be the “everything store” that Amazon has become—but by identifying the work that their bookstore does best, and then effectively obsessing about it. Hansen will lead a discussion for owners and managers who want to maximize their time and increase their job performance and will share his “Seven Work Smarter Practices” and provide an opportunity for booksellers to identify ways to apply them to their daily business lives. Advanced Education registration is closed.

PDF icon How to Create Value Worksheet (PDF)74.84 KB
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers

Principles of Bookstore Finance Seminar

Recorded January 22, 2018 for Winter Institute 2018

This 101-level seminar covers the fundamentals of budgeting, understanding cash flow, business financing, bookkeeping, and financial statements. The workshop includes a segment focusing on strategies for achieving higher profits and improving cash flow. The program concludes with an interactive group discussion, working through an example of how booksellers can use their store’s financial information to make sound business decisions. The seminar concentrates on bookstore finances as opposed to bookstore accounting, and though it is helpful for attendees to be familiar with basic bookstore finances, deep financial experience is not required.

PDF icon Principles of Financial Management (pdf)1.15 MB
File Store Expansion Scenarios (xlsx) 32.07 KB
PDF icon ABACUS and the 2% Solution (pdf)598.24 KB
PDF icon Sales Change Analysis (pdf)193.07 KB
PDF icon Ordering Direct vs Wholesale (pdf)176.59 KB
PDF icon ABACUS 16 Highlights (pdf)187.23 KB
  • Financial Management
  • Owners and Managers

Take Your Show on the Road: Managing Large-Scale Events

Recorded July 11, 2017 for Webinars
Watch video from this event.M

For booksellers who have never created a large-scale off-site event as well as those who are looking for some creative tips for more successful events.

Learn about:

  • Marketing at low or no cost
  • Tips for publisher proposals
  • Ticketing and bundling
  • Managing crowds and logistics
  • Book sale expectations

Panelists: Jessica Stockton-Bagnulo (Greenlight Bookstore, Brooklyn, NY), Lynn Pellerito Riehl (Nicola’s Books, Ann Arbor, Michigan), Robert McDonald (The Book Stall, Winnetka, IL.)

  • Events & Marketing
Recorded July 11, 2017 for Webinars

For booksellers who have never created a large-scale off-site event as well as those who are looking for some creative tips for more successful events.

Learn about:

  • Marketing at low or no cost
  • Tips for publisher proposals
  • Ticketing and bundling
  • Managing crowds and logistics
  • Book sale expectations

Panelists: Jessica Stockton-Bagnulo (Greenlight Bookstore, Brooklyn, NY), Lynn Pellerito Riehl (Nicola’s Books, Ann Arbor, Michigan), Robert McDonald (The Book Stall, Winnetka, IL.)

PDF icon Event Procedures from Greenlight Bookstore255.25 KB
PDF icon Tips for a Successful Event from The Book Stall249.18 KB
PDF icon Tips for Fly Over Zone Proposals from Nicola's Books101.94 KB
PDF icon Questions and Answers346.53 KB
  • Events & Marketing

Featured Talk: Marley Dias in Conversation with Suzanna Hermans, “Inspiring Readers to Enact Change”

Recorded April 7, 2017 for Children's Institute 2017

Marley Dias, in conversation with Suzanna Hermans of Oblong Books, will discuss her journey from New Jersey tween to viral activist sensation—and now to author. Marley’s effort to diversify the characters on her bookshelf by collecting #1000BlackGirlBooks was celebrated by thousands of readers, and by booksellers across the country who supported her campaign in their stores and on social media. At this event, Marley will engage in a lively Q&A about reaching young readers who are equally interested in activism, pop culture, and serious news As she said in an Elle.com interview, “My generation feels the pressure to make things better, but we need more spaces to speak our minds and to make a difference.” Marley will encourage booksellers to make their stores a go-to resource for young people and their varied passions.

  • Diversity & Inclusion

Growing Sales With Your Favorite Backlist Titles – What Works, What Doesn’t

Recorded April 7, 2017 for Children's Institute 2017

A strong backlist inventory is the cornerstone of book sales. Bookseller panelists who have learned to successfully curate their selections will share their knowledge on the importance of backlist, how to choose and display books, which titles continue to sell well, and which children’s categories to invest in to maintain a robust backlist collection for customers.

  • Karin Schott, Devaney, Doak, & Garrett Booksellers (Farmington, ME)
  • Molly Olivo, Barstons Child's Play (Washington, DC)
  • Erin Barker, Hooray for Books! (Alexandria, VA)
  • Meghan Goel, BookPeople (Austin, TX) (Moderator)


PDF icon Backlist Perennial Favorites (PDF)944.94 KB
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Children's Bookselling

Fostering an Inclusive Environment for Staff and Customers With Disabilities

Recorded April 7, 2017 for Children's Institute 2017

Creating an inclusive environment is essential to broadening the goodwill and customer base of any bookstore. Panelists will discuss the social and financial reasons for making your store accessible in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, strategies for educating staff, how to make accommodations for staff and customers with disabilities, ideas for special programming and related outreach, and resources to guide such initiatives.

  • Kimberly Cake, Enchanted Passage (Sutton, MA)
  • Drew Sieplinga, Wild Rumpus (Minneapolis, MN)
  • Susan Kusel, [words] Bookstore (Maplewood, NJ) (Moderator)
PDF icon Fostering an Inclusive Environment for Staff and Customers with Disabilities - ADA Resources (PDF)607.87 KB
PDF icon Schneider Family Book Awards (PDF)813.63 KB
  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Children's Bookselling

Breakfast Keynote: Jason Reynolds, "Karibu Means Welcome"

Recorded April 7, 2017 for Children's Institute 2017

Jason Reynolds tells the story of being a reluctant reader as a child, to being a bookseller at Karibu Bookstore, and how all of it helped shape him as a writer.


  • Diversity & Inclusion

Featured Talk: Allison Risbridger, "Where Are We and Where Are We Going? Trends and Findings in Children's Bookselling"

Recorded April 6, 2017 for Children's Institute 2017

Allison Risbridger, client development specialist at NPD Book, will present a review of the most recent data on the U.S. children’s book market with a deep-dive into the latest trends in genres, formats, buyer behavior, and more. Attendees will emerge with plenty of new insights to help them better understand their business in the coming year.

PDF icon Trends and Findings in Children's Bookselling (PDF)2.49 MB
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Children's Bookselling

About ABA

American Booksellers Association is a national trade association that supports and advocates for the success of independent bookstores. We provide members with education, networking opportunities, advocacy, resources, and technology. In turn our members support local schools through book fairs, donations and author visits; promote literacy; provide inclusive community centers; connect readers and books; add character to neighborhoods; champion and center diverse and new voices; and contribute to the local economy. We feel honored to support them in their work.


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