1015 results. Results may be paginated. Select one or more topics and filter by tag, format, or conference to focus results. Some resources are visible only to logged-in, ABA bookseller members.

Roundtable: Conversation With Nonprofits and Employee Owned Co-ops

Roundtable: Conversation With Nonprofits and Employee Owned Co-ops (March 8, 2022)
Content related to the education session Roundtable: Conversation With Nonprofits and Employee Owned Co-ops, Snow Days 2022.
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  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers

This roundtable is your opportunity to socialize, network, and learn from booksellers who run nonprofits and employee owned co-ops. Whether you currently represent a nonprofit and employee owned co-op or are new to this model, this conversation will provide you with valuable insights and new connections.

Moderators: Jeff Martin, Magic City Books (Tulsa, OK); Libertie Valance, Firestorm Books & Coffee (Asheville, NC)

Roundtable: Financial Q&A With PK Sindwani and Cynthia Compton

Roundtable: Financial Q&A With PK Sindwani and Cynthia Compton (March 8, 2022)
Content related to the education session Roundtable: Financial Q&A With PK Sindwani and Cynthia Compton, Snow Days 2022.
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  • Financial Management
  • Owners and Managers

This conversation is for stores of all sizes and designed with your questions in mind. PK Sindwani, former bookseller and current ABA CFO, and Cynthia Compton, owner of 4 Kids Books & Toys (Zionsville, IN), will spend the majority of the session taking financial questions from the audience. No question is too big or too small! This interactive group discussion will take into account a variety of business models, and practical advice will be given about how to integrate what you’ve learned to assist with making sound business decisions.

Moderators: PK Sindwani, ABA (White Plains, NY); Cynthia Compton, 4 Kids Books & Toys (Zionsville, IN)

Roundtable: Best Practices for Optimizing Store-Branded Merchandise

Roundtable: Best Practices for Optimizing Store-Branded Merchandise (March 8, 2022)
Content related to the education session Roundtable: Best Practices for Optimizing Store-Branded Merchandise, Snow Days 2022.
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  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • 101

Bookstore-branded merchandise is an important way to capitalize on the story and personality of your store. If you have had success with various vendors or specific merchandise, come share your experiences with your colleagues! And if you are considering offering branded merchandise, but aren’t sure where to start, this is the perfect space to ask for recommendations. Come prepared to crowdsource ideas, best practices, and resources — and to learn.

Moderators: Danny Caine, Raven Book Store (Lawrence, KS); Rachel Watkins, Avid Bookshop (Athens, GA); Jake Cumsky-Whitlock, Solid State Books (Washington, DC)

Unions 101 For Booksellers And Bookstores

Unions 101 For Booksellers And Bookstores (March 8, 2022)
Content related to the education session Unions 101 For Booksellers And Bookstores, Snow Days 2022.
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  • Bookselling Essentials
  • 101

This will be a candid and balanced information session on the nuts and bolts of unions from both an employer and employee perspective by attorneys with experience with both sides of this issue. Booksellers who would like to send questions in advance can access this form. All responses received will remain anonymous–even ABA staff won’t be able to see who filled in the form. This session is being set up as a Zoom webinar to maintain attendees' anonymity; The participant tab will not be available. Q&A during the event will be anonymous as well. Access this Zoom webinar by attending Snow Days. (Zoom link will be shared periodically in the chat on the Hopin platform.)

Jon Hiatt is a union-side labor lawyer. From 1995 to 2017 he was General Counsel and then Chief of Staff at the AFL-CIO. Previously he served as General Counsel of the Service Employees International Union, and before that he represented a variety of local unions while practicing in Boston, Massachusetts. He currently serves as counsel to the International Lawyers Assisting Workers (ILAW) Network at the Solidarity Center in Washington, DC, and is a visiting scholar at the University of California's Berkeley Labor Center.

Mark R. Reiss represents and counsels clients in a range of labor and employment matters, with particular emphasis in collective bargaining and labor arbitrations. He practices before various federal, state and local labor and employment agencies, including the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the New York State Division of Human Rights, the Connecticut Human Rights and Opportunities Commission and the Department of Labor (DOL).

Opening Keynote: How to Imagine the Future of Bookselling

Opening Keynote: How to Imagine the Future of Bookselling (March 8, 2022)
Content related to the education session Opening Keynote: How to Imagine the Future of Bookselling, Snow Days 2022.
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  • Bookselling Essentials
  • 101

Post-COVID-19, how do we start planning for the future? Especially when it feels impossible to predict what the world will be like next week, let alone next year or in the next decade. And how do we find a way to face that future with optimism? Join future forecaster, New York Times bestselling author, and designer of alternate reality games, Jane McGonigal, as she discusses her new book, Imaginable: How to See the Future Coming and Feel Ready for Anything—Even Things that Seem Impossible Today. McGonigal draws on the latest scientific research in psychology and neuroscience, as well as gaming strategies, to show us how to train our brains to imagine the unimaginable and to offer us new tools to help us recover our confidence, creativity, and hope. McGonigal’s work designing future simulations of world problems like climate-change weather events, helps participants imagine and prepare for the world's future. McGonigal joins us today to help us start imagining and preparing for the future of bookselling.

Marketing Meetup - Customer Experience and Marketing Funnels

Marketing Meetup - Customer Experience and Marketing Funnels (March 3, 2022)
Content related to the education session Marketing Meetup - Customer Experience and Marketing Funnels, ABA Marketing Meetups.
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  • Events & Marketing
  • 101

A customer experience/marketing funnel is a visualization that outlines the process of turning customers into advocates, which in turn refuels the top of any marketing funnel by driving awareness and lead generation. This funnel is a useful tool to help you visualize the path people take from when they first find out about your business to when they convert into customers. A good customer experience/marketing funnel outlines the process of turning customers into advocates, which in turn refuels the top of the marketing funnel by driving awareness and lead generation.

A full transcription and closed captioning are available for this session. Please note that both are machine-generated and are not reviewed for accuracy.

Marketing Meetup - Customer Experience and Marketing Funnels (March 3, 2022)
Content related to the education session Marketing Meetup - Customer Experience and Marketing Funnels, ABA Marketing Meetups.
  • Events & Marketing
Tags:  None

A customer experience/marketing funnel is a visualization that outlines the process of turning customers into advocates, which in turn refuels the top of any marketing funnel by driving awareness and lead generation. This funnel is a useful tool to help you visualize the path people take from when they first find out about your business to when they convert into customers. A good customer experience/marketing funnel outlines the process of turning customers into advocates, which in turn refuels the top of the marketing funnel by driving awareness and lead generation.

A full transcription and closed captioning are available for this session. Please note that both are machine-generated and are not reviewed for accuracy.

ShopTalk - March Afternoon Session

ShopTalk - March Afternoon Session (March 1, 2022)
Content related to the education session ShopTalk - March Afternoon Session, ShopTalk.
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Plain text icon Transcript46.99 KB
  • Bookselling Essentials
  • Events

The first half of this ShopTalk will be dedicated to a brainstorming session on how to celebrate/promote Independent Bookstore Day. This session follows the format of an Open Forum: the opinions expressed are those of the individual participants, not of the ABA. Information discussed is reflective of the time of the recording. Please see the most recent ShopTalk for the most current information.

A full transcription and closed captioning are available for this session. Please note that both are machine-generated and are not reviewed for accuracy.

ShopTalk - March Afternoon Session (March 1, 2022)
Content related to the education session ShopTalk - March Afternoon Session, ShopTalk.
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  • Bookselling Essentials
  • Events

The first half of this ShopTalk will be dedicated to a brainstorming session on how to celebrate/promote Independent Bookstore Day. This session follows the format of an Open Forum: the opinions expressed are those of the individual participants, not of the ABA. Information discussed is reflective of the time of the recording. Please see the most recent ShopTalk for the most current information.

A full transcription and closed captioning are available for this session. Please note that both are machine-generated and are not reviewed for accuracy.

ShopTalk - February Evening Session

ShopTalk - February Evening Session (February 24, 2022)
Content related to the education session ShopTalk - February Evening Session, ShopTalk.
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  • Bookselling Essentials
  • 101

This session follows the format of an Open Forum: the opinions expressed are those of the individual participants, not of the ABA. Information discussed is reflective of the time of the recording. Please see the most recent ShopTalk for the most current information.

A full transcription and closed captioning are available for this session. Please note that both are machine-generated and are not reviewed for accuracy.

ShopTalk - February Evening Session (February 24, 2022)
Content related to the education session ShopTalk - February Evening Session, ShopTalk.
Plain text icon Chat Copy2.08 KB
Plain text icon Transcript41.43 KB
  • Bookselling Essentials
  • 101

This session follows the format of an Open Forum: the opinions expressed are those of the individual participants, not of the ABA. Information discussed is reflective of the time of the recording. Please see the most recent ShopTalk for the most current information.

A full transcription and closed captioning are available for this session. Please note that both are machine-generated and are not reviewed for accuracy.

ShopTalk Subsets- Small(ish) Stores, Nontraditional Stores, Mixed & Used Inventory Bookstores, Tourist Town Bookstores, Bookstores with Cafes/Restaurants/Barsk - February Afternoon Session

ShopTalk Subsets- Small(ish) Stores, Nontraditional Stores, Mixed & Used Inventory Bookstores, Tourist Town Bookstores, Bookstores with Cafes/Restaurants/Barsk - February Afternoon Session (February 22, 2022)
Content related to the education session ShopTalk Subsets- Small(ish) Stores, Nontraditional Stores, Mixed & Used Inventory Bookstores, Tourist Town Bookstores, Bookstores with Cafes/Restaurants/Barsk - February Afternoon Session, ShopTalk.
Plain text icon Chat Copy4.21 KB
  • Bookselling Essentials
  • 101

This session follows the format of an Open Forum: the opinions expressed are those of the individual participants, not of the ABA. Information discussed is reflective of the time of the recording. This recording includes the conversation in the main room followed by the Tourist Town bookstores and Nontraditional Model breakout rooms.

ShopTalk Subsets- Small(ish) Stores, Nontraditional Stores, Mixed & Used Inventory Bookstores, Tourist Town Bookstores, Bookstores with Cafes/Restaurants/Barsk - February Afternoon Session (February 22, 2022)
Content related to the education session ShopTalk Subsets- Small(ish) Stores, Nontraditional Stores, Mixed & Used Inventory Bookstores, Tourist Town Bookstores, Bookstores with Cafes/Restaurants/Barsk - February Afternoon Session, ShopTalk.
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  • Bookselling Essentials
  • 101

This session follows the format of an Open Forum: the opinions expressed are those of the individual participants, not of the ABA. Information discussed is reflective of the time of the recording. This recording includes the conversation in the main room followed by the Tourist Town bookstores and Nontraditional Model breakout rooms.

Diversity & Inclusion Matters in your Store: A DEI Store Audit to Walk the Talk

Diversity & Inclusion Matters in your Store: A DEI Store Audit to Walk the Talk (February 16, 2022)
Content related to the education session Diversity & Inclusion Matters in your Store: A DEI Store Audit to Walk the Talk, Snow Days 2022.
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  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers

Led by author and expert Jason Thompson, this session will help stores be effective in their commitment to representation, equity, and access. A DEI audit checklist will help stores look at every aspect of their business — from hiring and training to signage, social media, and inventory — through a DEI lens, and a discussion of goals and metrics will help ensure measurable success. Jason Thompson is a successful and experienced diversity officer that has developed and led diversity programs in higher education, sports, healthcare, and tech. He has been quoted by the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Guardian, USA Today, and CNN. His education session for the ABA Board was extremely well received with some directors calling it the best session on this topic they’ve participated in.

Download the handouts for the session here.

Diversity & Inclusion Matters in your Store: A DEI Store Audit to Walk the Talk (February 16, 2022)
Content related to the education session Diversity & Inclusion Matters in your Store: A DEI Store Audit to Walk the Talk, Snow Days 2022.
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  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Owners and Managers

Led by author and expert Jason Thompson, this session will help stores be effective in their commitment to representation, equity, and access. A DEI audit checklist will help stores look at every aspect of their business — from hiring and training to signage, social media, and inventory — through a DEI lens, and a discussion of goals and metrics will help ensure measurable success. Jason Thompson is a successful and experienced diversity officer that has developed and led diversity programs in higher education, sports, healthcare, and tech. He has been quoted by the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Guardian, USA Today, and CNN. His education session for the ABA Board was extremely well received with some directors calling it the best session on this topic they’ve participated in.

Download the handouts for the session here.

ShopTalk Subsets- Small(ish) Stores, Nontraditional Stores, Mixed & Used Inventory Bookstores, Tourist Town Bookstores, Bookstores with Cafes/Restaurants/Barsk - February Evening Session

ShopTalk Subsets- Small(ish) Stores, Nontraditional Stores, Mixed & Used Inventory Bookstores, Tourist Town Bookstores, Bookstores with Cafes/Restaurants/Barsk - February Evening Session (February 10, 2022)
Content related to the education session ShopTalk Subsets- Small(ish) Stores, Nontraditional Stores, Mixed & Used Inventory Bookstores, Tourist Town Bookstores, Bookstores with Cafes/Restaurants/Barsk - February Evening Session, ShopTalk.
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  • Bookselling Essentials
  • 101

This session follows the format of an Open Forum: the opinions expressed are those of the individual participants, not of the ABA. Information discussed is reflective of the time of the recording. This recording includes the conversation in the main room followed by the Small(ish) Stores and Nontraditional Model breakout rooms.

Technology Meetup - NPD BookScan

Technology Meetup - NPD BookScan (February 10, 2022)
Content related to the education session Technology Meetup - NPD BookScan, ABA Technology Meetups.
  • Bookselling Essentials
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Technology

NPD BookScan™ reporting retailers receive complimentary access to our Title & Bestseller service. Learn all about NPD BookScan and our flexible, intuitive web-based dashboard by attending the February 10th ABA Technology Meetup. In this one-hour session, you get an introduction to our tools, such as Basic Search, Bestsellers, Collections, and Graphing, to help you measure, predict, and improve performance.

Session Follow-up:

During this session, a question about how to report your online sales, specifically if you're using the IndieCommerce service came up.  The answer is yes, you should be reporting your online sales, from IC or any other ecommerce system.The IndieCommerce team has created a facility for exporting online sales data for IndieCommerce and IndieLite stores. Booksellers can find instructions for combining online and in-store sales here. IndieCommerce and IndieLite members will find the new option in the Admin menu under Store > Reports > New York Times Bestseller Report (this works for both BookWeb and New York Times). Detailed instructions for reporting all sales can be found here

Cosed captioning is available for this session. Please note that it is machine-generated and is not reviewed for accuracy.

Technology Meetup - NPD BookScan (February 10, 2022)
Content related to the education session Technology Meetup - NPD BookScan, ABA Technology Meetups.
  • Bookselling Essentials
  • Buying & Inventory Management
  • Technology

NPD BookScan™ reporting retailers receive complimentary access to our Title & Bestseller service. Learn all about NPD BookScan and our flexible, intuitive web-based dashboard by attending the February 10th ABA Technology Meetup. In this one-hour session, you get an introduction to our tools, such as Basic Search, Bestsellers, Collections, and Graphing, to help you measure, predict, and improve performance.

Session Follow-up:

During this session, a question about how to report your online sales, specifically if you're using the IndieCommerce service came up.  The answer is yes, you should be reporting your online sales, from IC or any other ecommerce system.The IndieCommerce team has created a facility for exporting online sales data for IndieCommerce and IndieLite stores. Booksellers can find instructions for combining online and in-store sales here. IndieCommerce and IndieLite members will find the new option in the Admin menu under Store > Reports > New York Times Bestseller Report (this works for both BookWeb and New York Times). Detailed instructions for reporting all sales can be found here

Cosed captioning is available for this session. Please note that it is machine-generated and is not reviewed for accuracy.

Technology Meetup - NPD BookScan (February 10, 2022)
Content related to the education session Technology Meetup - NPD BookScan, ABA Technology Meetups.
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  • Operations & Personnel Management
  • Technology

NPD BookScan™ reporting retailers receive complimentary access to our Title & Bestseller service. Learn all about NPD BookScan and our flexible, intuitive web-based dashboard by attending the February 10th ABA Technology Meetup. In this one-hour session, you get an introduction to our tools, such as Basic Search, Bestsellers, Collections, and Graphing, to help you measure, predict, and improve performance.

Session Follow-up:

During this session, a question about how to report your online sales, specifically if you're using the IndieCommerce service came up.  The answer is yes, you should be reporting your online sales, from IC or any other ecommerce system.The IndieCommerce team has created a facility for exporting online sales data for IndieCommerce and IndieLite stores. Booksellers can find instructions for combining online and in-store sales here. IndieCommerce and IndieLite members will find the new option in the Admin menu under Store > Reports > New York Times Bestseller Report (this works for both BookWeb and New York Times). Detailed instructions for reporting all sales can be found here

Cosed captioning is available for this session. Please note that it is machine-generated and is not reviewed for accuracy.

New Member Series: Store Ownership 101 - Q1

New Member Series: Store Ownership 101 - Q1 (February 8, 2022)
Content related to the education session New Member Series: Store Ownership 101 - Q1, ShopTalk.
Plain text icon Chat Copy9.78 KB
Plain text icon Transcript80.05 KB
  • Bookselling Essentials
  • 101
  • Owners and Managers

Our New Member Series:Store Ownership 101 provides new and prospective bookstore owners with an opportunity to ask questions of seasoned bookstore owners/staff. 

The opinions expressed are those of the individual participants, not of the ABA. Information discussed is reflective of the time of the recording.

A full transcription is available for this session. Please note that it is machine-generated and not reviewed for accuracy.

About ABA

The American Booksellers Association, a national not-for-profit trade organization, works with booksellers and industry partners to ensure the success and profitability of independently owned book retailers, and to assist in expanding the community of the book.

Independent bookstores act as community anchors; they serve a unique role in promoting the open exchange of ideas, enriching the cultural life of communities, and creating economically vibrant neighborhoods.


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