NPD BookScan™ reporting retailers receive complimentary access to our Title & Bestseller service. Learn all about NPD BookScan and our flexible, intuitive web-based dashboard by attending the February 10th ABA Technology Meetup. In this one-hour session, you get an introduction to our tools, such as Basic Search, Bestsellers, Collections, and Graphing, to help you measure, predict, and improve performance.
Session Follow-up:
During this session, a question about how to report your online sales, specifically if you're using the IndieCommerce service came up. The answer is yes, you should be reporting your online sales, from IC or any other ecommerce system.The IndieCommerce team has created a facility for exporting online sales data for IndieCommerce and IndieLite stores. Booksellers can find instructions for combining online and in-store sales here. IndieCommerce and IndieLite members will find the new option in the Admin menu under Store > Reports > New York Times Bestseller Report (this works for both BookWeb and New York Times). Detailed instructions for reporting all sales can be found here.
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