Industry News

29 Apr

BTW News Briefs

Online Contest Allows Listeners to Pick Award-Winning Audiobooks

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29 Apr

Celebrities Hit the Books in New A&E - Book Sense Partnership

Book Sense and the A&E Network have announced the formation of a new marketing partnership that both anticipate will extend their brand into the well-known territory of the other.

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29 Apr

New 'Red Box' Mailing Appearing at Your Door Soon

In response to both bookseller and publisher recommendations, Book Sense has instituted a new monthly mailing -- the "Red Box" -- which begins in May. While actually a white box in color, this mailing will feature a large red sticker announcing "Open Immediately! Your (month) Marketing Action Kit enclosed from Book Sense."

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29 Apr

Confirmations for Book Sense Book and Author Luncheon at BEA Coming Soon

Mark Nichols, director of marketing for Book Sense, notes that confirmation e-mails for the Book Sense Book and Author Luncheon to be held on Friday, June 4, at this year's BookExpo America will be sent out during the week of May 10. Recipients must print out the confirmation and bring it with them to the Luncheon to expedite seating. The event will be held in the Grand Ballroom at Chicago's McCormick Place Convention Center.

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29 Apr

Blue Heron Sighted in Peninsula, Ohio

The scenic business district of Peninsula, Ohio, will boast an independent bookstore after many years, when Blue Heron Bookstore opens on Saturday, May 1. The store's 4,000-square-foot building, with wood-burning stove, spiral staircase, and courtyard, occupies space that in the past has housed an 1880s saloon, an automotive repair shop, and an antiques store. The village of Peninsula, population 602, 10 miles from Akron and 25 miles south of Cleveland, is also the home of the popular Cuyahoga Valley National Park.

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29 Apr

ABACUS Deadline Extended to May 5

Booksellers, having already gathered their financial data for their 2004 tax returns, can easily participate in the 2004 ABACUS study through an online form at The deadline for participation has been extended to Wednesday, May 5, allowing more time for booksellers to submit data to the 2004 study, which will provide participants with valuable information that can help improve their bookstore's operations.

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29 Apr

Former President Bill Clinton to Give BEA Keynote Address

Former President

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28 Apr

ABA/NEBA Forum Generates Fruitful Discussions

The American Booksellers Association, in conjunction with the New England Booksellers Association (NEBA), held a Booksellers Forum at the National Yiddish Book Center on the grounds of Hampshire College in Amherst, Massachusetts, on Thursday, April 22. The forum, the second of the season in the New England area, followed the NEBA meetings and a meeting of the New England Children's Bookselling Advisory Council (NECBA).

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28 Apr

Book Sense Book of the Year Voting Still Open

There is still time for booksellers to vote for their choices for the 2004 Book Sense Book of the Year Awards. Mail-in ballots must be postmarked by Wednesday, May 5; faxed ballots must be received by Wednesday, May 12.

Book of the Year ballots must be returned to ABA's accountant, KPMG, addressed to KPMG, 345 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10154, Attn: Charlene Laniewski, with the words "BSBY Ballot Enclosed" printed on the outside. Faxed ballots should be sent to the attention of Laniewski at (212) 954-7080.

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28 Apr

MoveOn Event Focuses on Community First

On Thursday, April 22, MoveOn, the grassroots civic action group, held a community forum at Women & Children First bookstore in Chicago as part of its unique spring book tour to promote MoveOn's 50 Ways to Love Your Country: How to Find Your Political Voice and Become a Catalyst for Change (Inner Ocean). More than 75 people attended the event, which was hosted by Women & Children co-owner Ann Christophersen, and MoveOn member and Newtopia magazine publisher Charles Shaw.

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28 Apr

ABACUS Session at NAIBA 'Clear and Useful'

On Sunday, April 25, at the New Atlantic Independent Booksellers Association's (NAIBA) Spring Workshop in Philadelphia, ABA CEO Avin Mark Domnitz discussed the 2003 ABACUS study and how bookstore owners and managers can use the results to make better operational decisions. The session kicked off a full day of NAIBA programming at the Sheraton Society Hill.

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28 Apr

L.A. Times Festival of Books: 'The Best Gift Ever Given L.A.'

For the ninth year in a row, tens of thousands of book-lovers from all over Southern California gathered at the UCLA campus this past weekend for the annual Los Angeles Times Festival of Books. With temperatures near 90 degrees on both Saturday and Sunday, an estimated total of 130,000 attended the two-day free event. Nearly 300 exhibitors occupied booths along campus quads; and over 400 authors (among them T.C.

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27 Apr

Women & Children First Owners Named Among Chicago's Most Powerful

The Chicago Sun-Times recently named Women & Children First bookstore owners Linda Bubon and Ann Christophersen as among "Chicago's 100 Most Powerful Women." The rankings focused on the 10 most powerful women in 10 categories: arts, business, politics, nonprofits, law, sports, philanthropy, healthcare, education, and media. The Sun-Times listed Bubon and Christophersen together as one of the Top 10 most powerful women in the Arts category.

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27 Apr

Adult /Young Adult Lines Grow Increasingly Blurry

Young adult readers are a powerful market force in the book industry -- teens spend $94.7 billion per year, increasing by $1 billion each year (Jupiter Research). Most booksellers have sections devoted to young adult or teen readers, but increasingly the lines between age ranges and target audiences are blurred. Can labeling a book 'teen reading' turn off potential readers over 14? Do the very characteristics that publishers require for YA books limit the books' ability to generate interest for those seeking complexity rather than straightforward moral lessons?

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22 Apr

ABA Announces Possible Sale of Tarrytown Property

In the following letter, addressed to ABA members, the association's Board of Directors is announcing that, after lengthy deliberations, it has decided to sell the ABA headquarters property in Tarrytown, New York, to a prominent Westchester-based real estate company.

To: ABA Membership
From: ABA Board of Directors

We are writing to share some important news with the membership concerning possible changes in the ownership of the ABA headquarters property in Tarrytown, New York.

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About ABA

American Booksellers Association is a national trade association that supports and advocates for the success of independent bookstores. We provide members with education, networking opportunities, advocacy, resources, and technology. In turn our members support local schools through book fairs, donations and author visits; promote literacy; provide inclusive community centers; connect readers and books; add character to neighborhoods; champion and center diverse and new voices; and contribute to the local economy. We feel honored to support them in their work.


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