
01 Feb

Reader Privacy Advocates Urge Calls to Congress

With debate picking up in Washington over reauthorization of sections of the USA Patriot Act that are set to expire on February 28, the Campaign for Reader Privacy is urging supporters to ask their members of Congress to support the restoration of safeguards for reader privacy eliminated by passage of the act in 2001.

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26 Jan

2011 Survey Reaffirms “Buy Local” Message Benefits Indie Businesses

For the fourth year in a row, a national survey of independent businesses has found that those in communities with active “buy local” campaigns have experienced markedly stronger revenue growth compared to those located in areas without such initiatives.

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20 Jan

New Study Presented at AIR Summit Identifies Top U.S. Cities for Independent Retail

A new study presented at the first-ever national meeting of leaders of independent, local, and community-based businesses has ranked more than 300 U.S. metropolitan areas according to the vitality of independent retail.

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06 Jan

Sales Tax Victory in Illinois!

On January 6, the Illinois House of Representatives passed HB3659, legislation that contains a sales tax fairness provision. The bill, which was approved by the state Senate on Wednesday, January 5, will require remote retailers with online affiliates in the state acting as sales agents to collect and remit sales tax for purchases made by Illinois residents.

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06 Jan

Illinois E-Fairness Provision Passes State Senate, Moves to House

**Breaking News: As of press time, Bookselling This Week had learned that the Illinois House of Representatives passed HB3659. The legislation now goes to the Governor Quinn's office for his signature. The following article was written prior to the House vote.**

This week, in Illinois, legislation containing a sales tax fairness provision was introduced and was quickly – and overwhelmingly – passed by the state Senate on Wednesday, January 5. The bill, HB3659, moved to the House where it could be voted on as soon as today.

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05 Jan

Booksellers Urged to Participate in Important Post-Holiday Survey

ABA is encouraging members to participate in the fourth annual post-holiday survey conducted by the Institute for Local Self Reliance in partnership with ABA and other indie business groups. The survey provides data on how independent businesses are faring in today’s economy, as well as about whether people are more aware and supportive of locally owned, independent businesses.

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21 Dec

Second Effort to Repeal 1099 Reporting Requirement Fails

Last week, a second attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act’s expanded Form 1099 reporting requirement failed in the Senate.

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16 Dec

Special Wi6 T-Shirts to Benefit ABFFE

Sales at Wi6 of a T-shirt featuring an “enhanced” version of the classic painting “Washington Crossing the Delaware” will benefit the American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression.

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15 Dec

ABFFE Sees Problems With New Law Banning “Crush” Videos

Last week, President Obama signed into law a new ban on the sale of animal “crush” videos, which replaces a 1999 law struck down in April as a violation of the First Amendment. The new law applies to a narrower range of material, but it has raised concerns for ABFFE and other free speech advocates.

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15 Dec

Calls for Sales Tax Fairness Dominate Holiday Headlines

While just a few years ago media reports usually emphasized the uniqueness of online – and very often sales-tax-free – shopping, this year’s articles have a decidedly different tenor: A much greater percentage are pointing out the incongruities and inequities inherent in the failure to collect mandated sales tax.

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09 Dec

White House Releases Information to Help Small Businesses File for Health Care Tax Credit

The Obama administration has released new information to help small business owners take advantage of tax credits that reduce the cost of providing health coverage to employees. The update provides forms, instructions, and documents for claiming a tax credit this year.

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09 Dec

ABA to Host Summit for Advocates for Independent Retail

Leaders from trade associations and other organizations representing independent businesses will come together on Tuesday, January 18, 2011, in Washington, D.C., for the Advocates for Independent Retail (AIR) Summit, organized by the American Booksellers Association.

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18 Nov

Changes to Health Care Law Would Reduce Burden for Employers

On November 16, Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT), chair of the Senate Finance Committee, introduced the Small Business Paperwork Relief Act (S. 3946), which would repeal the Affordable Care Act’s expanded Form 1099 reporting requirement, set to take effect January 1, 2012.

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17 Nov

Booksellers Meet With Texas Attorney General Regarding Agency Model

On November 4, three Texas-based independent booksellers met with the antitrust division of the state Attorney General’s office, in Austin, Texas, to discuss the digital content agency model and the dangers posed by below-cost pricing.

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10 Nov

New York State: Court’s Sales Tax Ruling a “Major Victory” for Main Street

The New York State Department of Taxation is hailing an appeals court’s recent decision that the state’s affiliate nexus law is, in fact, constitutional as a “major victory.”

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About ABA

The American Booksellers Association, a national not-for-profit trade organization, works with booksellers and industry partners to ensure the success and profitability of independently owned book retailers, and to assist in expanding the community of the book.

Independent bookstores act as community anchors; they serve a unique role in promoting the open exchange of ideas, enriching the cultural life of communities, and creating economically vibrant neighborhoods.


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