BTW Articles

16 Jan

The Book Sense Holiday Bestseller List

Here are the top 50 of ALL bestsellers -- hardcover, paperback, and children's combined -- at America's independent bookstores from November 25 to December 29, 2002.

Of note: The top two bestsellers, both novels, summarize the independent bookstores' power to sell both the literary surprises of the year, as well as the commercial blockbusters thought to be the province of the mass merchandisers.

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16 Jan

76 Pick Mentions in Publisher Advertising

By Carl Lennertz

The stack on my desk of publishers' own ads that included a mention of a book's 76 Pick status hit a precarious two feet high by the end of 2002.

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16 Jan

Frazier's Bookstore: A Longtime Lexington Landmark Gets a New Owner

When Kayt and Donald L. Huttlin, Jr. purchased a house on Second Avenue in Lexington, North Carolina, one of the selling points was its close proximity to Frazier's Bookstore. Kayt Huttlin, a former librarian, had always been a book lover, so she enjoyed the idea that she could just pop into the community bookstore on a whim.

Just over six months later, Huttlin enters the store not on a whim, but with a purpose: She's one of Frazier's new owners.

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14 Jan

New York Times Book Cash Certificates Will Expire Soon

Booksellers should be aware that the New York Times Book Cash Certificates expire on January 31, 2003. Times Book Cash checks were sent as gifts to consumers who upgraded from a trial subscription to a full subscription to the newspaper and are good for $10 towards payment for any book purchase.

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15 Jan

Fifth Harry Potter Due Out June 21

The long-awaited new Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, by British author J.K. Rowling, is scheduled to be published on June 21, 2003, Rowling's publishers announced today. The fifth book in the bestselling series will have 38 chapters and will be over a third longer than Rowling's previous book, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

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14 Jan

Booksellers Call for Encore of Italian Cookbook

Those who link carnival food with corn dogs and gyros are missing out on almost sixteen centuries of outstanding Italian cuisine. Food fit for a banquet or a carnival (which comes from the Latin phrase for "removal of meat") is offered by Boston-area chef and food writer Franco Romagnoli in Cucina Di Magro: Cooking Lean the Italian Way (Steerforth Press, January 2003).

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15 Jan

Vermont Gives Nation a First Amendment Christmas Present

By Chris Finan, ABFFE president

With only five shopping days remaining before Christmas, Vermont bookseller Linda Ramsdell took a day off. It was not a mental health day. In fact, she longed to stay in her store selling books.

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15 Jan

Supreme Court Will Hear Nike Case

On Friday, January 10, the U.S. Supreme Court announced that it would hear Nike v. Kasky. The court's decision is good news for a group of prominent media and free expression organizations that filed an amicus brief in support of Nike in mid-November. The groups, which include the American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression (ABFFE), contend that the case has serious First Amendment implications. "I think it's good that the Supreme Court will be hearing [Nike v. Kasky]," Theresa Chmara, counsel for ABFFE, told BTW.

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14 Jan

Now's the Time to Nominate Your Handselling Favorites for Book Sense Book of the Year

The American Booksellers Association is currently accepting nominations of booksellers' handselling favorites for the 2003 Book Sense Book of the Year Awards (BSBY). All ABA member stores are eligible to vote for titles in the categories of Adult Fiction, Adult Nonfiction, Children's Literature, Illustrated Children's, Rediscovery, and -- new this year -- Paperback Book of the Year. The Paperback category is open to both fiction and nonfiction titles.

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About ABA

The American Booksellers Association, a national not-for-profit trade organization, works with booksellers and industry partners to ensure the success and profitability of independently owned book retailers, and to assist in expanding the community of the book.

Independent bookstores act as community anchors; they serve a unique role in promoting the open exchange of ideas, enriching the cultural life of communities, and creating economically vibrant neighborhoods.


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