BTW Articles

11 Jul

Recent Changes to the ABA Book Buyer's Handbook Online

Putting the Book Buyer's Handbook online has allowed ABA to update the data on a continual basis, and booksellers are strongly encouraged to alert ABA of any changing terms they learn of. To assist in this, ABA has included a link on the ABA members' Handbook homepage through which booksellers can send information.

Here is a brief outline of the most significant recent changes that have been made.

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11 Jul

Jean McGean, Longtime Utah Bookseller, Is Remembered

When Jean McGean, the long-time book buyer for Sam Weller's Zion Book Store in Salt Lake City, died recently, colleagues throughout the industry mourned her passing. McGean was a favorite among publishers' representatives, including the author of this piece, Bruce Roberts, who called on her for many years representing regional book wholesalers. Roberts is currently an account manager for Books West, a regional wholesaler in Boulder, Colorado.

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11 Jul

Thieves, Shoplifters & Other Curses

By Neal Coonerty

When my Irish-born grandfather got really mad -- I mean really, really mad -- he would curse the object of his ire by muttering in his Irish brogue, "The curse of the seven Protestant gods on ye, and may ye have the dribblin' shits for all eternity." Well, I never have figured out who the "seven Protestant gods" were, but one thing I know is that my grandfather's curse expresses precisely the way I feel about shoplifters at Bookshop Santa Cruz.

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11 Jul

Apres le Deluge -- Quick Reaction to Flood Spares Bookstore

Dateline: Wednesday, June 26. It was a dark and stormy night in landlocked Fort Wayne, Indiana. The staff of the 10,000-square-foot Million Story Book Company was closing up at 9:00 p.m. when the storm sewers serving the bookstore and other businesses in the Covington Plaza strip shopping center reached their capacity and "geysered up," according to store co-owner, co-founder, and marketing manager Dave Kaverman.

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11 Jul

New York Is Book Country Names New Executive Director

New York is Book Country (NYIBC) has announced that the organization's founder and president, Linda C. Exman, will be stepping down at the end of this year. The person tapped to lead the organization, which will celebrate its 25th anniversary in 2003, is Courtney Muller. According to NYIBC, Muller will work together with Exman through the end of this year, when she will take over the organization's leadership with Exman's assistance through its anniversary.

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11 Jul

Once Again, Good Morning America's Reading Club Pick Is a Book Sense 76 Title

Book Sense 76 picks continue to be the books of choice for network morning shows' book clubs. On Thursday, July 11, ABC News' Good Morning America aired the second installment of its monthly "Read This!" segment, in which one book club recommends a book of its choice to another book club and GMA viewers.

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15 Jul

Bookstore Sales Show Slight Rise

For the second month in a row bookstore sales showed a fractional increase over the previous year. Preliminary May bookstore sales figures of $1,198 million were 0.8 percent better than the $1,188 million of the previous May.

However, May is the fourth month in a row in which bookstore sales failed to keep pace with overall retail. Overall retail sales of $313 billion for May 2002 came in 2.2 percent over the $306 billion realized in May of 2001.

2001-2002 RETAIL SALES for BOOKSTORES (unadjusted)

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15 Jul

Speaking of Audio: Teens Read, But Can They Also Listen?

By Robin F.Whitten

Teens seem to regard summertime reading in two ways -- as the opportunity to read for pleasure and to choose books freely or as the burden of a required "summer reading list" (which comes complete with nagging parents). Audiobooks can offer solutions for both camps, as well as the family traveling with teenagers on long car trips.

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17 Jul

Here a Pig, There a Pig: Olivia Sidelines

Due to the overwhelming popularity, and numerous appearances on the BookSense Bestseller list, of Ian Falconer's Olivia books -- Olivia, Olivia Saves the Circus, Olivia Counts, and Olivia's Opposites (Simon & Schuster) -- BTW is providing sidelines information for related products.

We will update this list as more information becomes available.

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About ABA

The American Booksellers Association, a national not-for-profit trade organization, works with booksellers and industry partners to ensure the success and profitability of independently owned book retailers, and to assist in expanding the community of the book.

Independent bookstores act as community anchors; they serve a unique role in promoting the open exchange of ideas, enriching the cultural life of communities, and creating economically vibrant neighborhoods.


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