
28 Mar

April White Box Brings an Abundance of Goodies

The April white box mailing to stores with Book Sense includes advance reading copies, a listening cassette, numerous sell sheets, blads, special offers, and other materials. Booksellers should be on the lookout for these boxes to arrive in mid-April. Here’s a preview of some the items you’ll find:

Advance Reading Copies

Dr. Tatiana's Sex Advice to All Creation, Olivia Judson, published by Holt

The Fruit of Stone, Mark Spragg, published by Riverhead (Penguin Putnam)

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28 Mar

Announcing: The May/June 2002 Book Sense 76

Well, the big news here is that this spring and summer sees a wonderful bounty of great new books coming out, in cloth and paper … which is great for biz but daunting nonetheless. So, we’re going to produce a separate Summer Paperback 76, covering late May-July, as there is so much good stuff coming in paper, too. The paperbacks would’ve swamped the May/June 76, keeping dozens of worthy new hardcovers off.

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27 Mar

Bookstore Cafés, #1 -- Six Degrees of Percolation: The Pros and Cons of Bookstore Cafés

These days, the screech and hiss of an espresso machine is as common a sound in a bookstore as the beep of a cash register or the introduction to an author reading. An increasing number of bookstore owners are now required to know almost as much about paninis and half-caf-two-percent cappuccinos as they do about Michael Chabon and Margaret Atwood.

So, if your bookstore doesn't have a café, should it? And if it already does, how do you go about improving it?

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27 Mar

Book Passage Celebrates Its 25th Anniversary

On March 9, Book Passage,, in Corte Madera, California turned 25. This general-interest bookstore, noted for its author events, classes, conferences, and extensive travel books section, hosted a day of free, festive activities. The theme was "A Day of Storytelling" and top Bay Area writers participated in the celebration.

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The American Booksellers Association, a national not-for-profit trade organization, works with booksellers and industry partners to ensure the success and profitability of independently owned book retailers, and to assist in expanding the community of the book.

Independent bookstores act as community anchors; they serve a unique role in promoting the open exchange of ideas, enriching the cultural life of communities, and creating economically vibrant neighborhoods.


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