Shelf Awareness

Shelf Awareness offers a free, customized version of Shelf Awareness for Readers for bookstore customers. With links to your store website, social media pages, and e-commerce, plus ways to feature other custom content, we help you keep in touch with your bookstore customers.

811 1st Ave Suite 315
Seattle, WA, 98104
(206) 274-8144
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Kristianne Huntsberger
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About ABA

The American Booksellers Association, a national not-for-profit trade organization, works with booksellers and industry partners to ensure the success and profitability of independently owned book retailers, and to assist in expanding the community of the book.

Independent bookstores act as community anchors; they serve a unique role in promoting the open exchange of ideas, enriching the cultural life of communities, and creating economically vibrant neighborhoods.


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