Institute Speaker/Panelist Compensation Policy

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ABA is a non-profit trade association. In a trade association, members can support, and participate in, the organization by serving on task forces, councils, committees, and the board of directors. These are all unpaid, volunteer positions that offer the association insight and support, ensure that diverse voices help inform the organization’s work, and engage members in opportunities for professional growth, visibility in the industry, and mutual aid. 

ABA comps booksellers and bookstore owners who serve on the Bookseller Advisory Council, the Children’s Group Council, the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council, and the Board of Directors for at least one Institute a year, covering registration fees, hotel accommodation, and transportation. 

Member bookstore owners and booksellers who work in member stores may also participate in Institute education as panelists or speakers. ABA solicits bookseller and bookstore owner panelist suggestions from the membership via Bookselling This Week, various ABA councils, and the Education Task Force. ABA staff also spends time visiting stores, talking to booksellers and bookstore owners at regional shows and Institutes, and observing store social media to find panelists and speakers. All bookseller and bookstore owner education panelists and moderators are paid a $100 honorarium. This rate is comparable to (or more than) market rate in the book industry and among trade associations. In addition, bookseller and bookstore owners who introduce keynote speakers are given a $25 honorarium and those who present solo or on a keynote panel are given an $150 honorarium. 

ABA does sometimes make exceptions to these policies based on the association’s needs, including reserving a few scholarships for booksellers who weren't planning on attending an Institute or couldn't afford to attend, but whose experience ABA needs for a panel. ABA also may make exceptions based on accessibility needs, business needs, or for in-kind donations. All exceptions are reviewed by multiple ABA staff to ensure equity. 

Scholarship recipients are comped for Institute registration, travel, and hotel accommodations as well. All bookstore owners and booksellers who work in a member store are eligible to apply for Institute scholarships (except for those who have already recently received ABA scholarships.) 

Booksellers and bookstore owners can self-nominate, or nominate others, to serve on ABA councils, serve on the board, and apply for scholarships. Booksellers and bookstore owners can also volunteer to serve in other ways throughout the year. For example, on the Indies Introduce committee or as a Lightning Talk speaker. All opportunities to participate are announced in Bookselling This Week which all booksellers and bookstore owners can sign up for. 

Generally, publishers support authors appearing at Winter Institute and Children's Institute. (Rare exceptions have been made based on ABA’s need to best support members at the time combined with exceptional circumstances. For example, for the IGNITE pilot program at Wi2025 authors/publishers appearing at the reception were given $100 honorariums.) Keynote authors are given a $200 honorarium. Indies Introduce Authors are given a $50 honorarium. Authors that appear as outside experts on education panels or as presenters for education sessions receive a $100 honorarium. 

Training companies that facilitate education are paid by ABA unless they offer their services pro bono in which case they receive a $100 honorarium.

About ABA

American Booksellers Association is a national trade association that supports and advocates for the success of independent bookstores. We provide members with education, networking opportunities, advocacy, resources, and technology. In turn our members support local schools through book fairs, donations and author visits; promote literacy; provide inclusive community centers; connect readers and books; add character to neighborhoods; champion and center diverse and new voices; and contribute to the local economy. We feel honored to support them in their work.


PRESS INQUIRIES: [email protected]

INDIECOMMERCE: [email protected]

ALL OTHER INQUIRIES: [email protected]



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