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This page provides a line-by-line explanation of how to fill out the ABACUS 2023 survey.
ABACUS is a free annual report filled with detailed information highlighting how your store compares to other stores in a range of areas, including profitability, productivity, and financial management. Using the ABACUS report is like adding a financial officer to your staff; it clearly highlights areas that need improving and areas in which your store is succeeding. 




  • Complete the survey online at by entering your figures from your most recently completed fiscal year (i.e., fiscal year that closed nearest to December 31, 2023).
  • A PDF preview of the 2023 ABACUS Survey can be found here
  • Full-year data is required.
  • You do not necessarily need to wait for audited/adjusted results from your accountant.
  • You can save your work and return later to complete your online form.
  • It is OK to skip questions if you need to; however, the more information you provide, the more valuable the final report will be to you and to  others.
  • You may provide estimates if necessary.
  • Please report figures rounded to the dollar only (i.e. do not report to the cent/penny)
  • There are 33 general questions and 46 questions related to your store’s income statement included in the survey
  • Brick and mortar stores  with multiple locations can either fill out a separate survey for each location or combine them. If you combine them you will receive one report.
  • Mobile, Pop-up, and Online-only stores are encouraged to fill out all of the relevant questions as much as they can. 
  • Use this Chart of Accounts to reference line item data needed to fill out the ABACUS survey.

Section 1: General Information


Section 2: Income Statement (Fiscal Year 2023)

Note: Use this Chart of Accounts to reference line item data needed to fill out the ABACUS survey. Please remember these account numbers are only valid if you are using ABA's suggested chart of accounts. Otherwise please ask your accountant for the account numbers.


We are happy to assist stores with filling out the form or answering questions. Stores that want a confidential conversation with someone outside of ABA  may call Greg Manns, CPA, Vice President of Industry Insights, at (380) 215-1074 or email him at for assistance. Industry  Insights can answer questions and/or walk you through the form as you fill it out. You’re also welcome to contact ABA CFO P.K. Sindwani at with questions. Watch BTW for education sessions or go to for sessions with PK to help walk through the process. 


Last Revised: June 24, 2024

About ABA

American Booksellers Association is a national trade association that supports and advocates for the success of independent bookstores. We provide members with education, networking opportunities, advocacy, resources, and technology. In turn our members support local schools through book fairs, donations and author visits; promote literacy; provide inclusive community centers; connect readers and books; add character to neighborhoods; champion and center diverse and new voices; and contribute to the local economy. We feel honored to support them in their work.







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