Small Business Saturday: Not Too Late to Get Involved

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Thanksgiving is just days away, and the holiday shopping season is officially upon us. This Saturday, November 26, marks the second annual celebration of Small Business Saturday, sponsored by American Express, a day dedicated to supporting small businesses on one of the busiest shopping days of the year. It’s not too late for booksellers to get involved in the campaign. In addition to “liking” the Small Business Saturday (SBS) page on Facebook and downloading SBS promotional materials, booksellers can add themselves to the “Like List,” which makes it easier for consumers to find them.

Business owners can search their zip code on the “Get Involved” tab of the Facebook page. If their store is not listed, they can opt to “See More Small Businesses” and submit their Facebook page URL to be included.

Last year, 1.5 million Facebook users, 130 public and private organizations, and 41 elected officials supported Small Business Saturday and on that day, small retailers who accept the American Express Card saw a 28 percent increase in sales. Booksellers are encouraged to promote SBS in store and through various social media outlets.