E-commerce Update: Online Sales See Uptick

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Here, the IndieCommerce team shares an important look at current trends in the world of e-commerce.

Online sales revenue last week increased by 5.73 percent. Significant pre-orders for Barack Obama’s A Promised Land (publishing November 17 from Crown) helped drive that sales increase, which started last Thursday. The aggregate e-commerce conversion rate for last week jumped to 5 percent (blue line).

Seven-day comparison showing the ecommerce conversion rate

The number of users/traffic was up slightly, by 1.54 percent, last week (blue line)

Seven-day comparison of users

More traffic/users to IndieCommerce and IndieLite websites does not necessarily mean more sales. What we’ve seen since March is highly motivated online customers driving sales. This is reflected in the high e-commerce conversion rates we’ve been seeing. Those motivations can vary dramatically, from fear of infection to supporting their local bookstore. Keep this in mind when marketing to your customers.