E-commerce Update: Conversion Rate Holds Steady

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Here, the IndieCommerce team shares an important look at current trends in the world of e-commerce.

Last week, the conversion rate — the percentage of website visitors that complete an online sale — was once again steady at 5.33 percent (blue line), which is about where it was during the previous week as well. This continued stability of the conversion rate bodes well for increased online sales going into the 4th quarter.

Seven-day conversion rate

The number of users/traffic to IndieCommerce and IndieLite websites dropped by just 1.23 percent last week. 

Seven-day comparison of users

The steady e-commerce conversion rate is indicative of customers who are still highly motivated online buyers that are very comfortable with purchasing from the website of their local independent bookstore. The very slow drop we’ve been seeing in online revenue since the peak on June 2 is likely because customers are becoming more comfortable with making in-store purchases again.