Indies Introduce

Young Adult

  • Now, Conjurers, Freddie Kölsch
    Union Square & Co., 9781454951599, June 4, 2024 (Young Adult)

    “Fans of The Craft rejoice! This unabashedly queer, weird, and fantastic debut is here to fill that hole in your heart. Now, Conjurers explores powerful themes of grief, friendship, and the lengths we go to in order to protect the ones we love. I couldn’t help but adore all of the members of North Coven, with all their quirks and foibles, and I know other readers will too!”

    —Donna Liu, Kepler’s Books, Menlo Park, CA

    “As someone who does not, in fact, love reading about things that go bump in the night, this book was so good I couldn’t resist. It’s Mystery Inc. meets Scary Movie meets The Conjuring. Brimming with excellent dark humor delivered in the way only teens can sell it, heartfelt and heartbreaking, and completely capable of making you yelp when there is a loud and unexpected noise (or so I’ve been told). This is one you just need to dive into even if horror isn’t your genre — make this book the exception!”

    —Katie Pionk, McLean & Eakin Booksellers, Petosky, MI

    “‘I don’t love horror,’ you say, ‘I scare very easily.’ Right, same. Forget the cover and listen: our hero Nesbit’s in love with Bastion, the world’s purest, most earnest jock, who happens to be the leader of a small but powerful coven. It’s not until Bastion’s body is found half-devoured in the woods that the depth of his secrets begin to surface. Are the horror bits like a long, thin finger with a razor-sharp nail but a velvet touch, stroking you until you shiver? Sure, but it’s Nesbit’s found family and their fierce loyalty to one another that’s the beating heart of the story. A brilliant mash-up of a murder mystery and ’90s teen romcom, this is a story of sacrifice, second-chances, and acceptance.”

    —Emmy Widener, Changing Hands, Tempe, AZ

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