948 results. Results may be paginated. Select one or more topics and filter by tag, format, or conference to focus results. Some resources are visible only to logged-in, ABA bookseller members.

Marketing Meetup - Bonfire

Marketing Meetup - Bonfire (September 1, 2022)
Content related to the education session Marketing Meetup - Bonfire, ABA Marketing Meetups.
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  • Marketing & PR
  • Handselling

During this session booksellers will hear from Taylor Soignoli of Bonfire, on their online platform where anyone can design and sell custom products, the services they offer around helping create unique designs and some best practices and examples of well-run campaigns.

A full transcription and closed captioning are available for this session. Please note that both are machine-generated and are not reviewed for accuracy.

Marketing Meetup - Bonfire (September 1, 2022)
Content related to the education session Marketing Meetup - Bonfire, ABA Marketing Meetups.
Plain text icon Transcript55.53 KB
Plain text icon Chat Copy1.14 KB
  • Marketing & PR
  • Handselling

During this session booksellers will hear from Taylor Soignoli of Bonfire, on their online platform where anyone can design and sell custom products, the services they offer around helping create unique designs and some best practices and examples of well-run campaigns.

A full transcription and closed captioning are available for this session. Please note that both are machine-generated and are not reviewed for accuracy.

Marketing Meetup - Bonfire (September 1, 2022)
Content related to the education session Marketing Meetup - Bonfire, ABA Marketing Meetups.
PDF icon Bonfire Presentation2.6 MB
Plain text icon Chat Copy1.74 KB
Plain text icon Transcript33.52 KB
  • Marketing & PR
  • Handselling

During this session booksellers will hear from Taylor Soignoli of Bonfire, on their online platform where anyone can design and sell custom products, the services they offer around helping create unique designs and some best practices and examples of well-run campaigns.

A full transcription and closed captioning are available for this session. Please note that both are machine-generated and are not reviewed for accuracy.

New Member Series: Store Ownership 101 - Q3

New Member Series: Store Ownership 101 - Q3 (August 9, 2022)
Content related to the education session New Member Series: Store Ownership 101 - Q3, New Member Series.
Plain text icon Chat Copy9.7 KB
Plain text icon Transcript67.35 KB
PDF icon Alcott's Attic Media Kit8.51 MB
  • Bookselling Essentials
  • 101
  • Owners and Managers

Our New Member Series:Store Ownership 101 provides new and prospective bookstore owners with an opportunity to ask questions of seasoned bookstore owners/staff. 

The opinions expressed are those of the individual participants, not of the ABA. Information discussed is reflective of the time of the recording.

A full transcription is available for this session. Please note that it is machine-generated and not reviewed for accuracy.

New Member Series: Store Ownership 101 - Q3 (August 9, 2022)
Content related to the education session New Member Series: Store Ownership 101 - Q3, New Member Series.
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  • Bookselling Essentials
  • 101
  • Owners and Managers

Our New Member Series:Store Ownership 101 provides new and prospective bookstore owners with an opportunity to ask questions of seasoned bookstore owners/staff. 

The opinions expressed are those of the individual participants, not of the ABA. Information discussed is reflective of the time of the recording.

A full transcription is available for this session. Please note that it is machine-generated and not reviewed for accuracy.

ShopTalk - ABACUS Q&A

ShopTalk - ABACUS Q&A (August 8, 2022)
Content related to the education session ShopTalk - ABACUS Q&A, ShopTalk.
Plain text icon Chat Copy2.32 KB
Plain text icon Transcript60.67 KB
  • Bookselling Essentials

It's not too late to participate in this year's free ABACUS financial survey and receive all the ABACUS reports and tools. If you are having trouble trying to figure out where to access information or finding the time to report, on Monday, August 8, at 3:30 p.m. (Eastern) you can join ABA CFO (and former bookseller) PK Sindwani for a special ABACUS webinar to help you jump start your submission by providing line-by-line instructions on filling out the ABACUS questionnaire and answer any questions that may be slowing you down so you can submit before the deadline on August 10.
Bring your final (year-end) P&L, Balance sheet or tax return along with your year-end z report to the session.

A full transcription and closed captioning are available for this session. Please note that both are machine-generated and are not reviewed for accuracy.

ShopTalk - ABACUS Q&A (August 8, 2022)
Content related to the education session ShopTalk - ABACUS Q&A, ShopTalk.
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  • Bookselling Essentials

It's not too late to participate in this year's free ABACUS financial survey and receive all the ABACUS reports and tools. If you are having trouble trying to figure out where to access information or finding the time to report, on Monday, August 8, at 3:30 p.m. (Eastern) you can join ABA CFO (and former bookseller) PK Sindwani for a special ABACUS webinar to help you jump start your submission by providing line-by-line instructions on filling out the ABACUS questionnaire and answer any questions that may be slowing you down so you can submit before the deadline on August 10.
Bring your final (year-end) P&L, Balance sheet or tax return along with your year-end z report to the session.

A full transcription and closed captioning are available for this session. Please note that both are machine-generated and are not reviewed for accuracy.

Marketing Meetup - Holiday Marketing Open Conversation

Marketing Meetup - Holiday Marketing Open Conversation (August 4, 2022)
Content related to the education session Marketing Meetup - Holiday Marketing Open Conversation, ABA Marketing Meetups.
Plain text icon Chat Copy3.8 KB
Plain text icon Transcript53.39 KB
  • Marketing & PR
  • Handselling

Get a jump start on your holiday marketing plans by joining us for this open conversation on what's worked in the past, ideas you want to try this year, and how you'll be preparing.

A full transcription and closed captioning are available for this session. Please note that both are machine-generated and are not reviewed for accuracy.

Marketing Meetup - Holiday Marketing Open Conversation (August 4, 2022)
Content related to the education session Marketing Meetup - Holiday Marketing Open Conversation, ABA Marketing Meetups.
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  • Marketing & PR
  • Handselling

Get a jump start on your holiday marketing plans by joining us for this open conversation on what's worked in the past, ideas you want to try this year, and how you'll be preparing.

A full transcription and closed captioning are available for this session. Please note that both are machine-generated and are not reviewed for accuracy.

Marketing Meetup - Audiobooks: Best practices for marketing and driving sales

Marketing Meetup - Audiobooks: Best practices for marketing and driving sales (July 21, 2022)
Content related to the education session Marketing Meetup - Audiobooks: Best practices for marketing and driving sales, ABA Marketing Meetups.
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  • Marketing & PR
  • Handselling

In this robust conversation with bookstores and audio publishers, attendees will get updates about audiobook sales and consumer behavior and tips for interesting customers in the format. Learn from bookstores about how audiobook sales have benefited their stores and what suggestions they have for making the most of offering the format. 

A full transcription and closed captioning are available for this session. Please note that both are machine-generated and are not reviewed for accuracy.

Marketing Meetup - Audiobooks: Best practices for marketing and driving sales (July 21, 2022)
Content related to the education session Marketing Meetup - Audiobooks: Best practices for marketing and driving sales, ABA Marketing Meetups.
PDF icon APA Consumer and Sales Data 2022711.43 KB
Plain text icon Chat Copy3.06 KB
Plain text icon Transcript70.54 KB
  • Marketing & PR
  • Handselling

In this robust conversation with bookstores and audio publishers, attendees will get updates about audiobook sales and consumer behavior and tips for interesting customers in the format. Learn from bookstores about how audiobook sales have benefited their stores and what suggestions they have for making the most of offering the format. 

A full transcription and closed captioning are available for this session. Please note that both are machine-generated and are not reviewed for accuracy.

New Member Series: Intro to ABA Benefits Q3

New Member Series: Intro to ABA Benefits Q3 (July 12, 2022)
Content related to the education session New Member Series: Intro to ABA Benefits Q3, New Member Series.
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  • Bookselling Essentials
  • 101

Our New Member Series: Intro to ABA Benefits includes a tutorial on navigating Bookweb.org to ensure a better understanding of where to find the information most vital for members. The presentation looks at education resources, networking and community, business affinity partnerships, indie marketing, advocacy, and much more. The second half of the session will offer booksellers an open forum during which they can ask questions and talk with ABA staff.

The opinions expressed are those of the individual participants, not of the ABA. Information discussed is reflective of the time of the recording. 

New Member Series: Intro to ABA Benefits Q3 (July 12, 2022)
Content related to the education session New Member Series: Intro to ABA Benefits Q3, New Member Series.
Plain text icon Chat Copy1.24 KB
Plain text icon Transcript34.54 KB
  • Bookselling Essentials
  • 101

Our New Member Series: Intro to ABA Benefits includes a tutorial on navigating Bookweb.org to ensure a better understanding of where to find the information most vital for members. The presentation looks at education resources, networking and community, business affinity partnerships, indie marketing, advocacy, and much more. The second half of the session will offer booksellers an open forum during which they can ask questions and talk with ABA staff.

The opinions expressed are those of the individual participants, not of the ABA. Information discussed is reflective of the time of the recording. 

ShopTalk - GTM Payroll & HR

ShopTalk - GTM Payroll & HR (July 5, 2022)
Content related to the education session ShopTalk - GTM Payroll & HR, ShopTalk.
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  • Bookselling Essentials
  • 101

This ShopTalk will feature a presentation from GTM Payroll & HR; a comprehensive solution for all of your HR needs. GTM HR (formerly PINNACLE HR), is a human resources services provider. ABA bookstore members will have access to a certified human resources professional who will provide assistance with development or updates to employee handbooks, wage benchmarking data, HR forms, training programs, and advice and opinions on various HR-related problems. ABA bookstore members will receive a discounted hourly rate for most HR services. There is no monthly rate and no startup fee. Some services are available on a fixed fee basis; the GTM HR consultant will provide time estimates and quotes upon request.

A full transcription and closed captioning are available for this session. Please note that both are machine-generated and are not reviewed for accuracy.

ShopTalk - GTM Payroll & HR (July 5, 2022)
Content related to the education session ShopTalk - GTM Payroll & HR, ShopTalk.
  • Bookselling Essentials
  • 101

This ShopTalk will feature a presentation from GTM Payroll & HR; a comprehensive solution for all of your HR needs. GTM HR (formerly PINNACLE HR), is a human resources services provider. ABA bookstore members will have access to a certified human resources professional who will provide assistance with development or updates to employee handbooks, wage benchmarking data, HR forms, training programs, and advice and opinions on various HR-related problems. ABA bookstore members will receive a discounted hourly rate for most HR services. There is no monthly rate and no startup fee. Some services are available on a fixed fee basis; the GTM HR consultant will provide time estimates and quotes upon request.

A full transcription and closed captioning are available for this session. Please note that both are machine-generated and are not reviewed for accuracy.

"Magical Portals Are Real, And I Can Prove It!" with Charlie Jane Anders

"Magical Portals Are Real, And I Can Prove It!" with Charlie Jane Anders (June 22, 2022)
Content related to the education session "Magical Portals Are Real, And I Can Prove It!" with Charlie Jane Anders, Children's Institute 2022.
  • Operations
  • Events

Closing keynote address by Charlie Jane Anders. 

Charlie Jane Anders, Tor Teen (New York, NY)

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Book Fair Models & Profitability

Book Fair Models & Profitability (June 22, 2022)
Content related to the education session Book Fair Models & Profitability, Children's Institute 2022.
  • Finance
  • Marketing & PR
  • Children's Bookselling

Book fairs come in all shapes and sizes. If well planned, they can be a profitable undertaking for a bookstore. In this session, booksellers with profitable book fair models will discuss different store models and how bookstores with established relationships with local school districts can analyze and optimize profitability.

Jessica Hahl, Country Bookshelf (Bozeman, MT); Stephanie Heinz, PRINT: a bookstore (Portland, ME); Mark Adam, San Marino Toy & Book Shoppe (San Marino, CA); Hannah Walcher, Books Inc. (San Leandro, CA)

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Book Fair Models & Profitability (June 22, 2022)
Content related to the education session Book Fair Models & Profitability, Children's Institute 2022.
  • Finance
  • Marketing & PR
  • Children's Bookselling

Book fairs come in all shapes and sizes. If well planned, they can be a profitable undertaking for a bookstore. In this session, booksellers with profitable book fair models will discuss different store models and how bookstores with established relationships with local school districts can analyze and optimize profitability.

Jessica Hahl, Country Bookshelf (Bozeman, MT); Stephanie Heinz, PRINT: a bookstore (Portland, ME); Mark Adam, San Marino Toy & Book Shoppe (San Marino, CA); Hannah Walcher, Books Inc. (San Leandro, CA)

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Making a Bookstore Media Ready

Making a Bookstore Media Ready (June 22, 2022)
Content related to the education session Making a Bookstore Media Ready, Children's Institute 2022.
  • Marketing & PR
  • 101

In this session, bookstores with experience with the media will share how to to make your store media ready, including creating an About Us section that will attract press, how to build a media kit, which components are key, and how to select the assets to share to highlight your bookstore’s individuality in the press.

Clancey D'Isa, Seminary Co-op Bookstores (Chicago, IL); Danny Caine, Raven Book Store (Lawrence, KS); Emmanuel Abreu, Word Up Community Bookshop/Librería Comunitaria (New York, NY); Danielle Moore, Semicolon Bookstore (Chicago, IL)

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Harness the Power of BookTok to Drive Sales

Harness the Power of BookTok to Drive Sales (June 22, 2022)
Content related to the education session Harness the Power of BookTok to Drive Sales, Children's Institute 2022.
  • Marketing & PR
  • 101

BookTok is here to stay. In this session, booksellers will learn how bookstores, authors, and publishers use BookTok to assess sales, trends, and engage with a virtual community of readers.

Candice Huber, Tubby & Coo's Mid-City Book Shop (New Orleans, LA); Alexa Butler, Beach Books (Seaside, OR); Samantha Fox, HarperCollins (New York, NY); Alisha Rai, HarperCollins (New York, NY); Victoria Aveyard, HarperCollins (New York, NY)

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About ABA

The American Booksellers Association, a national not-for-profit trade organization, works with booksellers and industry partners to ensure the success and profitability of independently owned book retailers, and to assist in expanding the community of the book.

Independent bookstores act as community anchors; they serve a unique role in promoting the open exchange of ideas, enriching the cultural life of communities, and creating economically vibrant neighborhoods.


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